Chapter 26 - Going away

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I sat on the bed, staring at my hand as I watched the redness fade away, Grayson right next to me, his arm brushing against mine. I frowned and shook my head before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Did you catch what she was saying?" I lifted a brow at his question as I stared at the wall. Truthfully, of all the languages I had known over these many years, I didn't know that one she spoke. But, and there was a huge but, the language did sound oddly familiar and it tickled the memories in my mind. I looked up at him and frowned.

"No...and yes."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know it, but I vaguely recall something like it. But hell if I can remember. It' this black spot that I can't pin point." I sighed and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Do you have anything going on this weekend?"

"Uh, not that I know of, why?"

"We are going away. A few days for you and me; away from all of this, of taking a break and getting to know each other." I looked up at him and smiled.

"That sounds ideal." I leaned up and gave him a light kiss before pulling away as Tessa walked into the room, glancing between Grayson and myself.

"What was that?" Tessa asked as she pointed out to the living room. "Not a witch, for none of us can do that!" I walked over to her, mindful of my few burns and took her hands.

"What I'm about to tell you, Tessa, cannot leave this room. And those other three witches cannot remember this." I looked at her, my words and meaning clear. "If you do not want to know, let me know now."

"Fire, this is my family. And as far as I know, you know no witches my age. So, please tell me."

"We," I said, looking at Grayson as he stood up and walked over to us, "think she was a demon witch."

"Not possible."

"It's true Tessa. Fire and I have seen both a rouge wolf and a lord vampire under the same guise. Something is happening in the supernatural world and we aren't sure what, though we plan to figure out what." Tessa glanced between Grayson and me.

"Neither one of you are normal," she uttered. I looked at Grayson and then back at Tessa, who stared at Grayson. Tessa knew my story but now she was picking up on the vibes that was Grayson.

"No, we aren't," he answered, even though it wasn't a question. She went on looking at him for a few more moments before nodding.

"What makes you so sure they are demons?"

"We aren't, but we found something. In fact, as you are one of the oldest families I know, especially around here, I was going to call you. I found a book from the witches who took care of me." I glanced back at Grayson who nodded. "And I showed it to Grayson as he was raised by witches as well."

"Is that right? Well that makes you even more perfect for each other." I wrinkled my brows but wasn't going to push it. "I can try to read the book, but I make no promises. I have some skill with some of the older stuff but there are still a lot of things I don't understand."

"Of course, Tessa. Any help you can give us would be great!" I smiled at her and she gave me a quick hug. "I'll send Elric by with the book and I'll mark the page I saw."

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