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Y/ns pov

It all happend in an instant as I was pretty quick but I was able to block Hisoka from laying a hand on Gon. "Woah where'd you come from! You're so fast!" Gon exclaims while Hisokas expression goes from confused to amused "Hm what do we have here?~" Hisoka asks still shocked yet amused "leave him alone hes just a kid" I bluntly say as I rip my arm from him grip then getting in between the two, right before he answers a weird beeping emits from his pocket "Hisoka hurry back we're almost at the third phase" I distorted voice says through the walkie talkie "Yes, yes I'll be there soon." Hisoka sighs as he puts it back in his pocket, "And it was just getting good" Hisoka mutters as he picks up Leorios body "You can get back on your own right?~" he asks turning towards Gon and I before leaving "Yes." I respond "Good girl~" he finally says before walking into the fog with Leorio over his shoulder still unconscious, once I don't sense him anymore I too walk away. "Wait!" Gon yells as he pulls my arm back, I turn to face him "What" I sigh, I don't want to be rude but this kid is only going to drag me down, I came here for one thing and one thing only and that's to get my hunters license with as little casualties as possible. "What's your name?" He asks "Y/n." I simply say "I'm Gon! Thank you so much!" He chimes "It's no problem" I reply eager to leave "Here come with me I know the way" Gon chimes as he drags me along, I know the way aswell but I guess we could go together incase Hisoka comes back which I doubt he will.

After a little while Gon and I get back just in time, we arrive at this large concrete doors where everyone as well as Mr Satotz is waiting by, "Gon!" Killua calls out to Gon who's still holding onto me "Who's this?" Killua asks looking me up and down "This is Y/n! She saved me!" Gon chimes "Oh um it was nothing" I nervously laugh "Oh look theres Kurapika, Kurapika!!" Gon yells as Kurapika then runs over, I honestly felt so uncomfortable in social situations like this. "Oh hello, who's this Gon, Killua?" Kurapika asks  the two "That's Y/n, apparently she saved Gon from that creep over there" Killua replies as he points to Hisoka "Oh wow, we're grateful to you Y/n." Kurapika says with a smile "It was no trouble, just stay away from him, hes dangerous, speaking of which it seems your friend is awake" I respond hoping they'd let me go "Great! We can introduce you to Leorio to!" Gon chimes as he pulls me over to Leorio who's sitting up against a tree still a bit frazzled "Leorio! This is Y/n she saved us from that Hisoka guy!" Gon says as Leorio looks up at me and immediately goes red "W-wow she sure is cute" he says with a sparkle in his eyes "Oh um i-.. thank y-you" I reply visible flustered, I've never been told this as I've barely had social interaction like this back home in the country side where the population of my village was 50 and they were either young children or adults. "Its no problem.. What happend to your hand?" He asks standing up and taking my slightly swollen and bruised hand from when Hisoka caught my punch during the first phase. "Oh it's nothing really.." I respond taking my hand back still very flustered and blushing from his previous comment, "Here let me help you" he says opening his brief case and taking out some bandages, he then wraps my hand "there should be better soon, once you seek proper medical care." Leorio says with a smile "Alright thank you" I reply with a half smile "You're going to stay with us right Y/n?!" Gon asks, these people could bring me down but I honestly worry for the safety of some of them so maybe I should stay and they have a doctor so I guess I could and if things become inconvenient I can always leave. "Oh um sure" I reply scratching the back of my head "Great! And it looks like the third phase is about to start!" Gon exclaims while pointing at the door, his excitement level is too high for me its almost exhausting, I honestly don't think I can do this.. I'd much prefer being alone but I've already said yes.  From the corner of my eye I could see Hisoka and that weird pin guy speaking privately while both glancing at me from time to time, it may have been smarter teaming up with then as I wouldn't have to worry about really anything, they can handle themselves and they seem useful but not very trustworthy, that's okay though because I don't trust anyone here not even Gon and his friends, "trusting people in the hunter exam is a good way to get betrayed" is what my grandfather would say and hes been my role model since I can remember, I'll trust him and his judgement almost over my own.

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