The New Kid

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"Good you don't look as shitty as usual... How do you feel?" Bakugou asked once he saw Shinsou exit the bathroom wearing clean clothes and a warm towel wrapped around his neck. "Damn your hair has a mind of its own. Even if you wash it, it still ends up looking like shit. Dude you need to get that fixed."

"But I like my hair. I don't see the problem with it," Shinsou fake complained followed by a low chuckle. "But yours isn't that much better you angry pomeranian." He teased and Bakugou let out a low growl making Shinsou's chuckle turn into a full on laugh.

"You asshole..."

"Look who's talking," Shinsou joked as he used the towel to roughly dry his hair, throwing the towel onto his computer chair at his desk. Shinsou was quick to pack things away into his backpack before zipping it up and slinging it around his shoulder. Bakugou gave him a weird look as he grabbed his phone from his charging station and headed for the door.

"Where the hell are you going? I thought you never see the light of day," Bakugou mentioned as he floated behind Shinsou, following the boy into the hallway.

"I do go outside to the park once and awhile. Also it's really weird talking to you without a mirror or anything. It's like I'm talking to a voice in my head," Shinsou explained and Bakugou let out a humm over understanding. "People who pass by and seeing my talk to what looks like myself probably think that I'm crazy... To be honest I would."

"Well you know that you're not crazy. I'm just here to haunt the shit out of you. Dead people don't really have anything else to do," Bakugou said as he folate next to Shinsou, following the boy into the elevator. Bakugou did feel a bit bad when he was the one making Shinsou look crazy to the outside world.

When they made it down to the lobby they found almost half of the class gathering around something... or someone. When Shinsou walked closer he saw that it was a new kid. Shinsou had never seen him around before but he looked pretty nice. He had fire blue hair, the roots of his hair being a dark shade of black. His eyes were charcoal black and he was on the paler side with Shinsou. He was in a simple galaxy hoodie and black sweatpants and white running shoes.

"Oh! Shinsou! This is the new student! Come over and meet him!" Momo called over as soon as the purple haired boy came into view. Bakugou couldn't help but thank the girl for treating him like nothing has changed. It saved him the journey of convincing Shinsou that everyone didn't hate him.

"Hi... I'm Takaku Kanjio! It's nice to meet you Shinsou," The boy said with a slight bow but to Shinsou's surprise Kanjio looked at the empty space next to Shinsou... The place where Bakugou was standing. "Who's your blonde floating friend?"

Shinou's eyes widened and Bakugou felt like he had gotten punched in the stomach. Everyone in the room stopped right in their tracks, looking between Kanjio and Shinsou like the two were on fire. Kanjio didn't seem to see the others reactions as he gave Shinsou a confused expression. The purple haired teen was quick to grab Kanjio by the arm and pulled him out the two from door's of the dorm. Kanjio was confused but gladly followed the boy out the door, Bakugou floating quickly behind the two.

"You can see him?" Shinsou said as he stopped abruptly and put both hands on either sides of Kanjio's shoulders. "You can see Bakugou? The blonde teen with the spikey hair?"

"Bakugou... So that's his name! Hi Bakugou!" Kanjio said as he waved at the blonde. Bakugou was stunned and slowly waved back. "Why wouldn't I be able to see him? He flying because of his quirk right?"

"Kanjio... Bakugou died a few days ago. He's the reason why your in this class," Shinsou said and Kanjio just stopped. But he didn't seem scared at the fact that he could see a literal ghost so Shinsou thought it was a good time to ask more questions. "Can- Can you hear him too? Can you hear him speak?"

"I-I don't know... He hasn't said anything to me yet," Kanjio said as he gave a side look over to Bakugou. The blonde let himself float a little bit closer to the two giving Kanjio a curious look. "Um... Hi Bakugou."

"Damn... I through only the insomniac could hear me," Bakugou awed and Kanjio just shrugged and turned to Bakugou after Shinsou silently let go of his shoulders. "How can you hear me... If you can hear me then wouldn't the others be able to hear me too?"

"Well not really... My quick is probably the only reason I'm able to talk to you and see you. My quirk is literally named 'Ghosting' so yeah... I can do almost everything a ghost can. THat includes seeing other ghosts... Midoriya has yet to look into my quirk but he was quick to ask me about it as soon as I arrived and introduced myself," Kanjio said as he rubbed the nape of his neck with a slight chuckle.

"Of course that damn nerd said that. He's been like that since we were kids so you're gonna have to get used to it," Bakugou groaned and Kanjio couldn't help but chuckle again. "Well since you can see me and Shinsou here can't... Why don't you come with us to the park? I mean if you don't have anything else better to do. Which I highly doubt."

"Ok one ouch... I know I don't have friends so you don't have to rub it in. And two I'm down with coming with you guys to the park! I mean... If Shinsou is fine with me coming too!" Kanjio cheered and turned on his heels towards Shinsou who had just watched the boy talk to thin air. "Why don't you lead the way? You and Bakugou can tell me more about the class!"

"Um... Sure I guess! Come on," Shinsou said and started to lead the way towards the park, Bakugou floating close by above their heads.

"So Bakugou... How did you die? You seem pretty young if you were in this year's class 1-A. So what happened?" Kanjio asked out of the blue while they were walking and the blonde watched Shinsou flinch a bit at the question. Bakugou sighed cause he knew that Shinsou was still probably blaming himself. So Bakugou decided that he didn't want to out the boy completely... They could tell Kanjio when Shinsou was ready.

"Quirk accident," and with that they just kept walking. Shinsou took in a deep breath as the tension melted away from his body. The purple haired toon looked over at Bakugou who gave Shinsou a small smirk and wink from behind Kanjio. Shinsou was quick to look away and smile to himself...

Maybe having Bakugou around isn't as bad as he thought it would be...

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