Interviews day 2 chapter 9

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Once again I woke up to 3 people jumping on my bed. This morning I just got up because I spelt breakfast. I ran into the kitchen the table was set up. I heard a voice behind me. That placed there hands on my shoulders. "Ava was right you do love breakfast." It was a Thomas I just laughed. Scramble to eggs! I was so happy, I had a giant smile on my face. We are and then I went to get ready for my interview Ava was helping.

A- Shortie, you need to keep your hair down.
Y- I'm going to at the premiere
A- really! Great! Today I'm putting your hair in a low bun braid style.

Once she was done my hair I did my makeup and we just talked. Then I got Dressed.

A- it's beautiful

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A- it's beautiful.
Y/n- it's the same as yesterday but the colour is blue.
A- well blue brings out your eyes.

I do really like this dress on me. I went downstairs to see Thomas and Dylan waiting. Thomas gets more handsome every single day. Holy crap. Dylan and Ava kissed on the lips goodbye and we all walked out the door.

Today we would be home by 12. Then Tommy said we are gonna have a fun little pool nigh tonight. I am so excited.

I had already done 3 interviews today and I have 2 more to go. When we got to one it was Thomas and I. Well Kaya and Dylan where doing a different one. Kaya always meets us at these.

I- hello everyone welcome back today we have two very special guest! Y/n and Thomas. Thank you for coming.
Y/n- thank you for having us.
I- ok so we had a poll on Instagram for fans to ask you guys questions.
T- sounds fun.
I- ok then shall we begin.
Are you to dating?

Thomas and I looked at each other and laughed.
T- no we are not but are characters kinda are.
Y/n- yeah.
I- ok uh any hidden talents?
T- no for me but she can sing.
Y- no I can't!
T- love yes you can. It's not like your gonna have to sing for them.
Y- yeah I guess your right. I can also touch my touge to my nose.
I- wow impressive.

That interview went on and we where soon done. We ended up saying by to Kaya and went back to Tommy's house. It was around 1 when we got back a hour later then we thought. When we walked in the door Ava was sitting on the coach watching tv. Until Dylan yelled "POOL PARTY TIME " everyone ran to there rooms to change. I changed after Ava. When Ava and I where ready we went down. I had taken my hair out of the fancy bun and put it in a messy bun.

Dylan was already in He said Thomas was getting drinks. Ava jumped in and splashed Dylan. They are so cute together I was about to jump in when I felt someone push me. I came up to laughing and saw Tommy standing at the side of the pool. He put his hand out to help you up but you just I returned the favour. You grabbed his hand and pulled him in. He came up laughing.

After a hour or 2 of swimming we were all sitting on chairs outside and drying off and what not. I stood up and I could feel someone's hands going around my waste. They grabbed my waste. Picked me up and threw me in. Once again it was Thomas but this time Thomas jumped in right after. Dylan and Ava jumped in again as well at this point I was staying under water holding my breath so the couldn't do anything but, I felt my hair slowly falling out of the bun so I took it out underwater and put it back up well kinda. The water was not helping me in my favour. I finally got it up and then came up. Thomas was staring right at me when I came up.
T- I thought you where dead. That was even longer then before you would have beat Ki.
Y- Thanks Tommy.

We had all gotten out and went to change into warm clothes. I was changing in the bedroom and I had a sports bra on and sweat pants. I was grabbing a shirt from my bag when someone opened my room door with no shirt on.
T- oh I'm so sorry.
Y- it's ok *giggles*
T- I was just grabbing one of my extra shirts from this drawer.
Y- ok.
T- here.
He threw a shirt at me.
Y- I have my own shirts.
T- yeah well, wear that for tonight.
He walked out.

Oh my god! Tommy gave me his shirt I felt totally butterfly's in my stomach. I'm in love with this man. My scars on my wrist where getting better, well the scars would always be there but they where light.
I put the shirt on and walked out to the living room. Dylan and Ava where smiling and I sat between Ava and Tommy. We put on Dodgeball it was so funny. I was laughing so hard. Ava whispered something in my ear "nice shirt" she said then kinda grinned at me I punched her in the arm. "Hey! y/n. That hurt!" The we both started giggling.

Thomas POV (Yay!)

I was sitting waking the movie but I kept on looking at y/n. She was wearing my shirt which made me happy. It looked like a dress on her being as she's so short. Every time she would laugh during the movie I would get butterfly's. Her giggle is the cutest thing every. Dylan gave me a weird look during the movie and point at y/n shirt because Dylan knew that shirt was mine I think my face when pink. I was looking at y/n. When she turned and noticed I was looking at her. She smiled and put her made on my shoulder. Man oh man butterfly's.

The movie was soon over and Y/n had fallen asleep. I just stood up placing her head down and went to bed y/n spelt there for the night.

Awhile later —Premiere day!

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