Just like fishing

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Hidden safely away in his grimy cell in Baltimore Asylum for the Criminally Insane, Will Graham was seething. If Hannibal thought that nearly killing Ashley with a fear toxin overdose of all things, he was DAMN WRONG.

"It's like fishing. We'll have to be patient before we make our move."

Will chuckled to himself as he cast his line and Ashley smiled slyly. "Wait till he's desperate enough to bite."

The teen laughed at his response. "Exactly. I promise you, he won't know what hit him."

Will had been in his cell for just over a week, and in that time, four separate people had visited, in the following order: Hannibal Lecter, Derek Morgan and Aaron Hotchner, and last but not least, Ashley Al'Ghul, even if it wasn't in an official capacity.

Will would, in time, find it within himself to forgive Ashley. He knew that from the second she had appeared in front of his cell. Hell, he knew from the second he was arrested. She was, after all, a literal kid, and Hannibal had managed to fool everyone else, who was easily twice Ashley's age. Besides, even though he had no idea how she'd done it, she had gotten a group of profilers to believe her, and by extension, him.

He could always see her, just out of the corner of his eyes. Sometimes Abigail would join her and they'd laugh and whisper sweet ideas for revenge in his ears.

When the time comes, and the time most certainly does come, Will fake cries to lower Hannibal's guard, just like Ashley had suggested, and more importantly, just like she taught him. Sometimes, when he is absolutely certain no one else is awake,  Will would take out the mountain of letters hidden carefully out of sight. It didn't matter that he couldn't see the words in the dead of night, because he could hear Ashley's voice in his head.

It was always smooth and slightly accented in a way that made it nearly impossible to tell where she was from [looking back on it, that was probably intentional]. It was slightly dry and raspy at times, especially the more stressed she was [Will was almost certain that was from sneaking a cigarette or two when no one was looking]. Will made sure to memorize them and keep them stacked meticulously in chronological order.

She had explained everything, just as she'd promised. While some things seemed far fetched [mostly the part talking about them all being part god and the fact that Will had a piece of her soul INSIDE of him], it certainly would explain why he was able to read everything she wrote, considering that it was a mixture of Arabic, Ancient Greek, and Russian.


Ashley blinked drearily as she finally started to regain consciousness. Everything felt numb, especially where something cool and hard pressed against her skin. A muzzle? What did I do that require them to... A grin wormed its way onto her face before she could stop it as it all comes rushing back to her.

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