Chapter 15 - Date = 'Underworld' and stars

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I lifted a brow as I climbed up into the Escalade and he smirked.

"Business must be going well for you to afford all kinds of nice things."

"I can't say I can complain." I shook my head as I glanced around at the interior and noticed how much of it was custom made. "When you travel with wolves, you had better think about a lot of things, one being their comfort, so you will need to have a lot of things made."

"You know, I knew how different we are to each other, how we physically are, but I would still think any ol' vehicle would do."

"Most males aren't any shorter than 6', so, they won't be comfortable in any car, and don't even think about road trips."

"Well, yeah, guess that would be true, trying to make some tall and muscular man fit in a small car."

"Exactly my point, we aren't small little vampires." I rolled my eyes as he tilted his head. "Huh."

"Huh, what?"

"The party, you said you would stand out against wolves, do you mean by size?"

"I meant by beauty."

"What are you talking about? Are you saying you don't think you are as gorgeous as wolves?"

"I'm not saying I think, I'm saying I know. All three super natural females are beautiful, in their elements. Witches have a natural beauty, most have softer features; wolves have a goddess style of beauty, more bold, defined and strong. And us poor vampires have a statuesque beauty, we look more hard, cold, dark and unreal. Believe me when I say, that even you Grayson, would pick me last in a lineup of the three."

"I wouldn't say that." I laughed and shook my head.

"I've had 1800 years to get used to the fact of how I look, I'm okay."

"No, I'm not just saying it, I mean it. You look sexy as hell and I know there are many men who would agree."

"I'm not disputing that, I'm just saying compared to other women..."

"Stop." He grabbed my hand and I had to smile. At least he understood, but glad he didn't agree.

"Fine, fine, where are we going?" He laughed and I only lifted a brow. He pulled into a parking lot and I looked around, noticing the marquee. "We're watching Underworld?"

"Yup, and you best be cheering for those mutts you hate so much." He helped me out of the car and took my hand as he led me into the building, a smile playing at my lips at his playfulness.


Grayson grabbed a blanket and closed the door to his back seat, spreading the blanket on the grass. I watched him and smiled. After the movie, which we laughed at way too much, Grayson suggested star watching, said he knew the perfect place and wanted to share it; he also mentioned it was his favorite place to be alone so I wasn't going to say no at seeing it.

He laid down and tapped the spot right next to him. I moved to lay down and rested my head on his out stretched arm, enjoying both the beauty of the night and the warmth that Grayson provided. Hell, I couldn't tell anyone the last time I just gazed at the stars. I mean, over time, I guess you just tend to ignore the beauty.

"Grayson, was it your dad's idea, or yours, to do all that traveling?"

"Both. Like I said, I loved to learn and we both thought that my learning about other cultures and other species would help me. That it might also explain why I am what I am."

"And you never found that answer?"

"Nope. Just that I am one of a kind; that my strength surpasses everyone's and that I'm extra sexy." I rolled my eyes and poked his side.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." We both chuckled and I glanced up at him. "So, what did you find out about other species here?"

"Oh, I learned some things about other packs, picked up on some things about witches, but spent more time at covens." I bristled, although I tried to stop it.

"Why is that?" He softly rubbed my shoulder and I had to smile, he had picked up on it and was soothing me.

"I'm not totally sure; they just kind of fascinated me."

"Guess that's obvious as you seemed to enjoy screwing them."

"Hey now, you seem to enjoy wolves yourself here, why is that?" I smirked as I sat up to look at him, figuring it was payback.

"You mean besides the fact that I enjoy their blood so much more? Okay, well, you can admit that EVERY part of a wolf is so much bigger and when one would slam..."

"Fire," Grayson growled as he sat up as well, "I highly suggest you don't finish that sentence."

"I won't, but it sure was nice to get a rise out of you."

"God, leach, you are going to be the death of me." I shrugged but smirked.

"I love how there is such unity within a pack, how you would live and die for others and it's not about loyalty or duty, it's just about caring. Covens and vampires aren't like that. I mean, we care, but for us, it's more so about being duty bound than anything. We could sit back and watch fights before we actually would make a move to help."

"But that's not you?"

"It is. I'm not duty bound to anyone but my coven and my allies. I've watched plenty of fights happen and never gave a command to help." I shifted and laid my head on his chest, looking at him. "I maybe a different type of vampire, but I'm still a vampire.

"I've killed, I've bitten more times and have had more than my fill; I've fought with other covens and I hold the same appeal that others do." Grayson smiled as he grabbed a piece of my hair and played with it.

"Fire, I've had my share of dealings with vampires, both male and female, and you are not like them at all. Sure, you may have some of their traits, but you still aren't like them."

I stared at him as his fingers kept playing with my hair, seeming to be fascinated by it. I softly smiled, slightly amazed at how comforting his touch was, even for as simple as it was. I took in his eyes, how dark they were and how one could get lost in their piercing depths. I let my eyes trail over his hair that was begging for someone to run their fingers through it; over his strong and chiseled jaw and finally over those plumps lips that left two dimples by his cheeks when he smiled.

It was discerning how quickly he unnerved me and how quickly feelings came up. Vampires, by nature, were not nurturing beings; we had no deep embedded bone to protect what we had, except those few who had beloveds. But, I could sit here and swear on everything that I was, that I would die for Grayson and that was so unlike one or any thought I had. And even as that feeling rolled through me, I called myself all kinds of fool.

"Wise words to speak of your beloved or, well, your mate." That caused Grayson to stir and I lifted a brow.

"Fire, what do you know about each species mating or bonding?"

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