Ch. 6 The Visit

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Hermione’s POV

After Charms, I had promised to meet Ginny outside of the Room of Requirement (we both had free periods) and tell her my secret. I quickly walked up the stairs, so I wouldn’t keep Ginny waiting. Once I got there, I doubled over, panting. Geez, I was out of shape. After a couple minutes, Ginny came up the stairs.

“What’s the secret?” She asked.

“Hold on a minute!” I laughed.

She pouted.  She gasped when she saw Snape show up. “Whoa! It’s Snape!”

“That's Professor to you, Weasly.” Snape said malevolently.

“Fawkes!” I said. He sighed and let us in.

“Bloody hell, this is nice.” She gasped.

“Come into my room, then I’ll tell you.” I said, pulling her along. She allowed me to tug her into the room before collapsing onto my gorgeously awesome bed. “Alright. I don't exactly know how to say this…” She kept quiet. I took a big breath. “LastnightIkissedDracoMalfoy!” I burst out.

“What?” She said, confused.

“I-” Just then a big tawny owl flew up to my window and began hooting loudly. I sighed and went to get the letter. “Damn… It’s from Ron”

“Why’s that a bad thing?” Asked Ginny.

“It’s not, unless there’s something bad in it. Knowing Ron, it’s not going to be long, so can I read it?”

“You’re stalling.” She accused.

“Yes, yes I am.” I opened the letter carefully.

Dear Hermione,

I miss you too. Auror training is… interestingly painful, I guess. It can be fun, too, though. I don’t exactly understand what you were saying, but as long as you’re not friends with people I know would hurt you… Then I guess its okay. Just be safe, alright? I hope you’re getting good grades!

Love Ron

I sighed in relief. That wasn’t so bad. I turned back to Ginny. “What I am about to tell you is STRICTLY confidential. That means no telling ANYONE AT ALL.” I said. "Especially Ron." Ginny nodded. Here goes. “Last night I kissed Draco Malfoy.”


I covered my ears. “That’s the one.”

“Merlin, I thought he was like, such a player though! Tell me everything!”

So I launched into my tale. “Okay, long story short, Draco’s father beat him when he was little, he was forced to become a Death eater. And he's really attractive, if you haven't noticed. Last night he kissed me, and I realized that he was really attractive. And that I liked him. A lot. And now... Well, I'm not really sure about now.” I finished.

Ginny tackled me. “I’m so... I don't know what, I'm something, for you!” she yelled. "At least, I think I am!"

I laughed. “I’m something for me, too.”

Just then, I heard Draco call, “Hermione?”

“In here, Draco!” I yelled back.

“Oh my god?” Ginny squealed, as Draco came in.

“Whoa - why’s she here?” Asked Draco, sounding confused.

“Because I needed someone female to talk to.” I replied.

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