10 ~ Pizzas & Promises

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How does the theater gang decide to kick off their summer?

Started: September 23, 2021
Finished: April 3, 2023

I started theorizing and thinking about how S3 was going to go and began writing this before S3 was even confirmed. (I don't really remember when the trailers and announcements came out now though.)

This story came from my wish list of moments/scenes.
(S3 was definitely better than S2 yet did not save the series [not by a long shot]. Tim needs to clone Olivia and give us the Rini ending we deserve.)

I have not posted in over three months, so without further ado, let's get started on my version of the theater gang's summer!


Everyone gathered at Slices after a long day out in the sun. Summer had started a few days ago, and the gang was enjoying as much of it as they could.

Nini was going off to LA to see what she could do with her music (all thanks to Gina), but she decided to put it off, so she could enjoy the summer vacation a little.

It's been... eventful. She and Ricky still haven't talked much, but they both want to deep down; they're just afraid. They're in each other's lives right now (kind of), and it felt like an awkward game of chicken.

Gina and EJ were... a thing? It's hard to tell. Gina said they're not official yet, but that she wants them to be. EJ was a totally different person with her; it was amazing to see his change from only a few months prior. They were still scared though, scared of properly opening up to people.

Big Red and Ashlyn were... still them. There haven't been many changes with them. Well, other than the fact that Ashlyn still hasn't found a proper place to hang the sign he made for her. It was huge and had to be close to an outlet in case the batteries died; she didn't want to have to take it off the wall every time it died.

Seb and Carlos are much more... open with each other. Instead of hiding or pretending, words were used much more. Seb is learning to find his voice and express his opinion out loud instead of confusing himself in his head, and Carlos is doing the same.

Kourtney and Howie were... something. It was confusing. Much like EJ and Gina, they haven't confirmed anything (as far as everyone is aware). Nini has asked Kourtney, which has led to nothing so far.

Anyway, back to Slices.

"Dude where are you?! Everyone's waiting." Big Red had called Ricky maybe five times, and he was still missing.

"I'm on my way! Chill! By the way, it's kinda difficult to be on a phone call while skateboarding!!"

"Where have you been? You've been MIA the whole day!"

"Eat some pizza to calm your nerves," he said, rolling his eyes. "You can start without me."


Ricky had strangely been more distant from the gang lately, and it was quite noticeable. Originally, Big Red thought it had something to do with his parents since he hasn't talked with his mom since spring break. But Ricky wasn't moping around like he usually would be in these situations. He was... happy.

It was a strange kind of happiness. Strange in the sense that it just didn't make sense. He was spending more time at the skatepark too; well... that's what he claimed.

Big Red thought it might be a girl, but Ricky still seemed a little hung up on Nini, so if there was another person involved, Big Red wasn't sure if it was true feelings for someone else or just a distraction.

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