Chapter 39 - It all makes sense

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"I beg your pardon, Jameson?"

"There are those proper English manners," Jameson said with a chuckle.

"Back the shit up," Grayson said, shaking his head. "What God are we from? And are we some type of siblings?"

"No, son," Celeste shook her head as she answered him, "far from it in fact. You're the son of Lunella, the Moon Goddess, and Fire...."

"Is the daughter of Sol, the most elusive fucking vampire around," I said, finally getting out of my chair. "You have to be kidding me right now with this. Why?"

"Yeah, about that," Claudette started, "we can't really get into or explain. What we can say is you need to get the book you are after. It's in the wrong hands and shouldn't be translated."

"Sol wrote that?"

"It's for Fire, Grayson. He left the book for her. Well, for the both of you, because once you get it, and read it, everything will make sense."

"Nothing is making sense, Claudette! My beloved is a wolf, his mate can't have kids, and our damn parents are Gods...please tell me where anything makes sense?" Grayson stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into his embrace, which I really needed.

"Shh Fire, you are getting yourself worked up."

"I am! Why aren't you?" He smiled as he looked down at me and gave me a soft kiss.

"Maybe, as crazy as it all is, it makes sense, way more than I would have ever thought. Why it's always felt like I wasn't normal or why you weren't; why we were fighting that which had been designed just for us. You mean to tell me this doesn't make sense?"

"When did you become so logical?"

"The night I marked you," he said, smirking. "Shall we try that again?" He smirked again before he gave me another kiss and then we both returned to our chairs.

"You two will always complete the other; his weaknesses are your strengths, Fire and the same for you Grayson." I looked at Jameson before nodding. "Everything that is happening was meant to happen and you two being together is not some random fluke."

"The Gods created you and blessed you with many purposes," Celeste finished. "I know you are worried, Fire, but you don't need to be."

"Well, okay, how about explaining? I saw you two walk into those fires."

"But you never saw us burn."

"Well, no, that's a memory I knew would haunt me for the rest of my time and not something I knew I would want."

"You wouldn't have anyways. If you had stayed, Jameson would have taken you away, but you left before we even got into the pits."

"But Celeste, how did you escape?"

"We are witches, Fire, we do have powers, you know. And we are tired to the Goddess."

"Yeah, guess that makes sense. Why did you leave me?" Celeste stood up and walked over to Grayson, putting her hand on his shoulder as Claudette took mine.

"We left you Fire, for the same reason we left Grayson; our time was done. You both had grown up and learned what you needed to. Our job was to protect you, and to guide you in the way of the witches' world. When the time comes," Jameson held up his hand to stop my question, "when the time comes, and no, I don't know when that will be, you two will make a pyramid of strength, three side of protection for the supernatural world."

"Oh," was all I could seem to get out. And here again, three, but three seemed to be us, like it was high value. "Protection from what?"

"We don't know, we've never known," he answered. "We are servants to our Goddess, who gave us the task of watching and teaching, nothing more." I reached over and took Grayson's left hand in my own left hand, the stones glittering.

"Are these from your parents?

"Yes they are. They were meant to be given when you found each other. They are special and designed for you alone. In fact, that stone alone has since been destroyed, so no ring bares those stones."

"This is all a lot to take in," Grayson muttered, which brought a smile to my lips; I fully agreed.

"The attack on Grayson's mom's pack..."

"Ah, yes," Celeste said, rubbing his shoulder. "Lunella took on a human and wolf form. She did give birth to you, and there was an attack. She was part of a pack, but all of it was staged, other supernatural's attacked and most of it was illusion based."

"You witches are powerful." I lifted a brow at Grayson and on his comment. Truth was, for all our strength and power, witches really were stronger than any of us; the ability to do the things they did was always mind blowing. Of course, I had lived longer and had seen more.

"We are, but then, our is a power we must develop, to practice, and to be able to control, where as you two are born with it."

"Celeste, is that why Midnight is so regal looking, because he's actually born of the Goddess?"

"Yes. And why Grayson could shift at a younger age, and why he's more powerful. And because you were born of Sol, you have powers too. You can shift into a mist and you can withstand all kinds of pain." I tilted my head as I thought about that. I guess that was true. After my time with Mariana, a lot of other vampires told me they didn't know I did it; that they would have died.

"So, why didn't he take care of me?"

"God's never take care of their kid, that's been throughout all of history, and you know better than that. I know you won't like this, but you both have a purpose, a mission, and cannot have either of your parents involved; they sired you, it was all they could do." I looked up at Celeste and nodded. Oh, I got it alright. Did I agree, of course not.

"Did an attack really kill my mom?" Both Grayson and I looked at each other before we watched them; their silence being all the answer we needed. Again, talk about a shit show, about not really knowing nothing in your world.

"Okay, we get it. If you are done, I'd like to take her home. I think you all have caused us enough twists today." He stood up and tugged me up, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"Rest easy, you will see us again." Grayson looked at the man who had a hand in raising him. He recalled how badly he wanted to be like James growing up and now he could see why.

"Somehow, James, I don't doubt that. I would only hope the next time doesn't come with more unwanted revelations."

"Are they really unwanted, Grayson? I remember plenty of nights where I would tuck you in and you would ask those questions. It just wasn't the time for me to answer." Grayson bit back his response and Claudette touched his arm, gaining both of our attention.

"It may be years later, but we know you both. Please be careful getting that book. It's very valuable and The General doesn't play any games. Any plan you have, make it wisely."

"Why, what's so special about it?"

"Search your heart Fire; you have already been given a clue about it. That book has fallen into the wrong hands; that book is about both of your purposes."

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