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The brunette teen sighed slightly as she glanced out the jet window. It was almost ridiculous really, but two months into traveling practically non-stop with the infamous BAU, and she STILL wasn't used to the concept of flying. Though, in all honesty, it was more ridiculous that she had gotten out in 2 weeks tops and the trial for Will Graham's life hadn't even started. It was starting tomorrow and she wasn't looking forward to sitting in court for days on end.

Oh well, at the very least I'll have JJ to keep me company. Officially, the BAU was the closest thing to legal Guardians she had. Hotch would end up taking full responsibility if she woke up one day and decided, 'you know what, I'm going to go on a ✨murder spree✨'.

Although, when push came to shove, it was Reid who was glued to her side most of the time. Her fault, really, for roping him into becoming her personal tutor because "if there's something Mr.Eidetic memory doesn't know, is it really all that worth knowing anyhow?" It was better than high school, anyhow. Well, despite the fact that she was sober instead of high.

Ashley was hardly one to apologize unless she absolutely had to, but she got him books on anything and everything magic based to compensate.

But, back to the point: two months! That had been enough time to give each of her new teammates a nickname based on a poisonous plant. JJ was Hydrangea, Emily was Oleander, Morgan was Belladonna [Deadly Nightshade], Garcia was Bleeding Heart, and Rossi was Agni Shikha [Fire Lily]. She had to work harder on Spencer's and Hotch's. Doctor Reid's favorite color is purple, so his nickname being something that produces a purple flower was a no-brainer, but it was frustrating just how many poisonous purple flowers there are.

"Ok, I think I finally got it."

Reid finished the page of whatever book he was reading before glancing up. "Ok. Hit me."

"Ok, don't laugh. Wisteria. I know it typically symbolizes romance and it's more pastel than the purple you usually go for, but it also symbolizes 'devotion that transcends death' and 'good luck' and well, I figured you of all people could use it."

JJ and Emily snickered slightly. "It's fitting."

Ashley smirked slightly. "I know."

That left Hotch. Ashley decided on daffodil simply because of the face he made when she was testing it out. She was an Addams. Her abilities to be a menace to society may be hindered, but now she had a new goal: annoying the top team of the FBI.

Ashley, in her humble opinion, was excelling. She had friends all across the country, and they were all chaotic in their own ways. Lucifer Morningstar was the first she and the team ran into. She couldn't quite remember what the handsome Devil had said, but she remembered blatantly bullying Reid with Morgan over how red his face was.

Next up was Klaus Hargreaves who was surprisingly sober. [Not to say he was sober, that is.]

Morgan raised an eyebrow as Ashley hugged the strange man. "Wait a second, you know this guy?"

The stranger let out an airy giggle. "Oh yeah, we go WAAAY back. Don't we? It's a funny story, really."

Ashley grinned almost evilly. "So do you want to tell it or should I?"

"Well meine schwester, you're far more sober than I am. You should start!"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "So this was like three years ago now. I'm walking down the street and Klaus was arguing with Bentacles over here..." Her eyes seemed to flash neon green for a moment and suddenly there was a shocked-looking Asian teen standing on the sidewalk where she was gesturing. She and Klaus remained unphased as she continued. "About asking for directions."

"We were lost. Someone was just too high to admit it."

Klaus hissed at him and Ben ignored him. "I'm his brother by the way, nice to meet you!"

Morgan, despite seeming confused, nodded. "Nice to meet you too man."

Klaus wrapped an arm around her. "Anyways, this little gremlin walks up to us and gives Ben-e-rino the directions! And I'm like, he's dead you shouldn't be able to do that! So I naturally assume I'm the father and the kid's freaking out too. One blood test later and bam-wham-thank you - ma'am I'm not the daddy! YaAaY!"

Ben looks equal parts mortified and exasperated. Ashley simply rolls her eyes and scowls slightly.

Last was Dexter Morgan [not to be confused with Derek.] He wasn't so much a 'friend' as a 'serial killer she was low-key blackmailing', but it counts. She did, after all, clear up the whole "Bay Harbor Butcher fiasco". Not to mention Brian and Dexter probably would've fought to the death. It was amusing to watch fully fledged killers jump nervously at the mere sight of her.

Not that any of them would be able to help, mind you. The only one would be JJ and maybe Hotch at some point or other. Even then, JJ wasn't going to be called to the stand. Ashley had joked that the blonde was babysitting because she needed the practice. It was hard to tell whether or not the joke was approached by the blonde, but Morgan and Reid had laughed and Ashley could've sworn she saw a ghost of a smile on Hotch's face.

Anticipation boiled through her veins and in her stomach. Ashley visited Will when she could, of course, but between work and private lessons, she hardly had time to breathe let alone keep up with routinely visits. She sent puzzles and riddle books when she couldn't make it in person, but Will was probably still dying of boredom. Ashley never allowed herself to be locked up in a mental facility for more than several days [a week being the absolute longest, and she had been in a drug-induced mini-comma, so that doesn't count.]

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