Dead and Staying

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Bakugou are you there?

Wake up Bakugou! You're tired and stuff and I get that... But you're not just gonna rot and lay there like a meat bag would. Just get up dang it! You've got a job to do and you're going to do it! Or so help me!

"Who the fuck? Fuck off you stupid shit. Let me rest for a little longer. Aizawa isn't even in the classroom right now,," Bakugou said as he slapped away at the air.

Bakugou! Get your sorry ass off of the floor this instant! I have to talk to you damn it!

"Jeez. Chill the fuck out! I'm up... I'm up," Bakugou mumbles as he slowly sat himself up and brought his hand to his face to rub the sleepiness away from his eyes.

But then he pulled his hand back quickly and let out a small hiss.

It hurt.

It hurt horribly to the point where Bakugou almost let out a yell.

"What the hell? Why the fuck did that hurt so much?!" Bakugou scowled as he looked down at his hand and brought it back to his face only to quickly pull it back because of the pain.

I was going to tell you not to touch your face. But I guess you had other ideas. I'm all in for learning the hard way. Makes it much easier for me. Now come on Bakugou you've got to get up. You've got a job to do. Get to your feet.

"Yeah... Yeah. I'm getting up! Just give me a second holy fucking shit," Bakugou said a groan following as he slowly pushed himself to his feet.

This was the first time the blonde took the time to look around. It was a dark void with no sign of light. There was no one there and Bakugou was guessing he was hearing that voice in his head. Bakugou turned around and in front of him was a screen. He walked up to the large screen and soon it lit up. Bakugou waited for the image to clear before looking closely into the picture.

All Bakugou could see was his classmates all of them surrounding something on the floor. He touched the screen making the image blurry so he quickly pulled his hand back. Some were crying and others were looking down at their feet. They almost seemed disappointed...

What the fuck?

It wasn't until Bakugou watched a sad Aizawa lift up something within the sea of people. This set off red lights in the blonde's head. Seeing blood drenching his teacher's clothes made it worse. But Bakugou ended up craning his neck so he could see what his teacher was holding.

But that wasn't his only concern.

Why was he seeing this?

What was going on?

When Bakugou finally got a glance at what his teacher was holding his breath caught in his throat. It was him. Bakugou's lifeless body was in his teacher's arms. The side of his face was brutally blown off. His hair scorched to the tips turning the once golden blonde to a sickening black. His crimson eyes still open but shaded over and spaced out.

But Bakugou was right here.

He was breathing.

Heart beating.

He was alive...

He was standing right here.

"You fuckers! That's not me! The fuck?! I'm right here! You deaf mother fuckers! I'm right here. Turn the fuck around or I will bet you sorry asses!" Bakugou yelled at the screen but the boy's voice was never heard.

Why couldn't they hear him?

What the hell?

Bakugou... Your soul is alive but your body is dead. There was an accident in the classroom that ended with your death. It was an accident. It's not a bad dream. This is real. When I died I thought that at first. That I would just wake up with my friends and family again. But I assure you this is very real. You're dead Young Bakugou and you can't return to the living world physically.

"Who the fuck are you to say what I can and can't do?! This is probably a sick joke! Something maybe Camie came up with! Just a sick prank! Stupid way to make me scared! Very funny guys. You can drop the stupid shitty act!" Bakugou said and he heard a sigh echo throughout the void.


"What the fuck? I told you guys that you can drop the act! This isn't funny! If I did something wrong you could have come and told me about it! Damn. Guys!" Bakugou yelled out again only to be met with nothing.

"Guys?" Bakugou asked, his voice breaking a bit. But he held back any reason to cry. This had to be a joke. Just a sick prank that could disappear in an instant.

I'm sorry to tell you this Bakugou. It's real. This is very real. I'm real and you're dead. It's just the sorry truth. I'm sorry Bakugou but you're dead. How would Camie make an illusion? She wasn't even in the classroom as she was somewhere else in the school visiting. There is no other option Bakugou.

You're dead.

"I can't be dead! No! I told them I would be a hero! That I would be number one! I promised myself and everyone else! I told them that I would stick with them till the end! That we would be heroes together!" Bakugou yelled into the void.

I have a way you can be a hero and keep your promises. Even if you're dead I told you that you have a job. The question is Bakugou... Will you accept your death or will you just sit here and contemplate whether you are dead or not.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I can. I'm Katsuki Bakugou! Not one of those fucking extras. I keep my promises! I'll do it. I'll do the job... Whatever the fuck it's supposed to be," Bakugou said and the void changed from black slowly to a bright white.

Alright then Katsuki Bakugou. You've taken on the role of a guardian. You must take care of your friends in class 1-A. You must take care of them and keep them from harm. If you want them to become heroes then you must do your job.

"Fucking damn it! Fine! I'll do it,"

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