9 ~ Two-Faced

474 11 4

Guess who finally got their license!!

It was the easiest test of my life; I don't know what I was so worried about. Because of this, I decided to post another one-shot!

These dates compared to some of the previous ones are funny. (This took two days versus months for others.)

Started: April 18, 2021
Finished: April 20, 2021


"What!? You're joking, right?"

"Sorry, I-" His best friend stops to cough in the middle of his sentence. "I'm being serious."

The curly-haired one groans. "Dude, I can't go there by myself."

"What part of I feel like I'm dying don't you understand?"

"Fine," he grits, "but you owe me big time."

"I know. Thanks for this." They hang up, and he prepares for a dreadful afternoon.

"Hey, Ricky, when are you going?!" he hears his dad shout.

"30 minutes!" he responds.

Ricky and his best friend Big Red got summer odd jobs working for this filthy rich and snobby family. The family was difficult to work with sometimes (most times), but it paid well. The Salazar-Roberts clan was very well known, not for any particular reason per se; it was simply for their wealth.

Big Red had just called and said he's come down with something and can't help with the job today, which sucked for two reasons: one, Ricky would have to do everything by himself; two, it was pool day. (He would call one of his other friends to help, but everyone else was traveling for the majority of the summer.)

Anyhow, the Salazar-Roberts family had an uncharacteristically large pool for the small family. If Big Red had been sick for any other occasion, it would've been better; cleaning the garage, kitchen, or living room, aka the smaller jobs compared to the pool. But no, it had to be on the one that probably should be more than two people. Great, just fucking great.

Ricky grits his teeth, grabs his supplies, and forces himself to do this. It's just for money.


He arrives at the mansion, partially wishing their gate hadn't opened. He takes his bucket of cleaning supplies up to the front door and rings the bell. It's only a few seconds before he hears heels clicking on the other side.

Dana Salazar-Roberts, probably the most insatiable of the two women, opens the door. "Hello, Mrs. Salazar-Roberts," Ricky greets with a fake smile.

The woman only glares at him. "My daughter is home from college, so you'll need to work much faster than normal."

Of course, don't want to upset the prissy princess. "Yes, ma'am." She allows him into the mansion, and he starts walking to the backyard.

"Hello, Ricky. Where is Big Red?" Carol asks him. She was the more understanding and reasonable one.

"He's come down with some sickness, so he won't be making it today," he explained. He could hear Dana scoff under her breath as Carol nodded.

"This way please," the brunette urges, motioning for Ricky to keep walking towards the back. Once out there, Ricky sets the bucket down in the normal spot and starts getting stuff out. "Please try a little harder this time." And she leaves him.

Common Sense • drivers licenseWhere stories live. Discover now