Good for you Both

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It's like he can actually see you Young Bakugou... Cool isn't it? You've known each other for a few hours and your bond is stronger than ever.

"Damn it... I thought you were gone," Bakugou mumbled to himself as he watched Kanjio and Shinsou walk down the sidewalk.

Sorry to disappoint you but you're stuck with me. Think of me as your guide. You're actually the first person I've done this with. So you must be one lucky ghost.

"Yeah... Lucky..." Bakugou said as he rolled his eyes and got closer to Kanjio and Shinsou. They had finally made it to the park and the two entered as Bakugou floated around, looking at the trees around the area.

"Can you see him?" Kanjio asked out of nowhere and the question made Shinsou jump.

"N-no... I can't. But I can feel his presence if that makes sense. So I know where he is but I can't actually see his face. What does he look like? I don't know is ghosts change their cloths or not- Or something- This is all new to me you know?" Shinsou asked and Kanjio looked over to Bakugou, his eyes squinting a bit.

"He is in a white sleeveless shirt with white pants. He looks almost like a normal human. But the side of his face... It's covered in golden vein looking things. Maybe tribal markings? It's like his face was blown off-" Kanjio said and Shinsou just closed his eyes and held in a hiss when he hear those words.

Bakugou brought his hand back up to his face. As soon as his fingertips touched his skin it felt like it was on fire. He quickly pulled away and saw that Kanjio was watching him. The boy gave him a sad smile and Bakugou just turned away. Kanjio just sighed and also looked away from Bakugou. But the blonde could tell the new kid wanted to say something.

"If you've got something to say... Fucking say it!" Bakugou yelled and both Kanjio and Shinsou flinched at the loud blonde.

"I just- Why are you here? Are you able to move into the afterlife? Is that... Is that a choice for you?" Kanjio asked and Bakugou immediately froze.

He didn't know-

Was he stuck as a ghost forever?-

What would happen when all of his friends die and move on...?

Was he stuck here...?

"I don't have to answer you... So just- Just fuck off!" Bakugou spat out as he turned around again to hide the uncertain look on his face.

"You don't like me much do you Bakugou?" Kanjio asked with a nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I bet Shinsou here likes me though! Him and his cool purple hair. You're really something else aren't you Shinsou?" Kanjio asked ruffling his hand in the older teen's hair.

"I- Stop touching my hair," Shinsou complained as he took Kanjio's hand and pushed it off of his head. "I know I don't usually brush it but don't do that. It's weird." And with that Kanjo just nodded as a silent apology and kept his hands at his sides.

"A-Anyways... Why don't we sit over here? That seems like a pretty ok spot don't you think?" Shinsou asked as the two walked closer to a nice bench underneath a tree. "I Don't like being out in the sun too much so this looks like a good spot."

"I don't like the sun much either! So I'm ok with this spot! It's nice hanging out with someone with different preferences for once," Kanjio said with a smile as he plopped down onto the bench, looking up at the leaves in the tree.

"What do you mean by that?" Shinsou asked as he slowly sat down next to Kanjio. Bakugou sat down on one of the nearby tree branches, swinging his legs slowly. He didn't care too much about Kanjio... They had just met the kid.

"I... Being a kid and growing up with a ghost quirk was- It was hard. I hung out with three kids for my school for the entirety of my life- Until we all made it into UA of course. That's when me and my friends were separated into different classes. I was a part of Class 1-C. All of the others got into 1-B or even the departments support studies. . I was left all alone and bullying came back. I hated it," Kanjio said twiddling his thumbs uncomfortably.

I feel bad for the boy... What a rough life... Kinda reminds me of someone.

"Yeah I know- Sounds a little like Shinso's past. What about it? What's that gotta do with me?" Bakugou whispered softly so the two sitting on the bench couldn't hear.

Well it does remind me of someone else. It reminds me of you young Bakugou. You. A kid who was different then all the rest. You were feared by people Bakugou. You just wanted to have friends... But instead you got followers. And people who thought you were a freak. You three aren't that different.

"Whatever. I couldn't care less if we were the same... I'm just here to watch over them remember?" Bakugou mumbled and he heard the voice in his head sigh. Bakugou rolled his eyes and listened in on the two boy's new started conversation.

"So how do you know Bakugou? Usually ghosts are connected to someone that they had unfinished business with. Or something like that," Kanjio said as he looked up at Bakugou who glared at him and Kanjio was quick to look away.

"We weren't that close... If you want to know why he's following me... You're gonna have to ask him," Shinsou said as he looked anywhere other than Kanjio's direction.

You're going to have to watch over the other students too, Bakugou. You might be able to make Shinsou a part of the class again. You know? Make him make up with everyone else?

"That would be almost impossible..."

But that might be one of the best ways to help Shinsou move on. To help you move on... It seems like it would be the best if you two.

"We'll see what happens."

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