chapter 1

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chapter 1

"a new old start"

song: ever since new york~harry styles

i was sitting on the bright green couch, that my dad obviously picked out himself. he always loved the colour green, so much he decided to name his child after it. not that i don't like my name, trust me i do.

"how did you get here?" my dad asked. i looked up, suprised that he was sitting right infront of me. "i took the bus"

i could tell he wasn't content with my answer, he uncomfortably shifted on the wooden chair. "

"on your own?"he raised an eyebrow

"yes dad, on my own"

my dad was a special guy, he is honestly the most over-worried person i know. well, about everyone except himself. my dad was a firefighter, so everyday is a near-death situation for him. probably part of why my mom left him.

my mom is a perfectionist, she wants everyone to be perfect and happy all the time. My dad found it suffocating, my mom couldn't handle that my dad didn't agree with her and well, look where i am now.

i sighed and looked at him "i've missed you".

he smiled at me with his big brown bear eyes "i've missed you too, mouse."

my dad's nickname for me was mouse, don't ask me why, but he's been calling me it since as long as i can remember.

my dad looked at me and i knew what he was wondering. this is the moment i have been dreading since my decision to come here.

"dad, i came here because i want to come live with you, back here in wellsbury.

it was quiet, my dad seemed to be in deep thought. the second i told him i looked away , i didn't want to be met with the look of dissapointment, so i focused on the cars driving by instead.

"are you sure thats what you want?" the silence was broken abrubtly. I looked at him and nodded, being to nervous to speak.

"then let's take care of that, do you already have your bags with you?"

i was still looking at him, waiting for him to tell me it was a joke and i should just go back to San Diego, back to my mom.

"are you serious?"my dad laughed

"yes sage, i'm serious.

i jumped up from the couch and threw my hands around my dads neck "thank you thank you thank you thank you" i exclaimed.

my dad hugged me back and whispered "anything for you sage"

2 days later

i unpacked my last suitcase and looked at my room. I finally finished it.

When i got here my room was still the same, but in the last 2 years my style has changed, so i decided a little bit of remodeling would make it feel more like a safe place.

Tomorrow was my first day back at school, i haven't told anyone that i'm back yet. I'm worried that they might not remember me, that max might not remember me.

The last time i spoke to her was around 5 months ago, she called me and we talked. I was so happy when she finally called me back. But apparantly that was the first and only time.

I always felt some way about Max, maybe it was just because we were the only two gays in whole Wellsbury, but i had a huge crush on her. I used to think she liked me too, that maybe we were just both too scared to say it. But after i moved away and i barely heard from her, it was clear for me that this crush was just one-sided.

i sighed at my own thoughts and decided to change into a crop-top and some sweats. I put on grey's anatomy and after a while fell asleep


okay soooo this is my first every story on wattpad. I'm really scared and i have no idea how to write but i really wanted to try it out so here it is. I would love it if you guys could give me some feedback since this is my first time writing. Should i write longer chapters? is my grammar okay? do you guys want more details or less or aaaaah yeah. i'm really chaotic i'm sorry but yeah so please let me know in the comments thanksssssss


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