Ch. 12 Gossip Circle

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Hermione’s POV

Everything bad always seems to happen to me. First with Ronald, and now with Pansy. I sighed and opened my eyes. Draco was leaning against my shoulder, his face peaceful, and, as always, beautiful. I glanced at my watch, and it was seven thirty. I groaned. I hated Tuesdays. I carefully moved Draco’s head back onto the pillow and got up to take a much needed shower. The hot water was exactly what I needed. A faint knock came at the door. “Hermione?” asked Draco drowsily.

“What?” I yelled.

“I need to use the bathroom!” he whined.

I sighed. “I’ll be out in a minute!” He didn’t respond. I hopped out of the blissfully calming spray and wrapped an emerald green towel around my body. I stepped out of the bathroom and said “It’s all yours.”

He yawned. “You look good in green.”

“You look good shirtless.” I replied, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips.

“Are you kidding?! I look good all the time!” He said, feigning hurt.

“You narcissist.” I told him. He stuck out his tongue at me before running into the bathroom. I shook my head, chuckling softly. The rest of the day passed uneventfully, save Potions. I sat next to Draco, as it was now common knowledge that we were “a thing”. Professor Slughorn seemed quite distracted by that, and we ended up having a giant gossip circle. Everyone had to say something that they thought was “gossip” and unknown. Because we were sitting in the circle, no one had said anything about Draco or me yet.

“I heard that Theodore Knott is writing fake love notes to Goyle, from some sixth year.” One Slytherin girl said.

"I heard that Theodore Knott was writing real love notes to Blase Zabini." 

Blaise shrugged. "We'll never know the truth."

The circle came around, slowly but surely. I was before Draco. Suddenly, the circle became deathly quiet. I decided to let Draco have the fun on this one.

“I heard that Pansy Parkinson is in Azkaban.” I said. There were a few mutterings at this, but the circle fell quiet for Draco’s announcement too.

“I heard that…” He paused, as if thinking. Then his face cleared. “Ah yes. I heard that I’m dating Hermione Granger!” he said, holding up our interwoven fingers for all to see. Everyone gasped and began to talk.

”Well,” I said. “If they didn’t know we were dating before, they do now.” He chuckled and kissed me on the lips quickly.

Someone yelled. “Oooh! They’re kissing!” And everyone turned to look.

“Geez, guys!” Said Blaise in his girly voice. “Get a room!”

“Oh!” Said Draco. “That reminds me. Shacklebolt told me to tell you to shut your mouth while the court is in session. Apparently, you were quite distracting.” He dug a not out of his pocket and threw it at him. Blaise made a face and looked at it. He quickly shoved the note in his pocket, refusing to tell anyone what was on it. Draco went back to kissing me. “Before anything more happened, Slughorn quickly yelled “CLASS DISMISSED!” and ran in the other direction. Apparently, he didn’t like seeing children kiss in his classroom. Draco jumped up energetically and pulled me up. We still had twenty more minutes before our next class started.

“It’s nice to be able to hold hands in public.” I said, leaning on his shoulder.

“It’s nice to be able to kiss you in public.” He replied. I hit him on the shoulder.

“No make out sessions in public.” I told him. He pouted. Then his face lit up and he pulled me behind a tapestry.

“I think this is private.” he whispered in my ear, before kissing me. I chuckled and kissed him back, passion pouring between our tongues and lips. “I love you.” he whispered huskily in my ear.

“I love you too.” I told him.

I'm going to disney and universal over the next two days, so i wont be updating :( WHO'S WAND SHOULD I GET AT HARRY POTTER WORLD? I love you all! I would love you more if you voted, commented, liked, etc! 

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