chapter 10

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chapter 10

"like never love"

song: torna a casa~måneskin

i stuck my key in our red door and opened it, entering with max following behind me.

we decided to come to my house to pack my bags and she would drop me of at the bus station later.

saying goodbye to abby and marcus was extremely hard, especially abby. it hurt me so much to leave her right after what happend last night, the guilt was eating me alive.

"is your dad home?" max interuppted my thoughts and i noticeed she was already halfway up the stairs.

"nope, work." i answered.

"ah, ok" max went in my room and i sighed.

the tension was still hanging thickly in the air, we never spoke more than 5 words and didn't dare to make eye-contact.

i followed max and entered my middle-sized bedroom.

i opened my closet and grabbed my bright red suitcase, i hummed as i threw random pieces of clothing in it.

max had taken a seat at my desk and studied the drawing scattered in a messy pile on the corner of my desk.

"these are nice" my eyes shot up and were met by hers.

this was the first time we talked about something that didn't feel forced.

i felt my mouth form into a smile and pink covering my cheeks.

i mumbled a quick thanks and focused back on my suitcase.

i had no idea why i was being this weird, i never felt uncomfortable around max, not until last night.

butterflies in my stomach rose even more anytime i thought about her, let alone her paying me a compliment.

i finshed packing the last things and closed my suitcase.

i threw myself on my bed and realisation kicked in. i was really going back home.

i had no idea for how long i'd stay, or how long my mom would force me to stay.

"whatcha thinking about?" i turned around to find max laying next to me, close.

"i don't wanna go back." i whispered.

"i know." max answered me, still close to my face, my lips.

"i'll miss you." i could feel her hot breath against my face and my eyes immediatly rested on her lips.

"i'll miss you too" i answered before closing the distance between our mouths, my lips touching hers.

she immediatly leaned in further, placing her hand on my cheek as i towered over her.

the kiss was needy, you could feel both of us had been waiting for this and i couldnt help but grin.

we both pulled away, gasping for air.

her hand was still on my cheek, i leaned into it and closed my eyes, taking in the moment.

we stayed like that for a while, enjoying eachothers touch, company and soft breathing.

"i gotta go" i whispered, my eyes still closed.

"i know" max mumbled back.

we both had no intention to move, despite our sayings.

"sage?" max spoke up


"what are we?" max and i made eye contact and i sat up, now holding her hand in mine.

"i don't know" i really didn't, i did not wanna jump into something, but i also craved her, all the fucking time.

"me neither" max started

"i mean, this was amazing, but i just don't know if i see more behind this." she signaled

i felt my heart drop and my smile fell.

she didn't know if she felt more? after the moment we just had. i could't believe my eyes.

i pulled my hand away and immediately felt cold without her touch.

"hey, that doesn't mean we can't try anything." she smiled at me and i stood up.

"i can't believe this." i felt tears gather in my eyes but refused to let them fall.

"can't believe what?" max now stood up too, facing me.

"i am not just some experiment, max." i spat, my mood was completly switched, i was angry and mostly hurt.

"what no, sage that's not what i meant, at all." she tried to grab my hands but i pulled them away.

"it's fine max, why don't you take some time to think about if you are capable of loving me." i answered coldly.

i deep down knew i was maybe acting inreasonable but pain completly clouded my mind.

"ofcourse i love you, sage. it's just, there's this girl."

i gasped slightly and felt a tear fall.

"her name's sophie, sophie-"

"sanchez" i finished.

i shook my head, i felt incredibly stupid. all this time, she had a crush on someone else.

"sage, i love you, really and i think you're so fucking hot and pretty and i have been wanting to kiss you since forever but i don't know, sophie makes me feel so good but so do you but i feel like we would be so complicated and i just-"

"stop talking, i get it." i interupted max and turned around lifting up my suitcase and making my way down our carpeted stairs.

i heard max's footsteps behind me.

i placed my suitcase near the door and made my way to the kitchen.

before i could grab a glass of water, max grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the counter.

my breath got caught in my throat and her hand rested on my hip.

"i promise i will figure it out." she whispered in my ear, sending shiver down my spine.

i grabbed her chin with my hand and placed  kisses up her neck, to her chin and eventually right next to her lips.

i leaned in, but before out lips touched i decided that this wasn't what i wanted.

"i'm not waiting to be a second choice" i whispered against her lips.

i turned around and grabbed the cup of water i was in the kitchen for. max left the kitchen and was waiting at the door, car keys in hand and a frown on her face.


i put on my music and looked out of the dirty bus window. i texted my dad that i was in the bus and turned up the volume.

i was going back to san diego, leaving my home and my friends.

let's hope this won't go to shit.


sorry that it took so long for me to update, i've kinda busy since my classes starts soon and that means i won't be able to update as much but i'll try to update atleast once a week.

hope you enjoyed and until next time <3

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