Ch. 3 The Dark Mark and Lemon Drops

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Some severe editing in this chapter, mostly plot inconsistencies, thank you to those in the comments for pointing them out.

Hermione's POV

I groggily sat up and checked my watch. 6:30. Entirely too early, but I might as well get up. I yawned, grabbed my robes, and stepped into the bathroom. It was a pretty damn fine bathroom. It had a giant tub, a really nice shower, and then the toilet.

After making sure to lock the doors (I did not want Draco accidently walking in on me), I stepped into a blissfully hot shower. I relaxed for about half an hour before I forced myself to get out. Groaning, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my wand, casting a drying spell. I quickly changed into my robes and went out to the commons room. I grabbed a copy of Hogwarts; a History and began to read. Ah, nostalgia. The first book about magic I ever read.

After a few minutes, I closed it. I was getting nowhere. Truthfully, I was nervous about my classes. I knew I would do well in them, but I wanted to be better than that. I had Advanced Transfiguration first, then Advanced Potions, then a free period. After that I had lunch. Then came Advanced Charms, then Alchemy, and lastly, Advanced Herbology.

As I sat, lost in thought, I heard a strange sound. It was muffled, but definitely there. I snapped my book shut and listened harder. Was Malfoy crying? Sniffling, at least. Or maybe having a nightmare. Either way, an awkward situation.

 I had to help. I walked up to his door and knocked softly. “Draco?” I asked. “Can I come in?” There was no answer, so I took that for a yes. Which was probably an invasion of privacy, but oh well.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw Malfoy, his head in his hands. He looked pathetic.

Oh Merlin, I thought. What do I do?

“Draco, are you alright?”

"I'm fine, he sniffed, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Really."

I sat down next to him and awkwardly patted him on the back. "I'm, well, available, if you want to talk."

Draco’s POV

I felt terrible. Then Hermione walked in. At this point, I didn’t care much. 

She patted me awkwardly on the back. "I'm, well, available, if you want to talk." she said in a soft voice. I looked at her. She didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Plus, the fact that a girl, Hermione Granger, no less, caught me crying was just a tad embarrassing.

“It's... It's kind of complicated. And long. You really don't want to get into it."

"I have time." she said. "Unless, I mean, you don't want to talk about it. In which case, I can leave."

"No, it's fine. It's just... when I was little, my father, he wouldn’t let me do certain things. I wasn’t allowed to play outside like a normal kid, I had to stay inside and learn how to play the piano. I had to learn the Malfoy family history, I had to learn to be prejudiced. If I did something wrong, he was... Less than forgiving."

She patted my back again.

"He wasn't a nice man.You know, he started using the cruciartus curse on me when I was 14. My mother couldn’t do anything, because she knew he would just as likely turn on her. And then he forced me to become a Deatheater. Except, it wasn't even forcing. I joined of my own free will."

"I won't argue that what you did was wrong." she said. "But I don't think brain washing counts as free will."

"Whatever you believe, he wasn't a forgiving man. But then he went to Azkaban. It was better, but people still hated me, for obvious reasons, and I deserved it.” I said, handing her the letter clenched in my hand. 

She unfolded it. The letter read, “I have escaped. Be warned. –Lucius” She looked at me with unease in her eyes.

“That’s not even the worst part.” I said. I pulled back the sleeve of my t-shirt.

“Merlin.” Hermione breathed.

Hermione’s POV

Draco definitely had a reason to cry. Or sniffle. Whatever. His maniac father who wanted to kill him, or at the very least cause him a lot of pain, had escaped from Azkaban. “What are you going to do?"

He sighed. “I don’t know. Probably go to McGonagall.”

“Well, we don’t want to miss breakfast, so hurry up!” I said with fake cheerfulness. He gave me a watery smile and walked into the bathroom.

As soon as he left, I groaned. Why was life so complicated? I went back to my room to gather my things.  By the time I managed to get everything together, Draco was out of the shower. He stepped out of his room in his Slytherin robes, and I was painfully aware that his cheekbones were entirely too nice.

“Erm, thank you. For before.”

“No problem. I mean, you've been civil so far. After the war... Well, a lot of people deserve second chances.” We walked out of the portrait hole and down to McGonagall’s office. 

“Lemon Drops.” I said, enunciating carefully. The gargoyle glared at me, then hopped to one side.

“How did you know?” Draco asked.

"I'm totally McGonagall's favourite.” I replied. "I know these things."

I knocked on the wooden door leading to McGonagall’s office. “Come in!” she called. I opened the door and walked in, Draco standing a few feet behind me. “Hello, Ms. Granger. I trust you’re not having problems with Mr. Malfoy?”

“Oh no, Professor. You see, well, Draco’s father recently escaped from Azkaban, and sent him this letter.” I said, handing her the letter.

“We didn’t know what to do, so we came to you.” Draco added as McGonagall’s eyes traveled over the paper.

“This is terrible news!” She muttered to herself.

“That’s not the worst of it.” Draco assured.

“I highly doubt there is anything worse than this." she argued.

“My father is calling a meeting, probably to avenge Voldemort’s death. Or start a new order to take over.” he said, pulling up his sleeve, revealing a snake and a skull. The snake was moving.

“Come back at the end of today, and I’ll figure something out.” McGonagall said, lost in thought.

“Thank you, Headmistress.” I said.

She smiled at me. “Now run along to breakfast!” Today was going to be a long day. Apparently Draco thought so too. He already looked like he hadn't slept in a week, but knowing that his maniac father was going to kill him probably didn't help. Oh, my life.

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