Fisherman or Hunter?

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This is a mistake, her mind hissed as she followed Abigail Hobbs and Will Graham up the stairs of the Hobbs cabin. You'll regret this.

Her eyes were wide and wary as she scanned the rows of antlers. She could feel the dead girls and animals that had been mounted on the walls. There was an eerie vibe that filled the entire cabin. In Ashley's opinion, it was akin to feeling as though you're being watched by big, void-like eyes and the feeling of a cold, dry breath hitting the back of your neck. Logically, you know there's no one or anything behind you, but that doesn't make the anxiety go away.

"The copycat knew your Dad well enough to know about this place."

Will's voice brought Ashley back to the present and her fingers twitch slightly. Abigail's equally cautious gaze flickered between the two detectives.

"You two felt like you knew my Father."

Will nodded. "I had to understand him after he died."

"We were doing our jobs." Ashley couldn't bring herself from loitering by the stairs, silhouetted against the light from the window like some sort of phantom.

Abigail bit the inside of her cheek. "Have you two ever hunted?"

Will hummed softly in acknowledgment. "I fish."

Ashley inhaled sharply as Abigail continued. "Same thing, isn't it? One you stalk, the other you lure."

Realization crossed over Will's face and it was nearly enough to send Ashley bounding down the stairs like a fawn evading a hunter. "Were you more fisherman or hunter?"

Panic flared across Abigail's face. If Ashley had any less control than she did, she was sure her face would look exactly the same. "My dad taught me how to hunt."

"That's not what I'm asking.

Will's voice seemed to be getting deadlier by the seconds and Ashley's heartbeat was picking up for the first time in years. Suddenly, she felt extremely grateful that Jonathan Crane wasn't within a 100-mile radius of her location. Just because she was his 'friend' doesn't mean he was above using her fears against her. It was his M.O, after all.

" Were you more fisherman or hunter?"

There was a moment of silence. The youngest teen was almost certain that if she tensed anymore, she'd shatter like a teacup.

"I was the lure." Abigail's eyes flicker to the brunette teen for a second. "Did Hannibal tell you?"

Will let out a disbelieving laugh. "No, he hid it. They both did."

Instead of addressing the accusation with threats of violence like she normally would, Ashley weaved her way between Will and Abigail, her arms held up in an 'I surrender' motion. "I think a part of you always knew, deep down. You promised you'd protect her when she killed Nick. Why is it any different now?"

Will glances at the scar momentarily as he steps forwards and placed a hand on both of the teen's shoulders. His expression softens momentarily as she leans into the touch. Ashley didn't even have time to scream as Will picked her up and slammed her into the nearest set of antlers. Betrayal set over her features as she watched him slit Abigail's throat.

Then, just as soon as the vision had started, it was over. Ashley's green eyes connected with Will and she could see he was just as shocked and scared as the teens.

The younger teen opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by Will. "You helped your Dad kill those girls!"

"No, I didn't!"

Ashley's scratchy voice came out barely above a loud whisper. "You just admitted you were the lure." The gears were turning, and there was no going back. "Who killed Marissa?"

Abigail's gaze jerked between Will and the younger brunette. "You think one of us did it? You think I killed my best friend!"

"If it wasn't you," Will started in a slow, dangerous tone as his gaze shifted to Ashley, "it was someone you knew."

The younger demigod's expression remained impassive as she backed up slightly. "If I had killed her, I would've let you know it was me in a way that wasn't incriminating."

For the first time, Will considered whether or not his student was a threat. Ashley's tone and posture seemed deadlier than before they'd entered the cabin. It was the posture of someone who knew how to fight, and not just the basics either.

Will stumbled backwards slightly in surprise as the pieces started to slot together. The way she held herself, the fact that she's never missed a shot...

The white fawn gave way to a black doe. His chest clenched slightly as he spoke. "You're an assassin. How many people have you killed?"

Her cold, vacant eyes almost look grey rather than green in the dark cabin. Ashley's next words sent a shiver down both Will and Abigail's spines. "I can't remember." It wasn't proud or said with confidence. Instead, the statement was broken and shaky. Something unidentifiable flickered in her expression. "Why did you bring us to Minnesota? What was so important that you could only find here?"

Abigail's eyes widened after a second. "You think he's planning to kill us?!" Her statement was laced with fear and uncertainty. Will felt his heart drop when he realized she didn't seem entirely shocked.

Both of their eyes settled onto the youngest brunette. "I've considered it as a possibility since he suggested taking us to Minnesota in the first place," Ashley admitted. Will recoiled slightly under her scrutinizing gaze. "However, I want to hear it from you. You owe us that at least."

Both her hands were held up in an "I surrender" motion so he had full view of the scar on her hand. She was inching closer, the same way one might approach a startled animal. He flinched slightly as she reached out to place one hand supportively on his shoulder.

"Will, I need to hear it from you. Tell me you didn't bring us here to kill us."

If Will hadn't been so focused on the hand rubbing his shoulder and Ashley's gaze, he might have noticed the hand gingerly snaking its way into his pocket and pulling out his car keys.

Slowly, slowly, the keys jangled and everything seemed to freeze for a second. Fück me.

Abigail jerked forwards as Ashley sprung into action. She didn't even have time to blink before Will hit the floor with a groan of pain. Abigail's eyes widened in shock as Ashley yelled at her to run and not look back.

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