Chapter 18 - Frenzy

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"What the hell, do you have some special powers?" Dylan asked his eyes wide.

"Nope." I smirked as I leaned against my desk, watching Grayson. "But I know Marina's stench, and though it's faint, I can smell it within your blood. Probably would have tasted it, if I was looking for it."

"How do you know about her?"

"A long and way not pretty story, Grayson. But," I pointed to a deep scar that ran a good three inches on the inside of my thigh, "that was from her." Grayson leaned forward and ran his finger along it and then looked up at me. "I'll explain later. Right now, why did she tell you?" Grayson rested his hands by my legs and looked up at me, shaking his head.

"That I don't know. We were together for a drink one night and she seemed....well....drunk and was speaking very openly. We got on the subject of the Goddess Lunella, our moon goddess."

"I know her name."

"Anyway, I don't recall what we were talking about, but she asked me if I had known about the vampire God, and like everyone, I never knew there to be one. She said she hadn't either, expect she came across a journal that talked about him. I asked what it said but she never got the chance to look in depth at it. She was with someone that had the book but he had come back to the room before she could look." I stood up and began pacing, wondering about that tale. It wasn't impossible to believe; Mariana was known to feed off of men, usually who were past the point of being drunk, and therefore made her intoxicated. And she could have easily told Grayson the tale, for she had a bad habit of listening to herself talk. The part that was unreal, was there even being anything written. Nothing had been found about Sol, or about any of the deity's actually, and that was that I told them.

"Deity's? You mean there's more than just the moon goddess?" Elric asked.

"You have the moon Goddess, Lunella; the witches earth Goddess, Mundias, and supposedly, the vampire sun god, Sol," I answered as I thought about it. "Dylan, Elric, go to the library, search amongst some of my oldest books. Now that I have a small something, maybe I can find some type of clue. Grayson and I will go to my private library."

With that, they stood up and left and I lead Grayson up to my wing of my house and into my room. "I have a private room attached that holds some of my most precious books," I told him as I opened the door to my suite. And as he walked in and looked around, I realized he was the first man I had ever had in my quarters, ever. Any past lover I had, I would always have in another room or in their place. "Feel special; you are the first man I've had in here." He kept looking around before he smirked and sat on the king size bed with its black and grey sheets.

"Comfty, and big for just one woman."

"I sprawl out a lot." I walked to him and was going to push him off my bed but he quickly grabbed my arm and fell back, pulling me over his body. "What are you doing?"

"What I've wanted to do since I saw you downstairs." And with that, his hand moved up to my hair and brought my head down to connect our lips in a bruising kiss. I moaned deeply as I felt the power behind that kiss and I got lost in it. I let my hands roam over his chest and down his abs, as my tongue battled his.

And as his another hand glided down my back and over my ass, my hands reached the hem of his shirt and started lifting it. I scrapped my nails over those abs and enjoyed the hiss that my lips swallowed from him. God, he was turning me on like no one else. The feel of his body against mine, his hands as they grabbed and caressed, his lips as they fit so well against me, and his tongue as it tried to dominate mine. All was way too much for me and I broke the kiss to move my lips along his jaw and over his neck. I moaned against the side as I felt the blood running through it and felt my fangs come out.

"Please do it. I want to feel it." I grabbed onto his waist with one and held his neck with the other as my fangs pierced the vein. He moaned loudly as his hand squeezed my ass while the other one was still in my hair, holding me in place. And fucking shit, his blood was even sweeter than the last time. I swallowed the mouthful and shivered as I felt it through my system.

Mentally, I had to force myself away as I could feel the urging within my body to start claiming what I knew was mine. I pulled my fangs out and ever so softly licked the wound, feeling the tremors that were over taking Grayson's body. I watched him, watched as his eyes blazed, the beast within wanting to break free.

"Are you okay?"

"Fuck no! God damn, I'm as hard as a fucking rock and want to take you so badly. I've never felt like that." He looked up, cupped my cheeks and kissed me hard, his tongue flicking out to capture the drop of my blood on my lip.

"Should I never do that again?" I whispered.

"Only if you don't want me to kill you." He gave me a soft kiss and then pulled away. "And as much as I want to do all kinds of wicked things, now may not be the time." I smirked as I climbed off his lap and pulled him up, my eyes catching the bulge in his pants.

"I see the problem." He smirked and followed me into the room I led him in. "This is my private library. It holds some books that I'd rather not have any other vampires seeing." His eyes glanced around and landed on the book by the chair. He picked it up and chuckled, holding it up. "Hey, romance novels are my guilty pleasure, now put it down." He did as he was told and walked over to the other side of the room.

"You have pieces in here I have never seen, Fire. 1st editions of some of the greatest works."

I walked behind him and smiled as I whispered in his ear, "don't forget how old I am. Many of the greatest works out there, I saw them being written. And because of that, I was able to capture the first round of copies."

"You are sitting on all kinds of wealth."

"I told Dylan I may not be a queen, but I know I have the funds to be one." We both chuckled but Grayson stopped as something caught his eye. The marking on the spine of the book was something he had once seen. He pulled it out and carefully ran his fingers over the front.

"Fire, this is a witch book. I've seen these markings before." I looked over his shoulder and frowned.

"I have too." He flipped over the paged and I stopped it on one page. "That's the moon goddess."

"Why is she in a book that's about witches?"

"I don't know. I can't read or understand everything. Even more odd as to why I have it." We flipped through a few more pages and were walking out when the vampire that opened the door rushed into my room.


"What is it Richard?"

"Stefano's on the line. Said that there were three human killings. That....That...Michael is in a blood lust frenzy."

"How the hell is an ancient in a frenzy?"

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