chapter 12

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i left my room, leaving thomas to talk to my dad. i really hoped he would realize how much my dad misses him and ethan.

i decided to take a quick shower and call abby after.

i tried her twice and was met with the same faith, no anwer.

i felt myself getting worries, she was supposed to stay with the bakers until i got back.

i called marcus and he thankfully picked up.


"what's up?"

"is abby still at yours?"

"uh, i think so"

"can you go check?"

"uh, i was kinda in the middle of-"


"okay, okay jeez."

i heared a lot of rumbling and a tv sound.

"yup she's still here, watching a movie with max."

"give her the phone." i ordered, wanting to make sure she was okay.

"this is my phone and i'd much rather-"

"just give her the damn phone."


i waited for a couple of seconds until i heard another voice in my ear.


i felt myself sigh with relief the second i heard abby.

"abbs, you okay?"

"uh yeah, why?"

"you didn't pick up your phone." i answered

"oh shit, it's dead, sorry."

"it's okay, i was just worried."

"well, now that i'm speaking to you, how's things there?"

"it's an absolute shithole here." i answered with a small smile.

"oeh, do spill."

"mom got engaged, the boys think dad hates them, mom thinks dad is brainwashing me, do i need to say more?"

"wait hold on, engaged?!"

"i know, that was my reaction too" i laughed out loud.

it felt good to talk to abby as my bestfriend again, after everything that happend i was so worried about her, i completely forgot how good our talks used to be.

after a while of filling in abby some more i decided to try and clean my room up a bit.

"alright abbs, why don't you go back to your movie with max and i'll try to make this room look somewhat presentable."

"i will, only max left a while ago." she spoke

"oh, where to?"

i knew it wasn't my business but i was too curious.

"probably hooking up with some random chick again."

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡    |  a maxine baker storyWhere stories live. Discover now