Cleaning Over

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(I do not own the Aot characters)

An hour of strenuous cleaning had passed and you collasped onto the ground. Yours walls were wet from the sponge you used on them. They were not dirty in the first place, you thought, feeling annoyed. You had made sure to keep your posters in a safe place where water won't reach them, and possibly your mom from taking another one away. Checking the time on your phone made you feel exhausted. It was now 1:00 P.M. The day you were living in now seemed wasted. You wondered if Levi's crew ever felt like this. Always having to be told to clean and must always having to meet Heichou's standards is certainly no easy task.

This had happened many times in the past. But you hated it when your mom made you clean on your days off from school. Just by thinking about all of this, you did not realize your eyes were closed. You let out a yawn and decided to  get comfortable. A quick nap probably won't hurt you. This was something you needed desperately to regain yourself.

 You tossed the yellow sponge in the small bucket beside you. Jumping to your feet, you crawled into your sheets and rested your head against that soft pillow. You signed in relief. Finally was a time for getting some rest and peace. Closing your eyes, you slowly drifted to sleep. A dream of some sort was making its way into your head when you suddenly opened your eyes. A thud was what sprang into your ears and woke you up.

It was as if seconds went by. The dream dissolved instantly and left you making out the images of realitly in front of you; your room's ceiling, sheets, and your mom. You moaned and stretched your legs. Your mom was standing in the door way. An impatient look was clearly on her face. "F/N, you were not done cleaning for today," she told you. "Come on and get up. Help me with the yard's work." Before she could turn away and leave, you swiftly sat up and said, "Mom, please, I think I've done enough cleaing throughout this week. This is my weekend to actually get some sleep," you added.

 The expression on your mom's face did not change. She sighed quietly and crossed her arms. "You should know by now what my expectations are, F/N." Since your hands were hiddened inside the blankets, you clenched them tightly. "I do know what they are." You tried to talk calmly so you would convince your mom to stop this obsessive cleaning habit. "Can you listen to me? This has got to stop. It's annoying and is effecting my time everyday. I'm sure there wouldn't be a speck of dirt to be seen for quite a while. Windex is being sprayed constantly everywhere. Mom, you and I have cleaned thoroughly."

 You saw as the expression on your mom's face softened. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You did the best to make your statements sound not so harsh to make your mom angry. You waited for her reply. "F/N, cleaning was something I was told to do everyday by my own mother. Now that I have reached the age I am in, it has sunk in completely. I did not even realize it bothered you so nor effected you," she explained. She opened her eyes and did not avoid your gaze. Instead she said, "Alright, you could take a break from cleaning." You finally felt true relief flood into you. Cleaning can finally be off your mind.

 Something actually felt good towards you. You shifted in bed and fell back against your pillow. "Finally," you heaved a long sigh. Your mom left your room, leaving you to enjoy this comfort you at last obtained. Would Levi ever do this, you thought. His squad must then feel the same way I'm feeling now. But for some reason, it did not seem possible.

 Shrugging,  you pulled out your phone to check if you received any text messages. There were none that appeared on your screen. You then thought back of having an exchange student living with you. Being an only child normally felt lonely. But who? This felt like a good time to ask your mom about it. Your cleaning duties given by your mom was at last situated. You got up and charged your phone. The time now read 4:09 P.M.

Your dad would be returning from work at around 5:00. He had a fun job. He was like Willy Wonka, working and owning a candy facility. Your dad also had these type of little men helping him operate the factory and making the candy. You met them many times. They always offer you sweets of many sorts. (AN: Willy Wonka AF here.)

 You went downstairs and saw your mom sewing together a pair of pants in the living room. Doesn't she ever quit, you thought hopelessly. She looked up, glanced at you, and went back to sewing. "Just trying to fix these," she murmured. You sat on the opposite side couch of the living room. Once comforable and stopped shifting, you began, "Hey mom, lately this cleaning has gotten a hold on me. I know you gave me a break and all, but I thought it would be a good time to have an exchange student living with us for sometime."

Your mom did not stop to look at you nor with her sewing. She kept at it in a fast past. You watched as the thread circled around the needle. "An exchanged student?" she asked. You nodded your head in agreement. "I am an only child of course," you reminded her. She stopped and put her sewing down. "From what country, hm?" she asked.

You knew the one and only place you've always wanted to go to. "Uh, Japan," you replied. She did not react at this for she knew how much you liked the country and what it offered. Anime, manga, and food were what you enjoyed best of course. Your mom would always catch you doing these things in your free time.

She then said, "That does sound like a good idea," she agreed. "Maybe he or she can help with the chores." You held back your protest. You did not want whoever was going to live here have to be put up with tasks. The person should have a good time, you thought. Your mom got up and headed towards the kitchen. She came back wih keys in her hand. "I'll see if there's an exchange student program in the air port." You quickly got up, feeling excitement within you. Finally, things would be different.   

 (AN: Salutions. Armin Arlert shall appear in the next chapter. He'll be the cinnamon bun that will keep on sticking. Please look out for it.)  


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