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(AN: I do not own the Aot characters.)

F/n Pov

You woke up from a long restless night reading fanfics till 3 and texting your friends about them. You lazily hauled yourself out from bed and into the shower. Once dressed, you make your way downstairs to the kitchen. The scent of cinnamon rolls hits your nose causing your stomach to growl. You see your mom placing them on the table. The banquet of sweets looked appealing in front of you.

Before you could reach one, your mom slapped a spatula on the table, causing you to quickly cringe your arm away. You look at her, feeling annoyed. This wasn't the first time she did something like this. "I'm hungry."

You tried to sound dramatic and weak. "Have you cleaned anything lately?" she demanded. You heard the growling in your stomach thicken. You looked at your mom to see if she heard, but she had her attention focused on your response.

Sighing, you shook your head. "No, but I'll clean after I eat breakfast." Your mom slid the plate of cinnamon rolls further from your grasp. As she did, the glaze dripped slowly down, making your mouth water.

"Mom, please," you begged. "I'll do it after I'm finsihed eating. I promise." She narrowed her eyes and gripped the spatula tightly. She held it in front of your face which made you step back a little. Your mom did overeact about cleanliness.

You were used to it, but it still annoyed you greatly. "Clean the dishes after too," was her reply. She then left the kitchen with the spatula in her hands

. You sat down on one of the table's chairs and began eating. So this is how Levi's squad must feel like*, you thought. You heaved a sigh. *What's worse, my mom or Levi?*

You finished eating and started with the dishes. You looked at the sink, preparing for the piles of plates awaiting you. As you placed your plate down in the sink, you saw a single spoon. Signing out in relief, you rinse out the spoon and plate and placed them on the drying rack.

You then headed up the stairs and saw your mom standing in front of your door. "Wash the walls," she told you, stepping to the side. Annoyance and irritation filled your body. But you didn't show it, esspecially in front of your mom.

"Alright," you said stepping into your room. "Hmph," you heard your mom say. You rolled your eyes and pulled up your sleeves. "Wash the walls," you mutter.

In your room, posters of a variety of animes you watched were hung up around. You took them down each as carefully as you can. As you did, you came across with a Levi one.

You looked at it and before you knew it, his features began to hypnotize you. His stoic gaze looked directly at your (e/c) eyes. His green cape swirled behind him. You were now staring at the poster for quite a while, admiring his facial features.

"What are you doing?" The sound of your mom's voice startled you. She made her way towards and glanced at what you were looking at. When she examined to what you were staring at, she scoffed and muttered something under her breath.

You wondered what your mom thought of humanity's greatest soldier. She then took the poster down roughly and folded it. Your eyes widened at the crease your mom made on Levi's face. "Mom!" you gasped.

She walked to the door. "Is this what's making you distracted (y/n)?" she demanded. "If it is, then I'm throwing it away." Anger surged through your body. You clenched your hand into a fist, making it clear to your mom what she said was hurtful.

"Mom, just stop," you told her. "I've been cleaning all day yesterday and barely had any time for a break, let alone for myself. I'm sure you have the ability to clean too. Also my poster is not a distraction. I was just admiring it." You were very frustrated at your mom for demanding so much from you. Today you were finally fed up with it.

Your mom turned her head and left your room with the poster, clutched in her hand. "Finish cleaning," she said. She spoke normally. You gritted your teeth. It clearly felt nothing changed. She could have at least took a poster that had Petra on it you thought angerly.

(AN: Not a Petra fan because of reasons.) You breathed your frustration out and resumed taking your posters down. As you were, you suddenly heard your cellphone's ringtone: "Oi Eren!" With Levi's voice in your ears, it made you feel a bit better.

You reached in your back pocket and pulled out your phone.

-Convo with BFF-

Bff- Heyyyy french fry-san

You- Yo ketchup-kun

A/N- Cuz your friendship with ur bff is as important as dipping your french fry in ketchup... (Yes i do need help...)

Bff- You wanna go to the mall and watch a movie with me???

You- I can't .-.


You- Cuz Ketchup-kun my mom is acting like Levi today...

Bff- Sucks to be you nugget

You- yea...

Bff- So like nah then?

You- Nah .-.

Bff- Ttyl

-End of convo-

You put your phone back in your pocket. Frustration seeped slowly with in your body. Mom just had to act like this today you thought. What bad timing. You heaved a sigh and decided to start cleaning your walls. It really did feel riduculous. As you resumed back taking your posters off the wall, you thought of how it would feel having an AOT character living with you. Yet, which one would it be? Levi instantly came into your mind of course. His cleanliness behavior was something you would quickly adjust putting up with. Since your mom was similar of couse. You would not mind having Levi as an exchange student. But what about someone else?

(AN: Salutations f/n. This is my first fanfic I've published online. Hopefully you'll continue to more of my story whenever it's updated. Sayonara.)

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