chapter 15

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chapter 15

'for fucks sake'

song: drunk on halloween~wallows

after getting dressed i found myself in the car, abby next to me and marcus in the backseat.

"i'm just gonna drop you off right here, k?" i said while looking at marcus through the rearview mirror.

marcus got out of the car, sending us a salute and running to the basketball field.

"don't you think we should have asked max to come?" abby said once i drove away.

"abbs, today is about you and me, besides she was still asleep when we left and i doubt she'd be up for it, you know how badly she hates shopping when it's hot outside." i put my sunglasses back up and turned on the music. me and abby started singing along loudly while laughing, forgetting everyone.


"i swear to god if you don't buy this i'll kill you."

i sighed as i looked in the mirror once again, i was wearing a long black dress with diamond spaghetti straps and a split starting from the thigh.

"i don't know, it is appropirate for a school dance?"

"who cares? you look hot as fuck" i looked at abby through the mirror and smiled as she put on the same dress in red.

"okay, it's settled-" i started as soon as she was standing next to me.

"we're buying these" she finished while striking a dramatic pose.

i copied her and we both started taking the stupidest pictures, we posted them on our instagram and decided to change and buying the two dresses.


after we bought the dresses, we went out for ice-cream and before me knew it, it was late and we had to pick up marcus.

"you're late"

"you know you can walk home, right?"

"i'll shut up"


"what did you do to her abby?" marcus leaned forwards in the car, positioning himself in between me and abby.

"what are you talking about?"

"she's cranky" marcus turned to me and gave me a pout.

"i'm not cranky" i gave him a push towards the backseat.

"you just shouldn't say stupid shit"

marcus rolled his eyes "cranky" he whispered under his breath.

i gave him a middlefinger as i drove up the driveway.

me and abby unloaded all our bags and marcus opened the door with his key.

we threw our bags on the ground and dramtically plopped onto the couch.

"where's your sister?" i asked marcus who was filling a bowl of cereal for himself.

"i dunno, she came to the field looking for you guys though."

"pour me some too please" abby asked, signaling to the cereal.

"wait, what do you mean?"

"that i want cereal?" abby furrowed her eyebrows, confused.

i stood up and sat on the counter across from marcus.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡    |  a maxine baker storyWhere stories live. Discover now