Chapter 5 - All in the parentage

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I chuckled as I ran my tongue over my fang and wiped my lip, making sure there was nothing left.

"Wow, okay, what was that?"

"My, so full of questions, which one should I dare answer?"

"That one first!"

"I told you, eating is very limited. But, I have learned a trick over time. I can eat, if I have blood to go along with it. Now, it can't be a heavy meal or I can't do it all day long, but it helps in situations like this, when I must eat."

"So, you take a bite and then drink?"

"Pretty much. It works if I eat veggies or fish but anything else, it becomes too heavy; even chicken is hard for me to do that with."

"I have never seen a vampire do that."

"Gone to dinner with a few of them?"

"Would it hurt your feelings if I had?" I shrugged, not really being bothered by that. "A few over my travels, some more open minded than others."

"Ah, younger ones."

"I believe so." I nodded as I licked my fang again, tilting my head as I tasted something beyond the sweetness but mentally shook my head, thinking that my mind was playing tricks on me. "So back to my questions..."

"I would love to tell you why my parents lived alone, why they felt they needed to when we thrive on having our own kind around, but I don't know, neither did the witches who had taken me in. As far as they knew, my parents had been there since before they came, which was about 15 years.

"As far as the witches knowing about me, they said that they knew them, that on rare occasions they would talk and they were called over the night that I was born. This family of witches only consisted of two women and sometimes their brother."

"Wait, how, a family is usually at least 8."

"I know, but as a babe, I didn't know, so never questioned it. I was ten months old when they brought me to their home. It was interesting, for them, trying to raise a vampire baby. First of all, no one knew anything about me, what I could eat, or even drink, could I live off of milk or strictly blood? After all, no vampire babe had ever existed.

"They tried many things with not a lot of luck, sadly. One day, because I wouldn't stop crying, the witches tried giving me their blood. It stopped my crying for a little amount of time, but I was still hungry shortly after that; they even gave me human blood, but I quickly threw that up." I stopped as the waiter sat our food down and walked away again.

"Go on."

"Thank you. About two weeks later, a werewolf was injured and they nursed him, but in the process, he was holding me and one of his wounds opened up, which I quickly latched onto. I didn't take much, and no one was upset, but all were very surprised.

"So, they learned really fast that human blood was not something I could drink, but could, and needed, to live on super natural blood."

"That's how you can work with humans, how you can employ them."

"Yes, they hold no temptation for me at all. In fact, their blood is so vile to me; hell, for all I know, it could kill me if taken in high doses." He watched me as he slowly shook his head.

"I have never met a vampire who had never drunk human blood."

"Well, now you have. I really don't know what all your dad has told you Grayson, but I am very much like no one else; like no other vampire."

"That I am seeing." I took a couple bites of my salad before having a sip of wine. "Who were the witches that raised you?"

"Their names were Claudette, Celeste, and Jameson; the sisters were burned alive when I was around 20 years old and I never knew what happened to their brother." His fork fell to his plate as he looked at me.

"And you watched that?"

"Not all of it. I saw them being captured and taking to the fire pits, but had to leave as they were placed in them. I've been on my own ever sense."

"When did you stop aging?"

"As you well know, I'm sure, most vampires when turned look to be around 30, never quite understood how that gene worked, but for me, I stopped at 25."

"Ah, that's why you look so amazing." I smirked slightly as I took another sip of wine, tasting something different. Grayson watched me as I wrinkled my brow and this time, it was his turn to smirk. "What's wrong?"

"You know you aren't my first wolf, but there is a distinct taste of your blood and I can't place it."

"Have you ever had Alpha blood?" I narrowed my eyes a bit, getting the point behind the question, as if to say that's why it was special. I had no choice but to knock him down a peg on that little ego trip. Around the world a few times he might have been, but I have over 1800 years on him, I knew a lot more than he did.

"I have, your dad's, as a matter of fact." He grimaced at that and I tried hard not to laugh.

"Someday, I'm going to want the story to that, but not now. What are you tasting, how would you describe it?"

"Werewolf blood, to me, is already sweeter, which is why I enjoy it so much more. But yours is more savory and a bit tangy, nothing which has anything to do with being an Alpha."

"On that point, Fire, you are very wrong. It has everything to do with being an Alpha. I was born of two Alphas." This time, it was my fork that fell against the plate.

"That's impossible! No one has ever been from two Alpha parents. And Judith is not from an Alpha line, that I know for sure!"

"You know quite a bit about us, our species; and in particular, quite a bit about my mom."

"I've had the, uh, pleasure if you will, of meeting her a few times. But still, she's not from the alpha line."

"She's not my real mom."

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