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"He's really gone. Katsuki Bakugou... He's gone," Kaminari said, the words rolling off his tongue didn't seem right to him. 

All of the kids were sitting around the common room and were chilling around. Some were in the kitchen getting lunch ready and others were sitting in the living room. The teachers let them have a break for a few days. Letting them cope for a bit. After Bakugou's... Passing. They hated thinking about it. The blonde being dead? It seemed impossible. When he was around it was like nothing could bring him down.

"This is all your fault!" Kirishima yelled out and pointed to the purple haired boy sitting at the back of the common room who had his head hanging low.
"Kirishima! Calm down! It was a mistake!" Iida yelled at the red head who just growled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah! A mistake that cost my best friend's life! Bakugou is gone! This isn't something that can be easily fixed Iida! This isn't something that Sorry can fix! It's permanent! Bakugou is gone!" Kirishima shot back and Mina quickly got up from the couch and pulled her red head to the side with the rest of the Bakusquad.

"I can tell when I'm not wanted," Shinsou mumbled under his breath and stood up, walking out of the common room and towards the elevator.
Iida just let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Momo walked up to him and out a friendly hand on his shoulder, handing him a cup of tea. She nodded at the class rep then walked away silently, not wanting to make a scene. She then walked over to the Bakusquad.

She gave Kaminari a pikachu pillow she had made a few hours before. The electric teen gladly took it, giving her a small smile. A smile they haven't seen in a few days. She gave Jiro new earbuds since she had broken the last ones due to how loud she was blasting her music. Sero was given a small fidget cube cause if he made too much tape to fiddle with he was going to hurt himself. Momo handed Mina a cup of hot chocolate tea and handed Kirishima some fresh tea.

"He's gone Momo... He's- Really gone. I thought he was going to make it with us. He promised all of us we would kick villain ass together. He promised," Kaminari said, cuddling into his Pikachu plushie first comfort.

"I miss him," Mina said with a whimper as she set her half finished cup of hot chocolate on the table. Jiro putting her hand on the pink girl's shoulder.

"I know it's hard on you guys. So take your time to grieve. But you don't need to take your anger out on Shinsou. The teachers are still deciding his punishment. But that doesn't matter. You guys need a break... Just- Just take care of yourselves... Alright? Bakugou would be pissed if you didn't," Momo said, making all of them let out dry chuckles, remembering how Bakugou had always been the team mom, someone making sure they took care of themselves

'If only they were this fucking quiet when I was alive,' Bakugou thought with a sigh as he look into the common room through the window.
Why don't you go in there? You can go through the walls young Bakugou. You have a choice to go in. You can try and communicate with them.

"Oh heck no! I don't want to freak them the fuck out! They'd lose their shit. I've got to be plainly honest with you here. I hate seeing them sad like this. I feel really fucking bad. But... I'll make sure they'll be great heroes. Even if I won't be able to kick villain ass with them," Bakugou said looking down at his hands with a sigh.

When Bakugou made it into the common room it was so nerve racking. He knew they couldn't see him. But it was weird. He had to suppress the will to scream out for his friends, yell and pick a fight with Deku, or anything that would help him feel like he was alive again. But there was no way for him to do that...

Bakugou floated past the couch where Uraraka and Deku were sitting. When he passed by he noticed them shiver then return to normal. Weird...


"Hey, Deku?" Uraraka asked, hugging her arms around herself.

"Yes Uraraka? What's wrong?" He asked and noticed the girl shivering and also found himself feeling cold. "Hey Iida? How high is the temperature?"
"It's over 80 right now Midoriya. Why do you ask?" Iida asked and Izuku just shook his head, putting his arm around Uraraka to keep the girl warm for a bit.


"That can't be them. No way... This has got to be the wrong class or something! They're dumbasses! They're rowdy little shits that act like kindergartens," Bakugou said when he saw the so-called Bakusquad.

The image made him cringe and he quickly turned away. He hated the way they all looked. Pitiful, sad, and all in all broken. They looked fine on the inside. But mentally? It wasn't safe...m

Bakugou! You are missing one student. Remember I'm the deal you made with me Bakugou... You must take care of him as well as these classmates. It doesn't matter your background. 

"Wait- you mean?"

Yes Bakugou. I mean Shinsou. I don't care if he was the one who caused your death. You still need to help him. You leaving him has made his life more of a hell than ever. He needs a friend.
"Alright! Alright! Cool! Fun! Fucking- I'll go find him. He's probably in that old grape stain's room b so I'll have to check their first," Bakugou said and looked back at the Bakusquad before flying upwards, getting ready to search for Shinsou's room.

When he got there the room was dark. Sitting there at the desk was Shinsou. He had on his earbuds and was watching a video on his computer. When Bakugou floated closer to the screen he recognized the video. He could practically hear it even though the purple haired teen was wearing earbuds. He was rewatching the moment of Bakugou's death.
Oh this kid definitely blames himself...

"S-Shinsou," Bakugou mumbled as he saw the insomniac rewind the video. This wasn't healthy... This was beyond ok!

"Shinsou! God damn it! I swear to got if you keep beating yourself up over my shitty death I'll never forgive you! Also! If you die before becoming a hero I'm gonna be even more pissed at you!" Bakugou said, setting a hand in the boy's shoulder.

To the blonde's surprise the boy jumped up high like a cat. Bakugou was even startled by the action. He knew his presence caused mild discomfort for the living. But Bakugou didn't think it would be that bad to touch a human. Bakugou looked over at Shinsou who was breathing heavily and was holding himself upright using his desk.

Maybe this was a bad idea... Maybe we should just go back downstairs. Check in your little squad. They look lonely without you.

"Yeah... I guess you're right," Bakugou said and was about to leave the room when something caught his attention.

"Bakugou? Is that you?"


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