Chapter 3 - All about the business

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Now, I gave you the breakdown of the vampires, perhaps I should mention a thing or two about my knowledge of werewolves. Most were in packs, run by an alpha, the strongest of the pack, much like any wolf out there; they weren't too far off from the animal. Most packs lived by either water, or forest lands, in a suburb type areas, but never in a city, for one couldn't shift and run wild if there were many eyes to see.

In the pack, the alpha ran it, and if the alpha was blessed with a true luna, known as a sigma luna, she would help as well. There was also a beta to help along with issues, and sometimes with the bigger packs, there was a gamma and a delta. Now, for those last three positions, they were either family or very close friends, someone you trusted with your very life with.

But as far as a true sigma luna, that was usually a position left for a mate, a soul mate to be exact. But overall, a luna was someone that the alpha loved deeply and had her by their side. But as far as I knew, most wolves didn't believe in soul mates, so a sigma luna, wasn't something that was common place. And the difference between a luna and a sigma luna was in the breeding. Since their goddess (the entity that wolves believed in) predestined you with someone to spend your life with, she also predestined the offspring. The high couple be would be guaranteed one male heir with many more pups, where as with just a luna, there would only ever be one child, and never a guarantee on a male. But most wolves took their chances and often settled for a woman that they loved, not one they were destined to be with. In fact, in my realm of dealing with them over the ages, I could count on one hand how many couples I knew of that were true mates. Although, how one knows their mate is their mate, I have never figured out, so how Grayson could utter that, left me very confused, on many levels.

So, now that I have explained that, one can understand why there are many levels of my confusion. Rather the obvious, we don't breed, never, EVER. Wolves can have mates in humans, that is quite common, but never in another species. And I'm damn near positive that if Tyler talked to Grayson, Grayson was aware I was a vampire. Which lead me to my 2nd level here, seeing as I am a female vampire, although a unique one, I wasn't sure I could even breed, so how their goddess could lay it on this man that I was any type of mate, was really beyond even my realm of understanding.

"" I stammered out. Damn it; that was my voice? I sounded like a meek child!

"You heard me, although I'm starting to doubt what I said myself." I nearly felt my knees buckle under the sound of his deep voice. Well, shit, I mean that voice alone conjured up many erotic images in my poor brain.

"Mr. Black..."

"Grayson please, Mr. Black is my father." I blushed, BLUSHED, ever so slightly. Fuck, I never blushed!

"Grayson, why don't you have a seat?" He undid the middle button on his suit jacket and sat down in one of the chairs before my desk. I swallowed hard and walked over to my own chair, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. The walk from my window to my chair was nothing more than a couple steps, but with his intense gaze, I felt like I was walking a mile long run way. I smoothed my hand down the black pencil skirt I had worn to the office and looked up at him to see him admiring the view. I cleared my throat as I sat down and faced him.

"So you are Fire Glacies?"

"I am."

"What a name. Two complete opposites."

"Fire and ice. Yes. I'm assuming you know Latin then?"

"Something my tutors thought it best to know."

"A dying art. I gather, Grayson, your father told you about what I am?"

"Of course; I know you are a vampire."

"And yet you call me a mate?" Grayson leaned back in the chair, crossed his leg over the other one and smiled at me.

"Fire," he started and than paused, "may I call you Fire?"

"Please do."

"Fire, I gather you know your own fair share about my species?" I nodded for him to go on. "Then you would know that most wolves don't believe in soul mates, and trust me, in my 32 years, that word has never left my mouth. I'm not a cynic in what the moon goddess has blessed me with; I just never thought it would happen."

"That's fine, but how can you even be sure I am?"

"Allow me to give you a bit more insight to our world. We all find our mates differently. For omegas and warriors, they will feel the sparks by touch. Beta's, delta's, gamma's and even luna's, they can pick up the scent right away. As for alpha's, we see it in their eyes, there is a reflection within the soul that bounces back."

"So, when we locked eyes..."

"I saw it right away."

"Doesn't my smell bother you?"

"You mean your vampire stench?" For some unfathomable reason, I bristled at that.

"Yes, that," I replied cooly.

"I won't lie, it's there, but faint; your other scent, the one only a mate can smell, is stronger." I tilted my head as I regarded him, unable to stop the curiosity.

"What scent would that be?"

"Have you ever burned a rose?" I nodded in answer to his question. "Your scent is that of a burning rose. And trust me, I hate roses, so it's more unique that I find that smell so intoxicating."

"Should I not be expecting them?" He smiled at that.

"Most species don't work together, Fire, and yet you deal with Howling Enterprises, you personally know my dad, have been to our area a few times and if rumor has it, you have been with a man or two in the pack, at least sunk your teeth in, how is that all possible?" I lifted an eyebrow, leaning my chair back as I watched him.

"I'm not a normal vampire, Grayson. I'm not too sure what all your dad has told you. But you all are one of four packs I work with, along with two witch families."

"Do you not worry about dealing with them?"

"No. I've never been betrayed by anyone." I shrugged as I looked at him. "Your father wanted to make sure we were comfortable working together."

"I see no reason for our alliance to change. Warmheart Incorporated is well known for their services, well respected as well. You are the very best at what you do; I have no need to take our business elsewhere, given the new development."

"I'm happy to hear that." My eyes glanced over at the clock and then outside. "I think it's time to go." I powered off my computer and stood up, watching as Grayson did the same.

"Join me for dinner."

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