Ch. 11 Another Trial

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Hermione’s POV

“I'm glad you're alright.” he whispered. I snuggled closer to him. He yawned.

“A bit tired, are we?” I laughed.

“I didn’t get much sleep last night.” he replied.

I nodded. “Well, I heard there aren’t any classes. They have to check if all the dungeons are safe. Apparently, you almost blew up the castle.” I told him.

“I thought you were dead.” he said. “I had every right to blow up that bathroom.”

I laughed. “Yes, you did.” I checked my watch. We had been sitting here for a while. It was already eleven. “What time is the trial?”

“It’s at two.”

I sighed. “I hoped she was dead and there wouldn’t have to be a trial. But then you’d be in Azkaban. Or, at least in a lot of trouble.” 

He nodded.

“So.” I said. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” he replied.

“Watch a movie?” I asked. He nodded and put on a movie. Once again, I wasn’t paying attention to the movie. I was to busy snuggling (and snogging) with Draco. He was perfection in itself. His hair was the perfect shade of blonde, and his eyes were the most beautiful shade of piercing gray blue. And his face… Just incredible. I leaned up to kiss him on the lips, my fingers tracing delicate patterns over his chest. “I love you.” I breathed. “I love you too.” He whispered back, before kissing me passionately.

My life was perfect. Halfway through the movie, I fell asleep. I was warm and comfortable in Draco’s arms, and I was REALLY tired. 

I woke to the sensation of velvet soft lips pressing against my own. “Hermione, wake up.” Draco whispered.

“Alright, I’m up.” I mumbled sleepily.

“No you’re not.” He told me. I just yawned. I rubbed  my bleary eyes and managed to stand up.

“What time is it?” I asked sleepily.

“One fifteen.” He replied.

“Already?! I need to go take my shower still!” I panicked. I ran to the bathroom.

Draco’s POV

I shook my head. Forty five minutes was plenty of time. I shrugged and went to my room to look for a shirt. I chose a simple button down and black pants, quite casual (for me, anyway) actually. I yelled through the door to Hermione, “Oy! Mione! Do you think I need to wear a tie?”

“It depends on what look your going for!” She yelled back. “On second thought, don’t! You’ll look to formal, and then I’ll have to wear something formal to match!”

“Alright!” I smiled. I ditched the tie and looked for some shoes. After a couple minutes of digging through my closet, I found a pair that would probably fit. I ran my fingers through my hair and turned towards the bathroom door. “It’s one forty five!” I yelled to Mione. I heard the shower turn off.

“Thanks.” She came out of the bathroom (in a towel, duh) and leaned up for a quick kiss. I was happy to oblige. “Go change.” I ordered. “We should be there early.” She sighed and went to her room to find some clothes. I grabbed my wand and went out to wait for her in the common room. I sat on the couch to wait for her.

After several minutes of foot tapping and other annoying noises to pass the time, Hermione arrived out of her room and I stood up. I checked my watch. It was five till. I grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way down the stairs and out the door, before apparating to the Ministry. I walked briskly inside, still clutching Hermione’s hand. I went up to the desk.

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