chapter 7

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chapter 7

"down by the apple trees"

song: meet me at our spot~THE ANXIETY, WILLOW, tyler cole

i smiled as i took off my sunglasses. i turned to max and was met with a confused face.

"where are we?" she wondered. 

i followed her look and saw the green bushes, covering what i really wanted to show her.

i tutted and opened the door. without a word i got out, grabbing my bag from the  back of the car. 

i heard the door slam behind me, signaling that max was right behind me. 

we walked up a small hill and i looked around me. it was currently spring, so the flowers were just starting to come and butterfly's would turn up once in a while too. 

i heared max groan behind me and we were met with yet another hill. 

"come on, maxie. dont be a dick!" i yelled and took her hand, dragging her with me to the hill.

we ran all the way up to the hill, finally viewing what i was looking for. 

max gasped at the sight and squaled like a little kid. 

we both walked down the path and took in our surroundings.

i was completely surrounded my trees, on almost every branch was a bright red apple. 

i raised my arm and carefully pulled on down, causing it to seperate from the branch. Max used to tell me a story all the time, she would talk about this for hours and hours.

she would tell me about this old lady, who lived behind her old house. 

one day, max and marcus decided to go to her house, and look at her garden. they would always admire the perfect flowers and straight cut lawn. the freshly grown fruit was unavoidable for the twins. max and marcus would enter the garden and have the time of their lives. 

until one day, the lady caught them. 

marcus ran away, leaving his poor little sister alone with the stranger. 

max would make up excuse after excuse, but the lady wouldn't have any of it. 

she grabbed max by her wrist and pull her out of the garden, but the lady wouldn't stop at the beginning of the side walk. she would keep walking, dragging little maxine behind her.

when the lady finally stopped, they were accompanied by hundreds of trees, filled with bright red apples.

the old soul would crouch down to max height and look her right in the eyes.

"steal from nature, not from me."

i smiled to myself, realising how long i hadn't thought about the story. 

i grabbed my back and took out to little baskets, i gave max one and kept the other one for myself. 

i watched as max took the basket and ran around the field, occasionally ripping an apple from the lower hanging braches.

i ran behind her and copied her actions, we ran and ran until we were both out of breath.

max threw herself on the grass and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her. 

she giggled and turned to face me, as i did the same.

"thank you" she spoke softly.

"of course, you know i hate seeing you sad." i answered and smiled at her.

max slowly moved forward and pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

i felt butterflies swarm in my stomach when my eyes automatically rested on her pink lips.

i felt myself crave for those lips, just a small taste of the cherry chapstick. i felt myself lean in, closer and closer, her lips were an inch away from mine when my phone started blasting 'the best of both worlds.'

max and i awkwardly pulled away and i grabbed my phone, seeing who decided to ruin this perfect moment.

i widened my eyes as i saw the amount of notifications my phone was blown up with.

abbs: 7 missed calls

abbs: 21 messages

abbs: 1 missed facetime call

i was about to show max when i rememberd that someone was calling me and i quickly answered.

"hello?" i started

"hi mouse, it's me calling from work, any idea what you wanna eat tonight?" my dad's voice filled the air and i sighed in relief.

"oh hey dad, is it okay if i'll call you later, i'm out with max."


i ended the call and took a look at the messages abby send me.

abbs: hey sage, could u pick up?

abbs: sage???

abbs: hello?

abbs: are you there?

abbs: can you please pick up?

abbs: i need you.

i frowned at the last message. 

"is everything okay?" 

max's voice startled me, i made eye contact with her and sighed.

"i don't think so." i answered as i stood up and grabbed my stuff and started walking.

max followed me as i explained all the missed calls and the worrying texts.

when we got to the car i tried to call abby again, it went straight to voicemail, just like the last 5 times.

we got into the car and i drove off, max was next to me trying abby on her phone.

"is it okay if i stop her by her house real quick?" i asked max.

"of course" max gave me a smile and i returned a fake one, extremely worried about abby.

when i pulled up to abby's driveway i quickly got out of the car. her mom's car was gone, meaning she was home alone.

i felt myself become more worried with every second passing. 

is she hurt? lost? kidnapped?

i swiftly shook the horrible thoughts off and made my way to her front door.

max followed me and rung the door bell.

we waited a few seconds and nothing changed. we heard no movement and it seemed like nobody was home.

i called abby's name and max rung the doorbell again.


i sighed and placed my hand on the door knob.

to my suprise, the door softly opened, lighting up the dark hallway.

i looked at max and she nodded, thinking the same.

we both entered the house and i quickly made my way to abby's room.

i opened the door and froze.



i finally updated guys :))) please leave me some feedbacks or just some comments, i always love hearing what y'all think, new chapter will be up soon!


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