Ch. 25 The Last Days of Christmas Break

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Ch. 25

Draco’s POV

I awoke-or came to, depending on how you look at it-to the sensation of someone running their fingers to my magically grown hair. I groaned and sat up.

“What happened?” I asked, rubbing at my bleary eyes.

Hermione smiled. “Well, after you took out the Deatheaters and finished glowing, you collapsed. Then I arrived back home, notified the Ministry, called Harry in with some Aurors, and moved you to bed.” She paused for a moment. “From what I heard, you were quite impressive, glowing and all. Love the hair, by the way. It’s a good solid seven out of ten now.”

“And a ten out of ten would be?”

“David Tennant.” she said, as if it were obvious. “His hair is gorgeous.”

I pulled a blank on the name. “Who?”

“The Doctor. You know, from that TV show? Doctor Who?”

I yawned and stood up, stretching. “I’m not a big TV person.”

She shrugged. “Your loss. The show is bloody fantastic.”

“So.” I said, changing the subject. “How long was I out?”

“Four days…” she stopped to check her watch. “And two hours.”

“Well, I haven’t missed Blaise’s party, then. It’s tomorrow, right?”

“Only you would think of going to a New Year’s Eve party after what happened. Apparently it’s a miracle you didn’t go insane from the whole soul splitting thing. The people at St. Mungo’s-”

“You let them take me to St. Mungo’s? You know I hate hospitals!”

“Relax, Draco. You weren’t awake, and they had to make sure you weren’t going to die or anything.”

I huffed, then brightened as I thought of the amount of food I could probably eat right now. “I’m starving.” I said hopefully.

Hermione ignored me. “Your hair is all curly! It’s adorable. I was wrong-it’s at least an eight and a half.”

“Ravenous. Famished. Hungry to the point of dying.”

“Fine. Come on, then. Narcissa was just making lunch.”

“Narcissa?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. When she heard about the… Incident, she came over. Helps a lot with the cooking. She get’s on great with my parents. Last I heard they were talking about baby names.”

“Oh God.” I buried my head in my hands.

“I know.” she consoled me. “But it’s not so bad. Now how about you go get some food?”

“Okay.” I perked up at the idea. “Sounds good.”

She chuckled and pushed me out the door.

“Draco, darling. You’re awake!” Narcissa said, jumping up and hugging me. “And look at your hair! It’s curly! I love it!”

“Thanks.” I said. “Hermione mentioned something about food?”

“Of course, you must be positively starving. I made sandwiches. They’re on the table.”

“Thanks.” I walked over and started eating. Well, cramming food down my throat. God, I was STARVING.

“So I’ve heard you’re quite the hero.” she continued proudly. “Just like your father. Alkannon, I mean.”

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