chapter 13

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chapter 13


song: cry baby~the neighbourhood

i was relieved to finally see the obnoxiously big 'welcome to wellsbury!' sign. yes, i was back, after 2 days of staying at my mom. in the end, my constant whining worked, she eventually got sick of me and agreed to take me and my brothers to go see dad.

i looked to my side and saw thomas and ethan, both dead asleep, i smiled as we drove up on my dad drive way and i saw my dad open the front door, walking out.

"guys, wake up" i gently nudged my brothers and they both woke up with a little stir.

i got out of the car and hugged my dad. "here i am again" i smiled at my dad and saw him walk up to my mom.

"nice to see you again, Anica." my dad put his hand on her shoulder and my mom gave him one of her cold smiles. "same to you, Tom."

"there are my boys!" my dad took both my brothers in his arms and gave them a long hug.

i immediately saw all of their faces lit up and i'm a 100% sure my mom saw it too. thomas started chatting while we all slowly walked back inside.

my mother awkwardly took a seat on the brand new couch and ethan went up to his room, knowing him, to organize his bags and clothes.

thomas was still talking to my dad, he had taked a seat on the big chair while my dad sat next to my mom. he talked about football, the dog and ethan.

i still stood in the hallway, watching the look on my dads face when thomas told him how much he missed him. i smiled and sighed, this was exactly what i wanted.

i walked upstairs and entered ethan's room.

"are you all organized?" i questioned, motioning towards the now closed closet doors.

"yes" ethan answered, he was sitting on his bed, not really doing anything.

"you wanna come down?" i took a seat next to him.


while answering differently, ethan didn't move a single muscle.

"what's up? talk to me."

"i just," he started.

"what do i say?" he looked up at me.

"what do you mean?"

"what do i say to him sage? i haven't spoked to him in 2 months, what if he's mad?"

i finally realised what this was about and sighed.

"dad would never be mad about something like that, you know that."he loves you so much, ethan, he wants you to tell him about you."

"about me?"

"yes, tell him about anything you want to, the most important thing is that you're spending time with him and connecting."

ethan had a smile on his face and stood up.

"even about how evil mom is being?"

"sure" i smiled and shook my head.


i knocked on the door a second time. still waiting in the rain for it to open.

when it finally did, i was met with the face of marcus baker.

"took you long enough" i said, walking in.

"sure, come on in sage, what a pleasure to have you!" marcus stated sarcastically.

"where is everyone?" i ignored his stupid answer and walked further into the empty house.

"no idea, my parents are out for the weekend and i don't care about the rest."

"i love a caring brother!" i threw myself on the couch.

"so, how was home?" marcus started, taking a seat next to me.

"i can't even start." i answered, laughing.

"wanna get high and forget about it?" marcus proposed, with a goofy smile.

"that just sounds like the perfect idea."


i found myself laying on the carpeted floors of the living room, i didn't bother to check but i was almost sure marcus was next to me. the sound of his voice confirmed my thoughts.

"your side profile is honestly amaze-balls."

i turned my head and was met with marcus's red eyes.

"amaze-balls?" i asked

"yup, another word for amazing"

before i knew it i bursted out laughing, marcus following shortly after.

"who even says that, marcus!" i said, now crying from our laughing.

"i don't know i read it in a book!" he answered.

we both bursted out laughing again.

"you don't even read books" i answered.

i slowly took another drag and closed my eyes. my thoughts drifting off to the other baker twin.

"i ever tell you your sister is hot as fuck?" i started, my eyes still closed.


"your sister is hot as fuck"



i know it's a short chapter but more coming soon!

until next time <3

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡    |  a maxine baker storyWhere stories live. Discover now