Levi N' Waffles

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Salutations to all out there reading this.

You were in bed feeling that same feeling whenever you read a good fanfic at around 3:00 A.M. Scrolling down your phone's screen, you realized it was almost over.

It was really good. You had been reading and trying to finish it the entire night. Finally you had found a Levi X Reader fan fiction you did not read yet.

Now you were finished reading the author's masterpiece only to find out there was not another chapter. You hated when this happened.

Now you had to wait for the next update. Or would the author even continue it? Sighing, you laid on your back simply staring at your phone's screen, not knowing what else to do.

Placing it down, you allowed your tired eyes to drift off to sleep. You stood awake all night. This was normal for you of course. But it came with consequences.

Suddenly, your eyes were disturbed from their rest. You were awoken by the loud twisting of your door knob. Only one person could make that much of a ruckus; your mom.

"F/N, don't blame me if you're late," she said loudly. It shook your mind. You brought your phone up and saw the time which read 7:30 A.M.

School started at 8:00. Only half an hour you had left to get ready and be there. You were just in your sleeping state until you were quickly pulled out of it. It felt as if seconds went by.

Hauling yourself out of bed, you didn't bother to fix it. You wanted to get situated with yourself now. Taking a shower first and wearing your school uniform, you still felt tiredness throughout your body.

After your morning procedure, you headed downstairs to the kitchen. There you saw the blonde haired boy.

Your eyes widen at the events that happened last night. You remembered Armin being literally frozen.

All he could do was breath. Did he like really freak out over what Mikasa would think, you thought to yourself. It was just past 8:30.

Letting the thought go you entered the kitchen and greeted him. "Morning," you yawned. Armin looked up from his waffles. "Oh hey," he responded.
"You woke up rather late."

You shrugged. "I always do this," you told him. Pulling out a chair next to Armin, you sat down and started eating your breakfast.

Your mom had made chocolate chip waffles with whip cream on top. Sliced strawberries were also added as a topping on it.

There were three waffles stacked neatly on each other in front of you. You picked up your fork and slashed the utensil through the delicate whip cream.

Your hand made it's made to the very bottom of the triple decker. Cutting a piece, you savored the sweet taste. Your mom was amazing.

Armin held his glass of milk and sipped at it. "Are we walking to school?" he asked.

You thought for a moment. The distance from where you lived and the location of your school was a pretty fair walk.

Normally your mom drove you school. Probably she'll just lecture us throughout the entire ride, you thought, annoyed. Walking didn't seem that bad.

But at the same time, you did feel lazy.

"Sure, if that's what you want," you shrugged your shoulders. You quickly returned back to eating your waffles.

Armin shook his head, a nervous expression was back on his face. "N-no, it's okay if you don't want to," he said quickly.

You swallowed your mouthful of waffles. Armin did always show his kind and nervous side. You decided to get down to the point and not make a big deal out of this.

"Armin it's alright, we're walking," you told him. He nodded his head slowly. He returned back to drinking his beverage.

Armin nearly choked on it when your mom came into the kitchen without any warning. "F/N, the bus comes in 2 minutes," she told you in almost a warning.

Armin placed his hand unto his heart. He nearly died as it seems. Your mom instantly noticed and approached the frightened boy.

"Are you sick Armin? Don't force yourself to go to school," she offered him. You tore at your waffles, wanting to blurt out something.

Whenever you were sick, your mom still made you go to school. It was also only if you were on your death bed. But simply just nearly choking on milk, your mom offered Armin to skip school?

You didn't find that to be a reason. You kept your mouth only open for eating the waffles.

"I'm fine now," Armin replied. "Besides, F/N and I are walking to school. It's good for me to see the neighborhood too." For some reason, Armin clearly showed signs of being frightened from your mom.

He kept cupping his hands around his glass as if he was trying to shatter it into broken glass shards. "I'm here for you Armin," your mom informed him. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Armin quickly nodded his head. Your mom said no more and left the kitchen. You had now finished your waffles. Probably now would be the right time to get going. You pushed your chair from the table and stood up.

"Oh, we're going now?" Armin asked. "Might as well," you sighed. You both took your plates and glass to the sink. Your mom would clean them of course. Getting the belongings needed for class, you and Armin ventured outside and began the short journey to school.

The weather was rather relaxing. Cool breezes blew from here to there. The sun's rays wasn't hitting you too hard.

While walking, you kept checking your phone to see if the author posted any updates for the Levi fan fiction you were reading this morning. You had to read about what happened next.

Your mind was staying intent on reading it. No going back, you thought almost helplessly.

Armin out of curiosity, asked, "Are you waiting for someone to text to you?"

You shook your head and wasn't sure if you were to tell to him about your obsession with Levi Ackerman. Well since he's living with you, he might as well be informed.

"Er, well you see Armin, I really like Levi a lot," you began. "And I'm reading this fan fiction of him.

"Armin looked surprised at this. "Y-you really like him?" he checked, in astonishment. Nodding, you showed him your lock screen.

When didn't Levi look so badass? Armin took a quick sideways glance at the screen. He murmured something but you couldn't hear.

Now you were in your Levi obsession mode. When weren't you? You pressed on walking down the side walk.

"So do you ship him with Eren?" you asked, grinning. Armin halted in his tracks. You stopped too and looked behind. He gave you a bizarre look.

"F/N, how did you find out about that?" he asked almost fearful. When wasn't Armin giving you strange looks?

"The internet?" you replied, awkwardly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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