Do it for them

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"Hey Shinsou? We need to talk," That's what the purple haired teen heard before turning around only for him to be pinned down by the stare coming from bright yellow eyes.

"O-Oh! Kaminari... Um- H-Hi... Do you need something?" Shinsou asked and Kaminari looked away so he could dig out something from his pocket. The blonde then handed Shinsou a piece of paper and gave him a small wink and a thumbs up. "W-Whats this?"

Kaminari just nodded at the paper...

Shinsou sighed, noticing Kaminari wouldn't talk to him after he asked a question. So he just unfolded the paper Kaminari had shoved into his hands. When he read the writing on the small crumpled paper he had to read it over and over again. He even had to look down at Kaminari, trying to figure out what the blonde was playing.

'Hey Shinsou! Sorry I'm not talking to you... I'm still a little scared- But! Me and my friends want to hang out with you! Maybe we could hangout and get some ice cream and maybe go to the store and just have some fun! What do you say?' Shinsou read from the paper and a lump formed in his throat.

"Y-You want to hangout with me?-" Shinsou choked out and Kaminari happily nodded. The electric teen then pointed to the small rushed writing underneath the note telling Shinsou the time and location of the hangout time. "I-I'll guess I'll see you guys then-"

Kaminari smiled and gave Shinsou a quick hug before running down the hall, disappearing behind the corner. Shinsou looked down at the paper and let out a dry chuckle. He then took the doorknob in his hand and pushed his dorm room door open to see Bakugou sitting on his desk from his room mirror.

"You've been busy haven't you...?" Shinsou asked and he watched Bakugou look at him from the mirror.
Shinsou always felt a little- A little scared when he looked into Bakugou eyes. One was crimson red just like it was when he was alive and the other one was a light Chainmail grey. They were pretty yet threatening.

"I don't know what you mean," Bakugou said letting out a huff as he pointed his attention to the necklace hanging around his neck. "I've just been here doing nothing cause you're off doing other shit."

"You actually went through with the Ouija Board idea did you? There's no way your friends would have wanted to hang out with me on their own. At first you said it was ridiculous but now I see you just didn't want to admit I was right," Shinsou said and Bakugou just scoffed and looked away.

"So what if I fucking did? What if I did talk to them and tell them to forgive you? You're the one who has to convince them it was a good idea to forgive you. I only got you a connection with them," Bakugou said and Shinsou just let out a laugh, sitting on his bed.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact you're actually helping me... You're actually taking the time to help your classmates forgive me. But why? Why are you doing this?Is it because you actually want to help me or is it because you want to move on into the afterlife?" Shinsou aled and Bakugou just sighed.

"Look... I- maybe I couldn't give less of a shit about you guys- But even I could see I was sort of an asshole. So... So this is the least I could do for you shits," Bakugou explained but Shinsou stayed quiet.

"I understand why you thought I was the traitor. Other people thought so too. Yeah I was an asshole and yeah I wasn't the best when it came to acting like a hero. I'm not the best at expressing feelings and that kind of shit... But I want to at least make up for all the fucking things I've done..."

"Well you could always come and supervise," Shinsou said and Bakugou's head shot up in confusion. "You could tag along with me and your friends. I'm planning to bring Kanjio along so maybe we could tell your friends he can see you... They'll belive him because of his quirk. It could be like old times. You can talk to your friends and be with them again,"

"I- You would do that for me?" Bakugou asked and Shinsou just nodded with a soft smile.
"Well what are we waiting for...? Let's go get Kanjio so we can tell him the good news."


"Hey Shinsou! Kanjio! We're so glad you were able to make it!" Mina cheered as she hugged the two taller males. Kanjio just let out a chuckle and squeezed her back with everything he had. Shinsou on the other hand just let out a small laugh as he let the smaller female have her fun.

"H-Hey Mina-"

"Heya Mina!" The two boys said their greetings and Mina soon let the two go, but she did take the time patting Kanjio on the back.

"It seems like you two are inseparable! Ha! I heard from Tsu that you went with her and some others! Even then you brought Kanjio along. Talk about getting attached!" Mina teased and Kanjio just let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the nape of his neck. Shinsou was quick to flip up his hood and tighten the hood around his face by yanking the hoodie strings.

"S-So! Besides that- Where are we going first?" Kanjio asked but before anyone could answer him Shinsou broke out of his hoodie shelter and put a hand on Kanjio's shoulder. The purple haired teen whispered something into his ear and Kanjio's eyes widened.

"Go ahead..." Shinsou mumbled using his hand to gently push the other teen forward.

"What's up with you two? You guys went from all happy and cheerful to looking like you just broke your mom's favorite vase and you have to tell her about it," Sero said as he shivered at the thought of his parent attacking him with a chancla.

"W-Well... It's about Bakugou..." Kanjio said and all of the teens in front of them stiffened at the name. They looked at Kanjio like he was crazy.

"How do you know about Bakugou...? W-We... We never told you about him... No one did," Kirishima stuttered out and Kanjio just sighed looking over at Shinsou who nodded.

"As you know I've got a ghost quirk- And... And I can see ghosts. So when I first met Shinsou and everyone else I saw Bakugou floating behind him. That's why I asked who his blonde friend was... I didn't know he was dead- But I can communicate with him... A-And Shinsou wanted me to help you guys connect with him again," Kanjio said and the entire Bakusquad was in shock.

"Y-You mean... We can talk to Bakugou w-without the Ouija Board?" Mina asked and Kanjio nodded.

"I've got this one part of my quirk that I don't usually use. B-But I'm willing to try it out for you guys. Shinsou wanted to give you guys this and I'm happy to help out with that," Kanjio said and looked over to Bakugou who had stayed silent through the whole ordeal.

Kanjio stretches his arm out to Bakugou and Bakugou slowly took the teen's hand. Bakugou felt weird... It was like he was getting pulled into something. It didn't hurt but it felt uncomfortable. Suddenly he felt like he was shoved forward into Kanjio by an invisible force.

When Bakugou opened his eyes he noticed he was standing up straight and everyone was staring at him...

When Kanji opened his usual charcoal black yes...

They were deep crimson.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I was wondering if I would ever put a ship into this book... And now I've confirmed it! Yes! I am putting ships into this book since a lot of people have been asking for it. I honestly think it would fit into the plot I'm planning really well!

These are what you can choose from:

Kanjio x Shinsou

Shinsou x Bakugou

Bakugou x Kairo

(Or you can suggest a ship here)

Thank you all for reading and I hope I can post for all of you wonderful people soon! Love you guys! <3

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