Mindless and Thoughtless

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Sorry it's been forever. The spring semester was practically burying me with work and I just got back from studying abroad. I've also been struggling a bit with motivation, so I'm going to be skipping over the trial for the most part. Anyways, enjoy!

Ashley gazed up at the body in the middle of the court room with an unamused look of disdain and gratitude in equal measures. "Not only is justice blind; It's mindless and heartless."Hannibal's smooth voice rang out and Ashley hummed in silent agreement.

"You would say that, wouldn't you?" Ashley was often viewed as a ball of teenage angst by most who knew her, but Hannibal was the only one who had the ability to make her actually feel like that. In a way, she couldn't help but be grateful. The judge's death probably saved Will's life. At the same time, it wouldn't have been necessary if someone hadn't felt the need to frame Will in the first goddamn place.

"Sorry for interrupting, Doctor Lecter, but I'll need to steal Ashley for a moment. Hotch wants us meeting privately to discuss this... development."

In another life, the brunette teen thought Reid would've made a good spy with how smooth he was about wanting to keep her as far away from the serial killer as possible. He probably wasn't nearly smooth enough, mind you, but Hannibal couldn't even make a fuss on most occasions because of how disgustingly polite Reid was about it. So perhaps Spencer would survive him, or at the very least die swiftly if it came down to it.

Ashley didn't bother asking where they were meeting after she excused herself and followed him out. She knew Reid well enough by now to know his self-appointed priority was keeping her and Hannibal separated at all times if possible. Ashley couldn't bring herself to fault him for it even if she tried.

In the back of her mind, Ashley knew it was HER who advised people to practically shun her until Hannibal was caught. It didn't make the fact that they had listened to her sting any less. Duela Dent hadn't listened, but she was crazy. Then again, that seemed to be a prerequisite to date the young necromancer in the first place.

Sometimes Ashley couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with Reid for the older genius to get along with her so well. He had a sense of moral righteousness coursing through him like the blood in his veins. She was a retired professional thief who hacked her way into the FB fucking I for kicks. If the young demigod had a moral compas at one point, it most likely had been smashed to smithereens LONG before Hannibal had squirmed his way into her brain, whispering thoughts of murder and mayhem in her ears.

She didn't have time to focus on just what was wrong with the boy genius. With the death of the judge, it would probably count as a mistrial. A bold move on Hannibal's part, to murder a judge but the teen couldn't help but feel an unpleasant stab of gratitude.

Then, of course, there was the murder of the bailiff to consider. It wasn't unheard of to find a disciple of the unholy. In fact,  it used to be a lot more common back when a majority of the population believed in witchcraft. It would be easy enough to manipulate this admirer into committing further sins in the interest of helping a 'like minded pair of individuals.' The question became about whether or not it was WISE to.

Either way, it's too late now, mused the teen. She had barely an hour to prepare before facing the scrutiny of Freddie Lounds once more alongside Will.


Watching the two geniuses and the reporter interact was like watching a fight between three sharks over a fresh meal.  At the very least, Doctor Spencer Reid thought so as he watched on the security cameras. Every smile and movement was sharp and cutting, even with Ashley sitting smugly on the top of the table. In the camera, her eyes looked devoid of light as she leaned forwards with a predatory smile. "Come on Freddie. It'd make a great story, and you've always cared about that more than anything. Besides, aren't you curious if this admirer decides to respond?"

It was almost fascinating just how different the girl on the screen was to the Ashley he had grown accustomed with. Commissioner Gordon had told Doctor Reid that the teen could be slipper than oil and sharper than broken glass. Personally Reid had thought it was a harsh way to describe her, but perhaps the Commissioner was right after all.

Ashley had been well mannered and polite from the second she joined the team. In fact, she had been pretty rigid that first month and somehow managed to get off to a rocky start with Rossi.


Ashley had been silent as the scene unfolded before her. Her new teammates were debating about one of the woman they were forced to work with. It was her first case with them, and even if it hadn't been, she didn't want to get in the middle of it.

She couldn't help but raise a well groomed eyebrow when Rossi turned to her for support. "I think," she paused for a moment as all eyes turned to her, "she's not going to stop until she gets herself or someone else killed. There's ambition, and then there is reckless. I doubt she knows the difference."

End flashback

She had been right, of course. That didn't stop the older Agent from tossing snide remarks her direction almost every chance he got until Hotch specifically told him to cut it out. Even then, Ashley was respectful and unbelievably patient.

Where Freddie Lounds was concerned, the teen was cold, vicious, and absolutely unapologetic. She relished in cruel, cunning words. For the first time since they had met, Spencer could understand why everyone was so ready to believe the worst in her. The young Doctor couldn't help the way his gut twisted at the thought of him doubting her for even a moment. If no else is willing to believe in her, Doctor Reid thought to himself, then I will.

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