Its almost over

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I reached level five quickly without no more interruptions thankfully. I saw my friends at the end of the hallway, some were huddled in a corner while others were standing tall, looking prepared for this war. They all turned their heads in my direction as I ran toward them. All at once, everyone gave me a big hug and I never felt more relieved.

"Took you long enough Princess." Bellamy chuckled. I slightly frowned, still hating that dumb name. But, I shook it off and smiled.

"Everything is going to be okay, once we get the all clear to come back down then we are out of here. We all will go home, I promise!" I spoke with determination. Though, in the back of my mind, I wondered where home was. I hadn't felt home in a long time and I just didn't know where to go after this war. I turned my attention to my friends and we quietly talked amongst one another. Jasper was telling me all about Maya and how sweet she was when I heard the familiar clinking of the commander. I looked behind me and saw her coming this way. Blood splattered her clothes and face and she had changed back into her full commander outfit. My friends probably thought she looked scary in the dim hallway but to me, she just looked powerful. I stood up and we faced each other. Lexa was serious and her mask was up but I saw the relieve in her eyes.

"The mountain men are dead. Although, their leader still stands with some locked in a room." Lexa announced. She was angry about that, I could tell but she didn't let anyone else know what she was feeling.

"Clarke, we may need you to help us kill the last of them. You do not have to be the one but we may need you as a diversion, to keep their attention somewhere else." Lexa said directly to me although everyone could hear her. This surprised me a bit but as I made eye contact with Lexa, I started to understand the idea. She was going to kill the leader while I was used as a distraction and it had to be me because I was who they wanted the most. No one else was going to keep them distracted except me. I nodded my head, letting Lexa know I understood fully.

"No, Clarke will not be used for some sort of distraction. You don't need to be putting her in danger." Bellamy stated, giving Lexa a stare down. She turned her attention towards him and glared. He rested his hand on my shoulder and stood tall. I shrugged him off though.

"Clarke will not be in any danger because she will be with me. They will be dead before they even get the chance to attack." Lexa stated coldly.

"I don't trust you. You don't care about us." Bellamy sneered. Lexa glare harder at him and stepped closer to him. He tried to look tuff but he was frightened.

"You don't have to trust me. The only persons trust I need is Clarke's. You don't matter in this situation." Lexa snapped back. I stifled a giggle though it wasn't that funny. After composing myself, I realized everyone was staring at me.

"Clarke?" Lexa asks, her one eyebrow was raised and she looked at me in a questioning matter. She looked cute.

"Yes commander?" I said, confused at what we were talking about.

"You trust me right?" Lexa asks. Of course, I do. That's seriously a dumb question. Though I didn't want to admit it, I knew deep down she would always protect me no matter what. Truthfully, that scared me because I had this nagging feeling that she might not always be there to protect me. No one has.

"Always." I said quickly, flashing her a quick smile. She slightly nodded at me and I knew that was her version of a smile back. She backed away from Bellamy and came to me, while taking out her sword that was attached to her hip.

"The plan is for you to walk into the room with my two guards. I will be behind the guards and sneak against the wall and make my way behind the men. All you have to do is keep their attention long enough and don't be too quiet. I will sneak up behind them and murder them so you won't have to. If they attack before that, use my sword to defend yourself okay Clarke?" Lexa explained briefly. She handed me the sword and I held it carefully. It was large but light. I looked up at Lexa, noticing that she was smiling at me proudly.

"Thank you Heda." I said. I smiled back. It felt nice to know that she was proud of me but I wanted her to know that I was proud of her. She has been through a lot and now she has to kill more. I'd rather have a warrior do it, but none of them are stealthy as Lexa. Our private moment ended when one of Lexa's guards told her it was time. We all walked as a group back down to the third floor. I walked behind Lexa, who turned her head to check on us from time to time, but every time she did, she looked at me for the longest time. She was nervous, I could tell by how tense she was. I wanted to help her calm down but I couldn't. It would be too out of a line for us, professionally.

"What was that all about?" Bellamy whispered to me.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered back.

"That thing with you and the commander, when she gave you her sword." Bellamy said. I gripped the sword that was in my left hand tightly at the mention of it. I could feel the wear down of the handle and thought about getting Lexa a new sword, or at least a new handle.

"It was nothing." I said sternly. Bellamy shut up after that. We walked the rest of the way in silence and once we reached the door, I noticed this was where Lexa had saved me once again from the big mountain man. He must've been protecting what was inside.

"Clarke, your people need to go down to the ground level and out of here. They do not need to be here for this." Lexa told me quietly. Her mouth was close to my ear and I shivered as she spoke. I nodded my head quickly and stepped away, feeling my cheeks flush a little. I turned to my people.

"Listen everyone, you need to get out of here. Go to the ground level and go out the door. There will be people there to help, Lexa's people. You have nothing to fear from them. We will be out soon." I stated. I handed Bellamy my map and they all left. I turned back to Lexa, who was waiting with anticipation. She wanted to be done with this as much as I did. But, something in her eyes told me something else, the way she looked at me. I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Our fight isn't over." I whispered, knowing that she heard every word.

Don't forget to vote and comment, it means a lot! Let me know if there is anything I should improve on, I'm always looking for advice. Thank you all so much.

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