The Dead Doctor

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Ashley blinked and then she blinked again. Seconds ago, she was in a twin bed, staring at a digital clock with glowing green numbers. Now she stood outside in front of a burning trash can wearing absolutely nothing but a chest binder — that she wasn't even aware that she owned — and the type of boxers you might expect to find in the kid's section at Target.

Her mind finally seemed to register the fire as she grabbed the conveniently placed bucket of water. Ashley could almost imagine the water pouring in slow motion onto the flames. Without thinking, she reached into the metal trash can to pull out whatever was left.

Anyone else would have cursed and yelled about touching something that was on fire mere moments before, but Ashley just stared with an almost vacant look at the burnt fabric in her hand. The soot hid the original color well, not that she would've been able to tell anyways in the dark.

Her eyes narrowed as she pulled what looked suspiciously like dog hair off of it. Her heart dropped at an alarming rate as her phone started to ring. "Hello?"

"Where are you right now?" Jack Crawford's voice demanded through the small speaker.

"In my hotel room, why?" Every word and mannerism formed a well-constructed human veil that Ashley Al'Ghul was hiding behind.

"Will's Doctor was murdered."

"Is Will alright? H-he said he had an appointment tonight."

"Will's a little shaken up, but he's fine. When can you get here?"

"Thirty minutes maybe." Her thumb brushed gently over the fabric. "Forty if I stop for coffee."

"Alright. See you in 40."

"See you in 40."


The second Ashley saw the body, she knew. I killed this man.

She wanted to cry or kick and scream. Ashley had promised when she fled the League of Assassins on her 11th birthday that never again would she kill for someone else. She didn't remember deciding to kill him. She didn't...

If Ashley was normal, she would've keeled over as a stabbing pain much like a bolt of lightning flashed through her head. Everything seemed to glitch as the lights in the room switched from on to off.

She wasn't standing in the doorway anymore. Instead, she was tucked neatly behind the door. She wouldn't be revealed until after he closed the door and flipped on the lights, but by that point, it was too late.

Before he could even ask what she was doing, Ashley had thrown him back with a force only a demigod or a meta-human could muster. Latex gloves coat her hands and thick flannel covers her arms. Her hair wasn't braided or down for once. It was pinned up in a way that almost made it appear curled.

He yelled out as she pushed him down into his chair. Her face remains indifferent as he scratched at the flannel in protest. She had been given a job and she intended to deliver. Blood is quick to coat her gloved hands and the sleeves of Will's shirt. Slice after slice, Ashley carved off his mask.

She blinked and it was gone. The lights were back, and so were the people.

She ran a hand through her hair as she cautiously approached her mentor. His pale face seemed to regain a little color when he met her eyes.

Guilt seemed to heat her cold body much like a raging forest fire. Ashley couldn't quite remember the last time she had felt guilty for taking a life. No... it wasn't that. She felt guilty for betraying Will's trust. Part of her wants to beg for forgiveness right then and there. Instead, she holds out a cup.

"I brought you coffee. Figured you'd need it." She glanced at the body and pursed her lips. "Perhaps I should have brought vodka instead."

His lips twitch slightly as he tries to smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. "I could use some vodka right about now."

The younger brunette tossed him a similarly grim expression. "I'll do that next time."

The temporary peace shattered like glass as Jimmy Price spoke loudly and clearly. "The murder weapon contains the same damaged tissue we found at Beth Lebeau's house."

Ashley blinked and for a split second, she could hear Hannibal's distinct voice. "You said a part of your soul is attached to Will's. Channel it and she won't know the difference."

She got a flash of herself handing Georgia the scissors before saying "All yours." The brunette had been careful to make her voice deeper and scratchier, yet mimic the waiver Will's voice often carried.

"All right, while we're at it, why you?"

"I don't know."

Ashley pursed her lips. "I might. You said you told her she was alive?"

Will nodded silently.

"Maybe she came to confirm it, but couldn't because it wasn't you." The room fell morbidly silent for a moment.

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