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"Good night Bakugou! I'll see you tomorrow morning," Shinsou said as he jumped into bed, the ghost boy floating in the middle of his room. "Today was actually pretty fun. Who knew that Kanjio was related to those two! It's actually pretty cool... This is the most fun I've had in ages- At first I never thought I would fit in with your friends- But in the end they're very fun to hang out with. They're- They're special... You have great friends Bakugou," Shinsou said and Bakugou just scoffed, but a clear smile was on his face too. Shinsou chuckled and for comfortable underneath the sheets of his bed.

They had just got back to the dorms. Kanjio bonded back with his family after talking through some misunderstandings... Now everyone was going to bed, the day coming to an end. Kanjio was honestly really happy now, feeling a lot better compared to how he did before. He actually thanked Bakugou for talking some sense into him. In the end he was hugging and having a full conversation with his step-dads by the time they left. The Baku-squad even had their all questions answered, plus more, so they could do their reports and they all in all had a nice time with the two adults.

But now it was nighttime and Bakugou would be alone just like every night. Ghosts were different than humans after all. The blonde didn't need to sleep and honestly could find out how to sleep as a ghost. Everything around him was just too- Bakugou really couldn't describe it. But at least he had some company with him... He always had company when Kairo was with him during the night. So he just played it off so Shinsou could sleep. The boy truly needed it, being the class insomniac and all. The bags underneath his eyes were slowly fading but you could still tell that they were there no matter how hard the purple haired boy tried to hide it.

"Yeah whatever... I thought you said sleep is for the weak and all that shit," Bakugou joked and Shinsou just rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "They were your words idiot not mine. Don't go rolling your damn eyes at me." Bakugou shot back but in the end he was laughing quietly at the bo's antics.

"Well sometimes it's ok to be a little weak- You of all people should know that. I mean you learned it from the best and all that," He said and soon he wrapped himself in his blankets and was asleep in a heartbeat. But before he finally dozed off he mumbled afew words to the blonde "Good night Bakugou."

Bakugou sighed and noticed the small smile on Shinsou's face. The purple haired male looked so calm... The blonde smiled too and slowly left the purple haired boy's room. He decided to hide out in the common room. It was a pretty good place to hang out when you were alone. Bakugou wanted to abuse that as much as possible as the open room came into view. But when he did he felt a tightness in his chest. It was like someone was pressing down on his chest and Bakugou started to clutch at his shirt. Everything started to burn and he noticed that his head was pounding.

He was fading again...

"Fuck- Shit-" Bakugou wheezed out as he tried to stand up straight, his hand reaching for anything to help steady himself. But he felt his knees and legs shaking. His vision was starting to get spotty as his hands shook. His head pounding loudly, the blood pumping in his ears. No matter how hard he tried to ground himself he just couldn't. He was about to collapse but ultimately he was caught by something.

"Bakugou! Hey! It's ok- Just- Hold on!" The blonde heard and saw Kairo standing with him. The girl was quick to grab Bakugou, helping him slowly sit down on the couch. The new position let him breathe a little easier but his head still hurt and it felt like he was burning. He groaned and tried to shift to a more comfortable position, but everything hurt too much. Kairo noticed the blonde's discomfort and tried her best to help. She carefully laid the boy down and let him reset on his back, Bakugou's head resting in her lap. Once laid down he was breathing better, Kairo helping with anything she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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