Boy in the Mirror

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"Wait!? He can fucking see me?! The hell is going on?!" Bakugou asked backing away from Shinsou, but the purple haired boy just kept his back faced to him. "I thought you said that I couldn't be seen by humans? So why the hell can this fucker see me?"

I honestly don't know Bakugou... This has never happened before. And trust me I know. I've been dead for awhile. But this might be useful. Maybe you should try and get to him. Since he's able to see you then taking care of him might be easier than you originally thought. What I don't understand is why he won't turn around to face you.

"Bakugou? Is- No way! I'm dreaming," Shinsou said, finally taking the time to turn around, but stumbled backwards and fell into his back. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and floated in front of the boy's face. His hand was waving in front of Shinsou but he got no response.

"Huh... I guess I really was dreaming. No one's here... and Bakugou's dead because of me. I lost every single chance I had at being a hero. I'll probably get kicked out and sent to jail for what I've done... I'm a fucking monster," He said to himself, getting off the floor and standing in front of the mirror in his room.

"Oh hell no! No! He reacted! He can see me! I'm not giving up on him. I don't give a fuck about what he did. If he can see me then it's worth a shot! Anything is worth it at this point! Shinsou! Hey! Insomniac!" Bakugou yelled, floating behind Shinso as the boy looked into the mirror but the latter payed no mind.


"Ah! Bakugou?! What the fuck!" Shinsou yelled and stumbled away, his eyes not moving from the mirror. "What the hell is going on with me? Why can I see you?! I'm going crazy aren't I? W-What's going on?"

"Ha! So you can see AND hear me! For a second I thought that I wouldn't be able to get through to you. And here I thought you were just some useless insomniac. Well? What are you waiting for? An invitation? Get up off the floor you shit stain! Or you as useless as the last purple haired fucker we had in this class? Cause I don't think they would have let another useless teenager into Class 1-A right?" Bakugou asked and Shinsou was quick to get off of the floor.

Shinsou quickly looked around his room, his eyes darting from place to place. But when he did he didn't see Bakugou. But he knew that the blonde was here. He could see him in the mirror. He could hear him for goodness sake! When he had heard the blonde at first he though it was just his health catching up with him. He hadn't slept a lot since the incident and wasn't really doing everything he needed to do to stay healthy. But Bakugou... He was there! Even if he was dead! But where was he? Why could Shinsou only see him in the mirror?

"I-I can only see you in the mirror. Next to my reflection... Bakugou... Is that really you? You look- Different than I remember," Shinsou said, a worried expression setting onto his face and Bakugou just scoffed. Sinsou was studying the blonde's face and Bakugou started to get uncomfortable at his staring. He floated closer to Shinsou, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder making him flinch from the change of temperature.

"Alright you asshole. First you kill me and now you're making fun of how I look. Jeez. I get that I'm dead but I don't think I look that ba-" Bakugou started but then took the time to look at himself in the mirror.

This was the first time Bakugou really got the chance to look at himself in the mirror. It was the first time he's seen himself in general. The blonde hadn't even realized that his clothes have changed. When they had? The blonde couldn't answer that question. But instead of his black tank top and black sweat pants he had on a white hoodie with light grey jeans. On the front of the hoodie was a black version of the white skull that was on his usual black shirt that he usually wore. But what gained the blonde's attention was his own face. One side looked completely normal... But the other was covered with gold tribal markings. His crimson red eye getting replaced by a pale grey one.

"Wha- I'm learning new fucking shit by the passing minuet... You'd think dying would be less confusing. Anyways! Enough about me! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Rewatching the footage of my death!? The fuck is up with that!? And by the looks of it you haven't eaten cause you're as skinny as a fucking pencil. WHat makes you think you can treat yourself like this!?" Bakugou asked and Shinsou just looked down at his hands, his face scrunching up as he tried to hold in his tears.

"I killed you Bakugou... Everyone hates me for it. Your friends and the friends I thought that I had. Yeah some people stand up for me. But I can tell they're mad. The look in their eyes when they talk to me or glance over at me eerie few seconds. I can tell they hate me... I don't blame them either. I even hate myself for it too. I deserve to suffer and you deserve to be here with your group of friends. What I did to you? I was awful and I wish it never happened. If there was any way to get you back into the living world then I would do it without hesitation. If anyone should have died then I should have been me. You? I hate to admit it- But. You were destined to be a hero. You always held your head high and you always did what you though was right. Without you temperament issues... You're a good person Bakugou and yet- I took your life anyways because I was being stupid, scared, cowardly, and a villain. I was trying to be the grand hero for once... But I guess I'll never be a he-"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence..."

"Bakugou- What?" Shinsou questioned and looked up at the boy in the mirror. His hair was shadowing over his eyes and the gold markings were glowing. His fists were clenched and he was shaking.

"You. Are. A. FUCKING IDIOT! I don't blame you! I get that I'm dead and you're the one who killed me! But I know you didn't mean it! I get where you come from and I get that you couldn't control your quirk. I know that we all have those times when we doubt ourselves and I hate to say it... Bit I have those days too. But you've got to move the fuck on! I'm here cause my job it to look out for your sorry ass with the rest of the class! So don't make this shit harder than it has to be!" Bakugou snapped and Shinsou looked right into the mitch-matched eyes staring back at him.


"Promise me that you'll get your head out of your ass and take care of yourself."

"I- Bakugou I don't think I ca-"

"Promise me you asshole! It's the least you can do for me! Just say that you will! I'll be there! By your side for as long as you need me to be! So just say that you promise me!"

"Alright... I promise."

"Good. Now first things first. Let's get you fixed cause right now? You look like shit."





"Yeah... Whatever you damn extra."

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