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Y/ns pov

After waking up a little late Hisoka had to leave again for some reason, he didn't really mention what he was up to, but I guess it's not really my business as long as he's safe.
I did some running around and chores before it was time to get ready for the auction.
I curled my long platinum hair, did some simple make up and out of the dress, I've got to admit I felt very pretty, I've never had anything like this before as I grew up in a town where something like this was extremely rare to find I'd say close to impossible, anyways I brought my phone and card before getting a taxi to the auction house, shortly after arriving and waiting in the lobby I see Gon, Killua and some other man that I don't know in suits, Gon notices me and his eyes immediately light up "Y/n!" He chimes as he runs over, "you look so pretty!" He says again with his signature wide smile "thank you" I respond as I greet Killua as well "Oh and this is Mr Zepile he's a appraiser and has been a good help to us" Gon says as he holds his hand out for a hand shake as I return it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n" I reply with a smile "Pleasures all mine" he chuckles, "Well it's going to start soon, I'll go get us a seat while you guys talk" Zepile says before walking towards the main auction room, and after some chatter we go there ourselves, as we're walking to aisle with rows of seats we see none other than Feitan and Phinks.. the boys sit there for a second in shock before making a run for it

Which Phink, Feitan and I quickly catch just and surround Killua, Gon and I

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Which Phink, Feitan and I quickly catch just and surround Killua, Gon and I.
"Listen we aren't here to hurt you, everyone's gone home we just wanted to stay and enjoy the auction, as for Paku she died but she's greatful to you boys" is basically what he said before Feitan wanted to leave. We shortly met up with Zepile and watched the auction go down, the plan was to ask the person who bought the game if the boys could go in the game. After the auction had concluded some old man bought the game and we went to his room to ask about the game.
Right as we knocked however my phone started to ring, it was from Dan, I wasn't going to answer but I had a gut feeling something may be wrong.. I told the boys to go inside and I'll be there shortly.
"Hello?" I answer
"Y/n! My father sent me a letter saying that you're grandfather has a terrible illness and may not make it in the state he's in! You should come see him! Anyways I have to go, I'm about to board my airship and I won't have reception, bye." He says in a very panicked voice before hanging up

I immediately drop to my knees in shock. How could this be.. no no no not him..
Please let him be okay, Wait! I'll ask Leorio! He's a better doctor than any other herbalist out there in the village, surely he could do something! I must leave at once but I'll make sure to let Netero know as he's his brother.

After a few rings he finally picks up

"Yes hello? Isaac Netero the chairman of-" he tried to introduce himself before I cut him off

"Netero! Gramps is severely ill, I wanted to let you know, I'll keep you updated on how he's doing once once I leave the auction house, I just had to help the boys enter greed island-"

Gon and Killua  exit the man who bought greed islands room, Gon clearly pissed off "y/n what do you mean 'leave'? Aren't you coming to greed island with us?" Killua asks clearly over hearing Netero and my conversation.

"Y/n I think you should go into the game with those boys. That game includes cards that could save people if you clear the game you could bring one back and save him if he's not already healed, I'll go with a good doctor and treat him while you're gone." Netero says overhearing the boys

"But.. *sigh* fine I trust you. But you better take good care of my old man" I reply with slight hesitation

"I always have, he is my brother after all, don't worry, just go and do this."
He says

"Okay.. bye"
I say before hanging up and burring my face in my hands as tears rolled down
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Gon genuinely asks right as Killua smacks the back of his head "how dense could you be?! Her grandfather is sick!" Killua scolds a previously oblivious Gon "oh! I'm so sorry!" He says leaning over and patting my back in an attempt to comfort me. "Its fine guys. How'd your chat go?" I ask wiping my eyes as I stand up, "welllll we failed.. BUT we aren't done yet, they're holding a try out tomorrow that we're going to, are you coming or are you going to see your grandpa?" Gon asks
"Yes I'll come. I will get into that game.. I have to." I respond with sheer determination and no room for failure. "You're sure confident" Killua mutters with an eye roll, "do you really think you can do it and I can't?" I say without thinking letting anger take hold of me for a second "it's a joke calm down, why're you so set in going anyways, it doesn't really benefit you" he responds, "because I want to help Gon find his dad, don't worry about my grandfather, things are being taken care of" I reply "if you say so" Killua says with a suspicious looks. Whatever even if he knew the real reason I was going it wouldn't affect anything and it's not like he can stop me.
"Im going home, I'll see you two at the tryouts tomorrow." I says before walking away and back to my place where I'd inform Hisoka about what happened and my plans.

My apologies everyone for the wait! My mental health has been sort of bad and I've been stressed about other things so I haven't had time to write, and I'm sorry if this chapter is sort of bad, as I've said I haven't been myself lately, but I hope you like it! I hope to update soon :) thank you all for your patience <3 have a good day/night.

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