The Past...

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-A few minutes before hand-

"Hey! Ghost boy! Why the fuck are we heading to the bathroom?! You know we're still fused right?!" Kanjio heard Bakugou yell at him in his head. But the boy didn't care. He ran into the bathroom and hid in the large stall in the far corner of the store.

Kanjio forced Bakugou out of his body and Bakugou ended up getting launched out. Not being prepared for that forced exit he ended up slamming against the wall. He let out a grunt as he quickly turned around to look at Kanjio. He was about to start yelling. He was about to start screaming asking why the fuck he was acting all weird all fo a sudden.

But that was before he saw Kanjio curled up in a ball with his hands in his hair...

"Woah! Woah! Kanjio- What's going on?!" Bakugou asked, his voice full of panic as he floated near the boy.

He quickly pulled Kanjio's hands from his hair and held them in his own. Kanjio was shaking because of the chilling feeling Bakugou caused but the blonde didn't care. It was the only way to stop the boy from hurting himself. Once Bakugou knew Kanjio wouldn't start pulling at his hair anymore he let go.

"T-Thanks..." Kanjio stuttered out and Bakugou noticed the teen's still uneven breathing.

"Don't thank me yet. Now fucking breathe you idiot," Bakugou commanded in a soft voice and Kanjio spaced out so he was just breathing. He closed his eyes as they started to hurt because of the lights.

After awhile Kanjio wasn't shaking anymore...

"Now... Would you like to explain whatever the fuck just happened to you?" Bakugou asked and Kanjio just sighed and slowly stood up, using the stall door to help himself stand.

"Why don't I just show you?" Kanjio asked as he held out his hand. Bakugou looked at the boy's hand then his eyes. He contemplated his options before throwing everything out the window.

"You know what? Fuck it-" Bakugou said and he quickly grabbed Kanjio's hand.

A bright light filled the room...


When Bakugou opened his eyes he was in front of a building he somewhat recognized... It was an orphanage. Bakugou remembered that when he was still alive Aziawa brought the class to the same orphanage. He looked at the doors and noticed a young boy sneaking out the front door, a backpack slung around his shoulder.

"That's me..." Bakugou heard Kanjio say next to him and the blonde jumped. He didn't even notice that the other teen was there next to him. "This was a long time ago. I don't remember how old I was... But I couldn't be more than six or seven years old."

Bakugou nodded and watched as the young boy ran away from the building. The two teens followed the memory of young Kanjio through the city. Running past buildings and even running past UA at some point. It wasn't until a place that Bakugou recognized a little bit too well came into view that his breath caught in his throat.

It was the League of Villain's hideout...

"You- You were a villain?" Bakugou asked slowly, turning to Kanjio who let out a sigh, looking at the ground. He couldn't meet Bakugou's eyes as he nodded. The vision flashed before Bakugou's eyes and soon they were inside of the villain's bar.

Everyone was much younger than Bakugou remembered. It was hard to think the villains were ever children like everyone else. But they're all just human... Just people who grew up different. Shigaraki who was sitting at the bar couldn't be older than ten years old... Twice was still older but looked less muscular than Bakugou remembered. Toga looked the same age as the memory Kanjio. Dabi one the other hand Dabi was about ten years old looking a little bit older than Shigaraki.

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