Hunting 2

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The sun was harshly beating down on us, and being dressed in pants and a long sleeve shirt, made me sweat even more. I was quite thirsty and I noticed Lexa seemed to be in the same state as me, even though she hid her discomfort more than i did.

"It's getting hot Lexa. How are you not melting in that big coat?" I whispered.

"I am quite used to this heat Clarke. It is summer after all." She smirked. I dramatically laid down on the ground, all sprawled out. Of course she wasn't bothered by the heat.

"When we get back to Tondc, I will see if there is someone there to make you some thinner clothes that aren't made of such a thick material so you will be more comfortable. And if that's not possible, I'll have them sent from Polis to your camp when I return." Lexa said. I smiled at the thought of her making sure that I have things that make me feel more comfortable. It almost feels like she cares, which is a surprise coming from the seemingly emotionless commander.

"You're returning to Polis?" I asked.

"Of course Clarke. I can't stay in Tondc forever." Lexa said. I frowned at the thought of not being in the same place as her. I didn't want her to leave and I certainly didn't want to go back to camp Jaha so soon. But I think Lexa sensed my apprehension about a departure.

"You have to go back to your people Clarke. They need you and your friends need you." Lexa sighed. It didn't feel like she was saying it to me and it seemed like she was telling herself that. Before I could say anything, there was some rustling across the clearing. I sat up quickly and peered through the bushes, as did Lexa. A small brown rabbit hopped out towards the trap, stopping to sniff the air every few seconds. I readied my bow and notched the arrow as I remembered the way Lexa did earlier. The rabbit got closer to the trap and started eating the food. Lexa moved closer to me and rested her hands over mine where I was holding the bow and arrow. My breath caught in my throat at this closeness to Lexa as I felt her breath on my skin. I re-focused on the task and we brought the bow up to our eye level. Lexa used her hands to gesture where I should look and she helped me to get into the best position. I pulled back my arm when I felt ready and I took a deep breath. Suddenly, I felt Lexa's hand on my back, helping to steady me.

"It's okay Clarke. Just relax." Lexa whispered into my ear. I felt her lips barely touch my ear and I felt my face turn bright red. She was making it very difficult to focus but I kept my hands steady and released the arrow in the direction of the rabbit. It pierced right through its stomach and I watched the rabbit wither on the ground before it went limp. I jumped up excitedly and whooped. Lexa started laughing as I did a weird victory dance in celebration. I stopped and held my hand up for a high-five but Lexa just looked at my hand with a puzzled look on her face.

"What are you doing Clarke?" She asked.

"It's called a high-five Lexa. We are supposed to slap hands like this." I demonstrated to her with both my hands and she continued to look at me like I was an alien or something. I laughed because she looked so cute when she didn't understand our weird ways.

"Come on Lexa, just try it. This is how we celebrate sometimes." I held my hand up again and she slowly brought her hand up and we connected. She still had this confused smile on her face but this was the happiest I had ever seen her. I wanted to keep making her smile like this.

"Skaikru are very weird." She muttered loud enough for me to hear, with a smirk on her face. I shook my head and we both walked over to the rabbit. She tore the arrow out of the rabbit and pulled out a large sack from her bag. I helped Lexa place the rabbit in the bag and she tied it up. It was weird but I felt good. I felt proud of myself.

"You did good Clarke, especially for your first time. Many children could not have done that with such a small and difficult target." Lexa said as we started walking back to camp. I smiled.

"Well good to know that I could beat a child at a rabbit killing competition." I joked. Lexa chuckled as she adjusted the sack on her shoulders. I was quite content with this. Lexa and I seemed to be in good terms and everything just seemed to be going perfectly. Some days, I knew it wasn't going to always be like this but I'm glad today was. I needed a break from everything. After a few minutes of walking, I noticed by some landmarks that we were nearing Tondc. It was going to be dark out soon as I noticed the sun wasn't at the peak of its day. As I stared up at the sky, not paying attention to my surroundings, I suddenly ran into something, or someone.

"Why did we stop lex?" I asked. She had a frantic look on her face and looked around wildly.

"Shhh." She said. I didn't dare to say another word and I sense that she was terrified about something. I looked around and tried to figure out what she was looking for when I saw it. I instantly started to move closer to Lexa who quickly turned around.

"Lexa..." I trailed off, as she noticed what I was looking at. I felt myself bump into Lexa's front, my heart racing a million miles per minute. We stood there frozen, both of us unsure of what to do. Lexa's free arm wrapped around my waist and she held me close to her.

"Run, Clarke." She whispered.


Ooooo cliffhanger! This may be the last update for a while but so I am sorry to leave you guys like this but I'm quite a busy person. I'll update as soon as I can :)

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