Chapter 9 - In an uproar

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"Damn it Grayson..." I looked at Dylan after his comment as he was glaring at Grayson.

"Dylan, can you come...oh, Fire, what a surprise. I thought that was your smell." We all turned to look at the former Beta and I smiled. "Nice to see you again."

"Same here; I'm going to miss talking with you David."

"Likewise. Excuse us, Dylan please come with me." We watched them go and Grayson tuned to me.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I love to." He sat his glass down and took my hand, leading me to the dance floor. "You know," I started as I rested my hand on his shoulder and his arm slipped around my waist, "you better stop growling at the little things, especially if you don't want everyone to know anything."

"I know, but it does feel very odd for me, and my beast, we have never been the possessive type and yet..." he trailed off and I smiled.

"I get it, but we still aren't sure what road this is all going down." He nodded and pulled me closer and I sighed to myself, taking in a deep breath, capturing the scent of the mutt, the scent of the roses and the cologne he had on, and it all made my mouth water. I had to swallow hard to push down the feeling.

"Are you okay?"

"Maybe being so close isn't good for my senses. Everything about you right now is making it very hard not to bite you."

"Is that all?" I laughed and tilted my head to the side, rolling my eyes. "What was that for?"

"The things I'm hearing." He glanced around but then looked at me.

"Who is saying what? And how the hell are you hearing anything?"

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Us supernatural's all have better senses but some of ours beats out the other supernatural's, like wolves were blessed with the gift of extra ordinary smell capabilities. And witches have amazing and keen eyesight. And us poor, puny and simple vampires have quite the best hearing of the bunch."

"So, what are you hearing?"

"What the other she wolves are saying. It's no mystery what I am, if my stench doesn't give it away, than my looks do, especially compared to the wolves." He glanced around and then locked eyes with mine.

"We will come back to that. But you still didn't answer my question."

"You have quite the fan club here it seems, as well as a couple past flings." I tried to keep my posture and breathing the same, not wanting to think about the past both him and I had; after all, he was 32, highly doubt a virgin. And not that it should bother me anyway. Again, wasn't sure what road this all was going to take, so couldn't let it bother me. But, I was also smart enough to know that not being honest with myself was the worst thing I could do, so with that thought, I had to be careful because, yes as dumb as it was, it bothered me.

"Ah, yes I do." He let my waist go to spin me around and brought me back. "So, what are they saying?"

"That the wrong female is in your arms, that they can't understand how you could want to be close to me, that the stench must be awful, and that you should," with the next comment I pulled back to look at him, "be hiding in some dark corner and fucking them."

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