Brain Scans and Blood tests

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Just as promised, Ashley dragged Will back to Gotham with her the first chance she got. It had taken some convincing and nearly four whole costume changes because Ashley claimed he looked too 'shank-able', but she had done it.

"So, where to first?"

The younger brunette answered immediately with a confident tone. "Harley. I thought about Jonathan. He's the most like Hannibal style-wise, but you and I both know he'd probably drug you instinctively at least once. By the time that's done, Tim will be out of school. He's texted me the location we'll be meeting later."

Ashley paused as she slowed her pace. "Oh, and fair warning, she will insult your clothing and life choices at some point or other, but she has good intentions, for the most part, so you're just going to have to let it roll off your back like water."

"Does she do that often? Insult people while trying to give them advice?"

They had reached a less crowded area now. Ashley walked into a nearby alley and Will followed nervously. As they walked down the alley, nervous whispers seemed to follow.

"Oh shit, it's Ashley."

"I didn't know she was back."

The brunette glared at the source of the voices and the passerby's shut up. She jumped up onto the fire escape with cat-like ease. "Stay here. I'll be back."

She took something out of her pocket and shoved it into his hand. It has flat and made of cool metal. It was most likely a pocket knife.

He was waiting for perhaps two minutes at most when someone started falling from the rooftop. Instinctively, he jumped backwards as the person pulled to the stop. Hanging a couple of feet above where his head had previously been was Ashley, who was hanging upside down from a vine that was wrapped around her feet.

She tugged on it once and it slowly lowered her. Once she was upright again, Ashley smiled cheekily and made a jazz hands motion. "Ta-da!" For a split second, Ashley looked years younger than she was. Child-like joy and enthusiasm seemed to surround her like a cloud.

Will blinked once then twice as shock, fear, and finally anger flash through him like waves of color and light. "Are you crazy? You could have killed yourself!"

Her smile dropped. "It was a pre-calculated move that I've done before. I'm fine."

Will raised an eyebrow. "And if Poison Ivy had decided to drop you lower?"

Ashley scoffed slightly to herself as the vibe started to wrap around Will, who seemed oblivious. She wouldn't do that simply because the amount of people I've killed is the equivalent of planting a small forest.

"Ivy wouldn't do that, I'm adorable. Besides, no one ever truly dies in Gotham. Personally, I think it's the fact that we have supervillains that keep poisoning the water supply, but it's nothing that I can officially prove. I mean, between Ivy, Joker, and Scarecrow alone, the citizens of this shit hole stand a pretty good chance of building an immunity to neurotoxins."

Ashley tugged on the vine, which had more or less wrapped itself completely around Will's torso. "It's a Gothamite thing, you wouldn't understand. Race you to the top!"

He yells after her partly out of surprise from being lifted off the ground and partly because she had vanished into thin air. The FBI agent could only cling to the vine and hope the eco-terrorist didn't decide to kill him.

By the time he reached the top, Ashley was already sitting on the windowsill. Will's confused mind searched for a reasonable explanation but found none. No human could move that fast.

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