Chapter 11 - A good dose would be during sex

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He leaned back in his chair, his eyes wide as he stared at me, his eyes showing him trying to process everything. And I could do nothing but watch him and smirk to myself.

"Okay, is that possible can't feed off of humans?"

"You have been listening." I licked my lips and crossed my arms as I took a breath. "Since it drains me so much, I need blood, and sometimes, lots of it. That time, when I came back to human form, I was in the middle of a small village that had been raided and damn near destroyed.

"I needed blood, badly and asked the remaining people if they wanted revenge, which they all said yes. So, I cut their throats, one day and one person at a time, letting them bleed out and then turned them.

"Mind you, this had to be a very careful process for me as I had very little blood and not a lot of strength. But the first one I turned helped me, let me feed off of him more than the others so that I could heal faster. They knew what I was, but not why I couldn't feed off them until they turned."

"So, you have your own coven?"

"I don't call it a coven; covens show allegiance to others and to their lord or lady, but not me; at least I don't make them say that, it's done out of respect. But I do have a small home; some do call it a coven if you will, but a powerful one. The guy, his name was Elric, he is actually my most trusted friend, my second in command. I asked him after I had turned him why he had helped me and he said that he knew about vampires, his grandma had told him, so he wasn't so scared."

"Does my dad know this?" I let out another breath as I got up and walked to sit next to him.

"Tyler knew a lot about me, not everything, but enough. He has never been to my house. Our...friendship...went, and still does, go beyond work. In this realm of supernatural's, we are allies."

"He never said that."

"I believe that's why he wanted you to talk to me in the first place, to see if you felt comfortable enough to keep that alliance. I just don't think he was expecting anything else," I said, raising a teasing brow which caused him to chuckle.

"That would be why you've been to our land as well."


"Why doesn't my mom like you? I mean, really not like you."

"One, I'm a vampire, to her, I'm the lowest of lows, hell, I'm below a rogue. Two, I attacked a warrior, no, I defeated a warrior, one of the strongest; he tried to...uh...grab me and force me and when a vampire is pissed..."

"They tend to have some amazing strength," he cut in, his eyes blazing. "Anymore reasons?

"Finally, she knows I feed off of Tyler. The day she smelled it, she yelled at him and marched into my office to try and kill me but she didn't do much damage."

"I can't say the idea with my dad sits well with me but I would assume you both had a really good reason."

"I would think being under attack and having some silver bullets pumped into me and to keep me from dying is a good reason to let me feed."

"Did my mom know that?"

"Of course, but it wasn't enough. She felt I should have died."

"Wow." Grayson blinked a couple times and stared at me as he thought over everything. I leaned back in the seat that was next to him and watched his face; when he wanted to, a lot of emotions played there. I wanted to say something, but he needed to work through it. "As much as the thought turns my stomach, I'm glad my dad was able to help you."

"Grayson," I crossed my legs as I crossed my arms, hating to ask but needed to know, "how exactly do you think we feed? Why would the taking of a little blood upset your stomach?"

"You feed off of the veins, any strong vein that has a good flow and a good dose would be during sex, so..." I lifted one eyebrow at that; one part wanting to burst out laughing, the other actually kind of sick at how he knew that, as that was not common knowledge and could only be learned by actually experiencing it. Sad to say that part won out and I quickly stood up and walked to my window. I need to be away from him to cool my mounting anger and yes, jealously; again, damn it.

"No, Grayson, you don't need to do that, it helps of course, as I'm sure your vampire wench was sure to point out, but that is not common practice on how we feed. A simple bite into the neck or wrist is fine for us. In fact, I have never bitten a lover while in the middle of sex as that is way too intimate." I kept my back to him, my fang buried in my bottom lip to keep my emotions in check. I closed my eyes and mentally shook my head. How the hell did I keep fucking myself over with these feelings? It's not like I was really trying to make this work; I mean it wouldn't.

He would be way better off finding someone outside of his pack to help him run it. I wouldn't say inside as many of she wolves would come after anyone with claws drawn and canines bared. Well, not like they wouldn't do that to me, but I could hold my own. In fact, sadly, I know I would destroy them, but that wouldn't win me any favors.

I swallowed the blood that came from my lip but I couldn't dare pull the fang out. Too many emotions were running too deep and I knew I would let them loose and I just couldn't; neither of us could afford this...this...whatever this shit really was. I opened my eyes as I gazed over the city, not hearing the man until he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around.

His black eyes blazed as they stared into mind and I swallowed hard, getting lost within them. His hand came up and his thumb tugged at my bottom lip, pulling it away from my fang. The blood pooled a bit and Grayson leaned forward, his tongue running over the mark and taking the blood and before I knew it, his lips were crashing against my urgently. 

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