Almost there

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 (Hello children of the world who decided to read this. I thank you.)

"We're going to explore the outside world someday, right? Far beyond these walls, there's flaming water, land made of ice, and fields of sand spread wide. It's the world my parents wanted to go to."

 Brought to you by Armin's cinnamon buns. Let the glaze drip down.

"F/N was it? I-I'm sorry about Mikasa," Armin stuttered.

 His face was a little red from embarrassment. He dragged his luggage behind him, following you shyly with his head down.

 "Our first encounter with each other got ruined." You shook your head and smiled.

 "Don't worry about it Armin," you assured.

 "I know how Mikasa acts and how protective she normally is." Armin managed to look up at you. He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders.

 Sighing he said, "Yeah she is. I want her to leave me be sometimes. But I mostly want her to stop being over protective of Eren and me. It's... it's making me feel weak..." He finished his last sentence more quietly and almost to himself.

 You looked at the blonde boy, having that feeling of sympathy well up inside of you. It was true Mikasa was that kind of person towards Eren and Armin. But mostly Armin since Eren would always thrust her away.

Well that figures, you thought to yourself. Once again, you were in deep thought when you did not notice where you were walking. Before you crashed into someone, Armin nudged you firmly aside, causing your leg movements to change direction.

"Oh I wasn't paying attention," you quickly said. "Thanks Armin."

He nodded his head, shyness still not leaving his body. Probably when he's living with me, I could loosen up his personality a bit. Thoughts began to enter your mind of Armin being corrupted.

 Hiding your smirk from him was better than telling him what's on your mind. It would have to wait then. You and Armin had made it back to where your mom was waiting impatiently near the exit to leave the airport.

 You wanted to say, "Prepare yourself." But her gaze perked up and stopped when she saw Armin walking with you. She came closer to greet him.

 "Hello!" she nearly exclaimed.

 Your mom reached her hand out to shake hands. Armin seemed to look frail as his hand was taken and was shaken almost roughly.

 "N-nice to m-meet you miss," Armin greeted softly.

 His face turned to a darker shade of red. "Please, call me Mrs. (L/N)," your mom told the nervous boy. "Actually mom sounds better doesn't it? That won't bother me at all."

 Armin smiled a little at this. You felt a little embarrassed at this yourself. Your mom did not usually act like this in front of you. Only towards other people that is.

 Now realizing what was going to happen, you just wanted your insides to pour out of you.  Crap, now I'll have to put up with her fake act  for a while now. You felt like bursting, but you managed to hold it in.

 At least your mom would not show her true nature in front of Armin. You weren't really sure of this though. Armin gave you a quick sideways nervous glance. His expression was clear.

 Your mom was acting a bit loud and almost demanding it seemed. "So, we should get-" You were interrupted when your mom looked at you, asking a question.

 "F/N, are those this girl's books?"

You narrowed your eyes, trying not to roll them in front of her. Mistaking Armin as a girl was not the first time it happened. Nodding your head you replied,

 "Yes, mom. But 'this girl' is actually a boy."

Your mom looked confused. "Oh really? Well, I'm sorry," she told Armin. He did not react at this. It looked as if he was mistaken as a girl a lot of times before.

 "Alright then, we should go now," you finally said. Your mom took Armin's luggage in her hands without saying anything.

 "Wait, it's ok I-I can-" "Please, relax yourself," your mom reassured him. "F/N, the books." With that, you simply gave them to her, not wanting to refuse.

 Armin's eyes were widened, plainly showing their blue hues. Your mom was now carrying all of Armin's belongings as she made her way out the door.

 Armin was reluctant to follow you out the exit. "Will she be alright carrying all that?" he asked, a little concerned.

You tried to explain the ways your mom worked. She was the type to do everything in a hurry with no questions asked. Not even being annoyed with it was what surprised Armin.  He whispered a 'wow' in response.

You were now all making the journey back toward the car in which your mom parked far away. Putting your hands in your pocket, you felt the paper Mikasa gave you earlier.

 When you pulled it out, Armin looked rather annoyed. You eyed him curiously.

 "What's with all these contacts?" you asked him.

 Sighing, Armin fell into pace with you. "As I said before, Mikasa doesn't stop with her over protectiveness of me." His voice sounded almost annoyed.

 You knew Armin had a point there. Looking more closely at the list of contacts, you saw familiar names. "Whoa, Levi's phone number is on here?" you blurted out.

 "We should definitely prank call him!"

 Armin looked terrified. His expression was clear he didn't want to do it. "What are you saying, F/N? Prank call Levi? You're just digging your own grave!"

 Armin actually sounded scared from past experiences he had. You were a little shocked to hear this from him.

 "My friend Sasha did that once," Armin to explained you, his voice sounding serious. "Let me tell you, it didn't end well. The broom was in his clutches!" You saw as Armin flinched.

It looked at if the memories were playing before him again. "What does that mean?" you wondered  out loud.

 "When Levi has a broom, anything could happen. It's either cleaning or death," Armin told you in a dark like warning.  

You decided it would be best to drop the topic. But you really wanted to find out what would  Levi's reaction be toward you. You folded the paper back into your pocket, feeling determined to make this happen one day.

 Arriving at the car, your mom put Armin's belongings together in the back, while Armin and you got situated in the middle. He pulled the seat belt over him, making sure it was secure. You were the only one not wearing  it.

 With your mom driving, it was less likely for an accident to happen. You looked out the window, feeling your excitement returning. Finally Armin was arriving to your home in a matter of miles that is. The wait would be worth it.


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