Ch. 9 You deserved it, Mudblood

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 Sorry for the dramatics. Finally get to the I Love You's, too.

Hermione’s POV

After an hour of blissful peace, Draco grudgingly sat up and told me that we should probably head back. “Thank you for taking me here. It’s really beautiful.” I told him.

“Your welcome.” he replied. We walked hand in hand back to the castle. I let go of his hand as we approached the Great Hall, as always. He sighed and looked sad. We walked in and headed our different ways. As usual, I sat next to Seamus and Ginny.

“Hermione! Pass the ketchup!” Seamus yelled in my ear. I sighed and handed him the ketchup.

Ginny looked appalled.“Beef stew with KETCHUP?!” She asked. “You know what, I’m not gonna ask. Not gonna…” I could see her willpower caving. “Seamus! How does it taste?” Ginny exploded.

Seamus, for once, looked deep in thought. “A bit like peanut butter, mixed with a bit of mango.” he said finally.

Ginny and I gagged. “I knew I was going to regret that one.” Ginny sighed, with a sick expression on her face.

“Well, I lost my appetite, so I’ll just be going.” I said to Ginny.

“Bye Hermione.” she managed. Seamus waved, as his mouth was too full to actually say anything. I trudged out of the Great Hall and began my climb up to The Room of Requirement. Suddenly, I felt a large hand clamp over my mouth.

“Don’t even think about screaming.” said a female voice. After a minute of struggling and trying to scream, I went limp. There was nothing I could do. “Good.” I heard the voice say. She threw me over her shoulder and walked in the direction of the bathrooms. By this time I was freaking out. I couldn’t scream, and whoever this was, was stronger than me. My wand was in my boot, but she had tied my hands. I was royally screwed. Eventually, we came to the bathrooms. She threw me on the tile floor and charmed the door to stay locked. While she was doing this, I managed to turn around enough to see the back of her head. My eyes widened. Pansy Parkinson. She turned around. “Hello, Mudblood.” She said, with an evil smile on her face.

Pansy’s POV

“Hello, Mudblood.” I said. Tonight, she was going to get what she deserved. Pain - and lots of it. Her eyes filled with tears.

“W-why?” She asked.

“Why do you think?” I shot back. “I know.” I patted her on the head. “I know about you and Draco.” I smiled. I took out my wand and made sure that the walls were soundproof. Then I turned towards her. I grinned and pointed my wand at her. “Crucio.” Her agonized screeches filled the air. I had always had an easy time with the unforgivables. In my opinion, if no one knew, no one cared. Besides, who could find out? And Draco was MINE. I ended the spell with a flick of my wrist. “How’s the pain?” I asked. She whimpered pitifully. “Crucio.” I said again. This was going to be a very, very fun night.

Draco’s POV

After Pansy left, dinner had become much more enjoyable. The food was, as always, amazing, and Blaise was chattering away in my ear. Soon enough, though, I told everyone I had homework and left. I was looking forward to seeing her. But once I got up to the Room of Requirement, I couldn’t find Hermione. Where was she? While I was thinking, I heard something. At least, I thought I heard something. I couldn’t have been sure. I listened carefully. A faint sound, like someone was screaming really far away. Of course, my mind jumped to the worst conclusions.

Hermione was probably with one of her friends. Still, I had to be sure. I left the room and went down a few staircases. Someone was definitely screaming. Who, though? And why? The sound stayed at the same level, not getting louder or softer. The bathrooms? Who would be screaming in the bathrooms? “Alohamora” I whispered, and the lock clicked open. I staggered back with the sheer amount of noise in the room. Whoever was in here must have put a silencing charm on the walls. The ceiling or the floor must not have been charmed, allowing the noise through. I covered my ears and peered in.

What I saw then never left me, and I don’t think it ever will. Hermione - My Hermione - was lying on the floor, writhing in pain. And standing over her was none other than Pansy Parkinson. If I thought I was angry at Ron, than I must have been mistaken, because it was NOTHING compared to this. The anger inside me suddenly burst forth, exploding everything within the room. Except for me and Hermione. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Everything flying apart in pieces, rock crumbling into sand. But what I was focusing on was Pansy. I wanted to kill her, but I knew that she would feel more pain in Azkaban. After I hurt her. As she hit the wall, she saw me and her eyes widened. She opened her mouth, but before she could speak I slammed her into another wall. I rushed over to Hermione’s limp form. Tears streaked her beautiful face.

“Mione.” I said gently. “Mione, wake up!” She didn’t move.. I swore. She was seriously hurt, or worse. I wasn’t sure how long Pansy was here torturing her, but she was going to pay. Tears welled up in my eyes, but they didn’t fall. Suddenly, I couldn’t take it. The magic inside me once again burst forth, but this time on a MUCH larger scale. Rubble flew everywhere, chunks of tile flew and hit the walls that were still standing. It was as if there was a tornado surrounding me. No. I thought. I don’t have time for this. I need to get Hermione to safety, to Madam Pomfrey. I picked up her small form carefully, and stepped out into the ruined hallway. As I was running down the hall, the tornado stopped. I left Pansy where she was. Hopefully, she was in pain. 

I ran as fast as I could to the hospital wing, but I saw no one on the way. The earthquake/tornado/explosion probably sent them running. A few minutes, but what seemed like hours, later, I was at the Hospital Wing. I pushed open the door and came face to face with Madam Pomfrey.

“Oh, sorry dear. Wait, who is that?” I gasped for breath.

“Hermione.” I managed.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. She took Mione from my arms and placed her on the bed, and began muttering charms and enchantments. I put my head in my hands, breathing deeply. Just then, McGonagall came in.

“Madam Pomfrey, there were no injuries but-oh dear.” She said, noticing me.

“Draco, what happened?”

I felt like I did when I had cursed Weasel - detached. “I-“ My voice was thick. “I heard screams. I went to see what was happening. Pansy had tied her up. She was using the cruciartus curse on her.” I explained. “When I saw Hermione, I… Got angry. I accidently blew up the bathroom-and maybe Pansy. I don’t know. Then I took Hermione here.” I finished. McGonagall looked stunned.

“I advise you to stay here with Ms. Granger, while I go look for Ms. Parkinson. Just to let you know, your little explosion almost blew up the entire castle’s foundations. Please, do try to be more careful.” And with that, she was off. I went to go sit down next to Mione’s bed. I held her hand as she blinked drowsily.

“Draco?” She asked.

“Right here, love.” I answered. Just then Madam Pomfrey came bustling back with her potion.

“Ah, good! You’re awake. Just drink this up, stay here tonight, and you’ll be back on your feet by morning.” Hermione gulped down the potion, making a face.

“Ugh. That tastes nasty.” After explaining what happened, I told her to go to sleep.

“You need your strength.” I said. She sighed in defeat and closed her eyes. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

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