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I just wanted to start off by saying I'm very sorry for the delay, I've been very busy of late as I've just started working and schools starting soon, thank to everyone who's read this far and had such patience, I'm grateful.

Y/ns pov
After leaving the auction house, mind full of thoughts, I decide to call a cab home. Not really in the mood to walk that far with these wretched heels, I get in the back seat and say my destination, the whole ride of silent while I thought of gramps, my stomach ached with worry as the driver pulled up to the front of heavens arena, I pay the driver before exiting the car and getting to the room as fast as I can to get these heels off and to tell Hisoka what's on my mind,
I finally get to the room, I try the door handle but the it abruptly stopped from the lock, why didn't I think to unlock it, this whole thing has my head in the clouds, I stand out side of the rummaging through my small hand bag for the purse but to no avail. I forgot the key inside..
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*  the door opens shortly after revealing Hisoka looking down at me in a tank top and some grey sweatpants, he seemed concerned. We look into each other's eyes and right when he was about to say something I rested my forehead against his chest, "are you okay-" he tried to ask "No.." I interrupt him as tears drop to the floor and on his socks as pulls me into the room closing the door behind me
"You can tell me all about it, but I take it you want to change into something more comfortable" he responds rubbing my head and stroking my hair
"Mhm" I reply with a sniffle as I take a seat on the couch and remove the heels, I look over to see Hisoka laying in bed reading the book I gave him as he waits for me, I then look to his left to see some comfy clothes laid out for me, it includes one of his shirts and some shorts, I close the large curtains over looking the city before changing out of my dress not even caring anymore that Hisoka is right there and not once did he look up from his book until I was fully changed.
I crawled into bed with him and got up close to his side as he puts the book down, "My, you're freezing" he chuckles wrapping his arm around me and pulling me even closer, I look up at him as he meets my gaze, he then lifts his hand up to my face and wipes away the wet mascara from my eyes, "When you're ready you can tell me what happened, or don't if you're not comfortable, that's fine to, I just want to do my best to help you Y/n." He says caressing my cheek as I look down and explain everything to him as he listens.
"I see. Well your grandfather has nothing to worry about." He says "what? What are you trying to say?" I ask looking up as him as he looks out the crack in the curtain, "I'm saying he has nothing to worry about since you're going to save him, if I were him and was told that you had to clear a game that's never been beaten before to save me, I wouldn't have a doubt in my mind that you would be the one to do it" he responded with no uncertainty in his voice.
I didn't answer just simply looked down, knowing that it's never been beaten before really doesn't help my confidence but if he believes in me then I'll be fine.. I hope.
"If that Leorio guy going with you?" He asks as I look up again to meet his gaze "is someone jealous? And no he's not" I chuckle "k good otherwise I would've had to tag along he says with a chuckle as well
"I would suggest you come but Gon and Killua wouldn't like that" I reply

Hisokas pov
"probably not, I have to find out why the troupe didn't leave, turned out they stayed because something from the auction caught they're eye and I'm interested" I say looking over to the window again waiting for her to respond.. but she doesn't, I look over to see that she had simply fallen asleep, I guess she had a long day, that okay though, I'm happy she's here with me, this is the time of the day I look forward to. Good night my love.

Sorry if this chapters bad, it's literally 5 am and I'm hungry, I'm prolly gonna go to bed, love yall

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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