Chapter 16 - The number 3

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"Uh, I know a few things. Like I know for a family of witches, there's no biting." He chuckled and nodded. "I've only ever seen one joining ceremony, as they call it."

"I saw a couple when I was living with the witches and one when I was traveling around."

"It's a three part process, and it starts when they join each other on the land they wish to live on and sanctify that spot, or bless it," I said.

"Isn't usually a mixture of their words to join?"

"From what I gathered, most of those incantations are in languages I don't even understand. I was only taught a few spells by my witches."

"Same here and they were the basic of them."

"An alpha who knows magic?"

"About as absurd as a vampire who does."

"Agreed," I said, smiling at him.

"I know they usually perform those in front of family and a few friends, almost like a wedding. They do have a brand the put on their finger, almost like a tattoo of a wedding band but not on the ring finger, although there was never an iron rod that I saw, just something spoken and I never could quite see the design."

"Its witches, everything they do is with incantations. The design is like a three point star, it's a Celtic infinity knot."

"How do you know that?"

"The ceremony that I went to was my friends and she showed me and explained what it was."

"And then it's ended with their hands joining and the families together and say their final incantations, right?" he asked

"Yes, all from what I gather. I guess all of us supernatural's here have our way of bonding, theirs just seem less painful."

"I guess. But, you know," Grayson started, his voice dropping to a sexy, husky sound, "when wolves mate, it's full of pleasure." I shivered as that voice trailed over my spine, engulfed my body and shot down to the very nerve of my center.

"Isn't it just some bite on the neck or something?" I looked up and into those eyes as they flashed and he smirked.

"Not at all, it's really so much more." His hands trailed over my back as I rested my head back on his chest and watched him.

"Oh, please Alpha, do share your ways with me." He moved his fingers down my side and grabbed the side of my stomach, causing me to shriek. "Rude," I mumbled but he chuckled and moved his hands to my back, his fingers moving up and down lightly.

"With wolves, anything that requires mating, is mating. We don't bite to claim without being in the sexual act."

"Hence the term mating."

"Yes, it's all a deep connection with your mate and therefore, what deeper spot can one be, then to be joined sexually with your mate?"

"Point well taken and agreed. So, it's obvious it's a lot more. What exactly happens?"

"Like I said, it's beyond a bite. Between the two mates, there is a vow spoken, claiming to support and be there, it starts the way the change happens."

"What change?" I asked

"As you know, we have two canines, much like you do."


"This one time change is what allows us to do, well basically brand our mate, it makes the canines release a sort of power to pierce the skin and leave the mark. And the biting has to happen as you reach your climax for that is what pushes the healing power in the bite to make it a mark.

"This process helps us to connect to our mates; it amplifies everything from feeling to thoughts as we usually feel what our mates are feeling. If at any time this process is not followed through, the link or connection is not there and the mark will look like a bite."

"God, there's rules for sex." I laugh, as did he.

"There's a ceremony one most follow, not rules."

"Is there a difference in the ceremony between a chosen mate and a sigma mate?"

"As far as I know, no. but I never asked my dad how things went with my real mom. There are a couple things I can't even bring up."

"Hmm, interesting."

"No one tried with you?"

"No one tried to bite me, and like I said, I honestly thought that was all it is." I tilted my head and my brown crinkled as my thoughts flew.

"What are you thinking about Fire?"

"The number 3." This time, it was his turn to have his brow crinkle.

"Why? What's so special about it?"

"My point. For all of us supernatural, our bonding rituals all consist of three; three part process, three part....things. The witches have to sanctify their bond in front of families, their land, and each other; 3. Wolves have to make a vow, have to pierce the skin, have to have sex; 3. And vampires....3." He sat up as he looked at me and I smiled, glad not all vampires had shared everything with him.

"What do you mean? I thought vampires just feed from a chosen beloved?"

"No, I mean yes, but it's a bit more complex than that. When you chose a beloved, you have them for the rest of your existence, so one must chose wisely.

"For our bonding, we have to bite three times, and one bite has to be visible, either wrist or neck. And with this, the bite is deeper than a feeding bite; it also starts the pheromones that cause us to have sex, which is why it's never done in viewing eyes.

"When a vampire bites anyone, we usually lick the wound to help heal it, but with this process, we don't, we let it heal on its own as doing so, it becomes our permanent mark. As far as the other two bites, they don't have to be visible, just any place where there is a vein, but all three bites and act must occur on the same night."

"What's the difference in bites?"

"When one feeds, we barely break the skin to cause the blood to flow. When we bite to bond, it's deeper, we get more in the vein to bring out the mark more; although it's not like a tattoo, but two actual holes."

"I don't recall ever seeing vampires with those."

"You probably won't. Having a beloved is a very hard commitment. When we go through this process, like wolves, there is a deeper connection and easily pick up on our beloved's thoughts and feelings for small amounts of time. Although, the one aspect that always remains in the ability to always feel your beloved; pain, anger, passion, all of that.

"But that's not the bad side. The after effects are. For the next three weeks after a bonding process, you can feed off of humans, but your main source of blood will be your beloved. After those three weeks, you lose taste for human blood, but you can still drink it; that's why having a beloved is hard. And if you feed off of another vampire, like a mated wolf cheating, your soul is ripped out from your; your pain is so intense. And you can imagine that if your beloved dies, you will within time, as your feeding essence is gone."

"But for you, and your bonding, how would that work if you can't feed off of vampires?"

"And that's why I can't have a beloved but a wolf, and since there has never been cross breeding..."

"Until now."

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