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the chapter starts with naira running from the class , on the road with tears in her eyes . she was going towards the direction in the baby center . where as in the class, kartik is shocked as naira ran out of the class while tanvi and kunal understood that it will be related to kairav . they told kartik that's it is an emergency and was also about to go but then kartik threatened them which made them sit back on their chairs . even though kartik was also worried as to what had happened , he finished the lecture soon

as soon as he finished the lecture , tanvi and kunal went out of the class running with a worried look on their face. Kartik followed them but then he was shocked moreover confused when he say them going to the baby centre .

kartik pov

why did they go to the baby centre ? why will naira go there that too leaving the class? What is so urgent ? and why baby centre ? oh my god I am so confused . let me go in and check .

I went inside the baby centre . I went to the reception and asked the receptionist ;

Kartik pov ends

Kartik : umm Mrs. Naira Goenka is here?

Receptionist : no sir , in here no one comes from the surname goenka , you must be having some confusion

Kartik pov

Why did I call her goenka? Oh my god , something is really wrong with me . well , that really indicates she doesn't consider me her wife

Kartik pov ends

Receptionist : sir ?? you here?? What are you thinking?

Kartik : actually voh um sorry here someone called Ms. Naira Singhania ?

Receptionist : oh ya ..naira . she is here sir infact we all know her she is a regular customer

Kartik : regular but for whom does she

As soon as kartik was gonna ask this , he was interrupted due to a phone call on the desk . the receptionist just pointed towards a room and he got to know that naira is in that room . he was taking slow steps there , unknown to him , opening the door would make his life go upside down .

Kartik pov

I don't know what is happening with me . why am I feeling that something is going to happen . Krishna ji I just hope whatever shocker I may get , it is for the benefit . I am also hoping that naira should be alright . but why is she even here ?

i opened the door with a confused look on my face . what i saw in front of his eyes did shocked me a lot but moreover I was confused . I saw tanvi and kunal sitting on the chair while naira coming out of the washroom but she is not alone , she has a baby who is crying in her arms . she is trying to make him calm . she was making him calm when she looked up and was shocked . a lone tear passed her eyes . I started moving towards her and spoke ;

kartik pov ends here

kartik : naira tum yahaan ? aur yeh bacha yeh kon hain ?

naira pov

I saw him there on the door looking confused and shocked . I was scared what if he snatches kairav away from me ? I won't be able to live without him . a lone tear escaped my eyes , when he started coming towards me . but when he asked me what am I doing here and who is this kid , it just got me back to the past . when he asked me that I felt that my old kartik is back . he said it in the most caring voice ever. I was trying to hold my tears . I really wanted to hug him tight and tell him that kairav is our symbol of love but I couldn't do that because we had given each others so many wounds that now those wounds will never heal

Naira pov ends

Kartik : naira where are you lost? I asked you something . what are you doing here and who is this baby ? what relations do you have with him?

Kartik was going to speak but he was interrupted when the nurse came inside and spoke;

Nurse: Ms. Naira , kairav is all right now . he just cried because he was missing you . you can take him now

Naira : yes sister

While for kartik , the whole world turned upside down , the name kairav was enough for him to know that it is naira's and his son. He was happy , excited but he was also angry but due to the situation in front of him he was happy ...very happy . he had tears in his eyes .

Naira : kartik listen.. see I can ex..pla..inn

Kartik : mera beta . he is my son oh my god I have become a father. I have a son . ohh my godddd ....i am so freaking happy

He hugged naira tightly while naira became shocked as she did not expect this reaction from him at all. While being in the hug,

Kartik : naira , we have become parents . you got another mendak a chotu mendak . I am so happy naira , I can't imagine .


Kartik : naira first let me hold him

Kartik hold kairav from naira and starts playing with him while kairav is now also not crying but is laughing . kartik takes kairav outside to play with him while naira falls on the ground with a THUD.

Naira (crying): yeh kya hogaya ? he got to know that kairav is his son .our symbol of love . I felt the same kartik who was with me . the same kartik whom I fell in love with . but what iff I can't let that happen. What if he snatches my kairav from me ? no that will not happen otherwise I will die . nahi yeh nahi ho sakta .

While tanvi and kuna who was as shocked as naira , had tears in their eyes looking at their friend breaking down. They went to her and consoled her

Tanvi: dekh naira nothing will happen . please be calm . kairav ko tujhse door koi nahi leke jaayega aur the professor KG he ..he is your husband matlab kairav's dad?

Naira (sternly): haaan tanvi, he is kartik ..kartik goenka kairav's dad that was the reason I was shocked when I came to know that he is the professor in our class, that was the reason I ran from the class that day and that was the bloody reason I was shocked when you guys told me that he is living in the flat above me .

Kunal : par naira why did you not tell us ? why is your family not with you ? are you two separated or divorced or something? What happened in your past please tell us it is becoming very confusing for us

Naira : voh



Hey peeps !! that's it for this chapter !! do vote and comment !!!

Co author :

Till then bye and lots of love

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