Chapter 20

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chapter 20

'see u again'

song: soap-melanie martinez

"its gonna be okay sage, she's strong"

i drowned out marcus's words as i paced in the waiting room hallway. its been 2 hours since  abby was brought in, 2 fucking hours.

max was inconsolable, sobbing in marcus's arms until she eventually passed out from exhaustion, head on his shoulder.

"shut up marcus, you're acting like she's dying or something."

"will you just sit down already? youre making me nervous" he gestured to the waiting room chair next to him, a pained look on his face as he adjusted max to lay with her head on his lap.

"where the fuck is her mom?" i asked, completely ignoring marcus's question and looking around for a sign of the red haired woman. "i knew she couldn't care less about abby, but damn this is a new low."

"family of abby littman?"

i turned around as fast as i could, my eyes becoming slightly blurry at the quick motion, remembering i hadn't eating anything since yesterday.

"yes, that's us, how is she?" 

the docter had a stern look on his face as he looked through the pages on his clipboard. "let's see" he cleared his throat and looked at me again. "what is your relation to the patient?" 

"i'm her halfsister?" i lied thorugh my teeth, knowing if i told him the truth i would be rejected on the spot. marcus shot me a weird look as the docter continued.

"alright, well abigail seems to be doing well, we examined her and she was severly malnourished and dehydrated which caused the sudden dizzyness and drop in bloodpressure. you can see her if you want. 

my hands shook at the explanation, had we not watched out for her enough? had max and marcus not helped her with her struggles while i was gone? 

"uh, yeah i wanna see her please." i hated how my voice shook and how i felt my eyes water.

i followed the docter to her room, trying not to give in to my emotions. he opened the door and there she was. she looked groggy, like she just woke up, hair obviously tangled and slightly puffy eyes. 

"hey abbs" i walked towards her and took a seat on the chair next to her. "how u feeling?" i cringed at my stupid question, obviously she felt like shit, dumbass.

"i'm fine" i raised my eyebrows at both her answer and her cold tone, it sounded nothing like my bestfriend. "you should go, sage" she couldn't even look at me as she turned around, facing her back to me

"abby, what? what's going on? you can talk to me" my voice shook once again, this time the tears did come out, slowly rolling on my cheeks.

"i don't want you here and i don't need you here. i need nobody here."

"is this about your mom? abbs, i'm sorry, but please don't shut me out, i am gonna help you, remember?" i tried to grab her hand but she flinched away, suddenly sitting up and turning to me.

"what do you not understand?! i don't fucking want your help cause i don't need help!" " im fine!"

i now stood up "youre not fine abby! dont you see that? youre in the goddamn hospital! the tears were now streaming freely as i let out a strangled sob. "please, abby, don't do this"

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡    |  a maxine baker storyWhere stories live. Discover now