Happy Hunting

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Neatly piled on top of the bed was a pair of folded clothes. The fingers of her uninjured hand brushed over momentarily before she put them on. They were the same clothes she'd been wearing the night Dexter and Brian had chopped up the man who had killed their mom all those years ago in the shipping container.

Ashley hadn't helped that time. Instead, she had prowled around the cabin like a starved cat in an attempt to avoid the sprays of blood caused by the two chainsaws.

Instinctively, she pulled her hair into a 'ballerina bun' and glided  into the dining room. "You got the blood out."

Brian cleared his throat slightly. "No, I just bought you a new outfit. I'd offer you coffee, but you probably need your rest and it's late. How about soup instead?"

Ashley tilted her head slightly. "They fit perfectly, thank you. Are we going hunting?"

The older killer sighed. "Not tonight. Sit down, I'll fix up your wounds."

Ashley deflated slightly, but obeyed. She sat down next to him and stuck out her arms. "I didn't kill those girls."

Brian didn't even bother glancing up from his first aid kit and the scratches on her arms. "I know. You're too inventive to settle for being some measly copycat."

Ashley gave him a weird look. "Thanks. So, what now?"

"Now," Brian started, pausing slightly as he glanced up, "now we get some food in you. I'll take call in sick tomorrow and I'll get Dex to stop by. We'll figure something out together."

Brian nearly jumped out of his skin when he exited his bedroom the next morning. He was used to being the first one up. He most certainly was not used to a fully awake ex-assassin drinking coffee on his couch and watching his door with hyper-vigilance. If Ashley hadn't raised her mug for another sip, he most likely wouldn't have noticed she was awake.

"The rest of the coffee should still be warm if you want some."

"This," Brian started, gesturing vaguely towards the teen,  "is exactly why the FBI thinks you're a serial killer."

The brunette smiled coyly. "Perhaps. Or I could just not trust my new roommate."

Brian dramatically placed a hand over his heart and 'stumbled' back. "Ouch, that really hurts."

Ashley gave an amused scoff, but her eyes remained sharp as her freshly applied eyeliner and vigilant. The man she was talking to was the remains of Rudy Copper and Brian Moser, the friendly neighborhood prosthetics doctor. She wouldn't be fooled into forgetting about the human veil that hid the Ice Truck Killer from the eyes of the masses.

"Oh, I'm sure. Whatever we're going to do, we should be quick. As I've come to understand it, Agent Hotchner's team is going to be the ones in charge of apprehending me."


"Ok, start from the beginning. Which team will be apprehending you?"

Ashley bit back a comment about the younger brother's baritone, flat voice. "I have... an extensive history, to say the least. I was 11 when I first hacked the FBI computer database. When I was 12, I was on the news for suspected terrorism because you mortals can't tell the difference between bullets and godly interference apparently. I won't even get into the other shit, but at the very least I'll have three separate units fighting other who gets my case."

"And those units are..." Brian gestured with one hand while the other firmly clasped the table he was leaning on.

"The Behavioral Analysis unit [BAU], Cyber Division, Counterterrorism Division [maybe], and Internal Affairs. That should buy us all the time we need for us to plan. Although, I should warn you: Hotch's team is well known for going behind the Bureau's back on certain cases. So, chances are, BAU is who'll end up tracking me down."

Ashley had to hold back how amusing it was to watch the eyebrows of both brothers shoot upwards. "Well, at least that'll buy us some time. How well do you know the group you mentioned."

"I've only consulted with them once, and that was only because they thought having someone who was fluent in Arabic would be helpful."

Dexter let out an exhale through his nose. "I don't suppose any of them fit the code?"

Ashley stiffened and her eyes darkened. "No. They aren't part of our designs. Besides, I'll be long gone before they even get started. Hannibal's the bigger threat."

The Ice-Truck killer's mouth twisted into a gruesome smile. "Well, then, happy hunting!"

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